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Cum ajung din A în B?

Started by dr4qul4, August 11, 2014, 01:57:18 PM

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So they started now the construction at this road junction? :O

That means there will be much more difficult traffic for example this summer months? :O

How can i avoid this area at best conditions?

Because i drive from the A1 from Pitesti to Bucuresti and then to the south to Giurgiu to the Romanian-Bulgarian Border.

But the "new" road should also be good and as much as possible not through many villages :)


De la Vintu se poate intra pe A1 prin spatiu de servicii de la Pianu. Dar nu e nod oficial, nu e marcat pe teren (nu stiu sigur pe waze daca apare). Dar sincer sa fiu nu cred ca e cazul sa te ingrozeasca Lancram asa tare.

Podul de la Turda il poti ocoli si prin zona industriala. Ok, drum distrus, dar vorbim de 1 kilometru...

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Pentru Cazanele Dunarii cobori de la Deva pe Hateg Caransebes si apoi ai 2 variante: Bigar Dubova Orsova sau invers pe Caransebes Orsova Dubova Bigar Caransebes. Vacanta placuta!

Trimis de pe al meu SM-G930F folosind Tapatalk


Let's not jump to conclusions! :)
Sure demolition is part of the construction, but the problem is that we don't have money. So after the demolition there might be some time after starting any kind of construction

If you come on week-end - take DNCB. There is some traffic, but not so much.
You can try this during week days:

Seems good from what I see here:


The road is good, unfortunately with many villages and a little bit narrow . You can also re-enter to DNCB after Domnești ( even at Domnești in fact) . I use it  quite often.


Quote from: carutasul on May 19, 2018, 09:49:59 PM
The road is good, unfortunately with many villages and a little bit narrow . You can also re-enter to DNCB after Domnești ( even at Domnești in fact) . I use it  quite often.

In which way for example?

Can you explain that way a bit more?

Ah ok you mean, even in the summer vacations months then:
During the week i should better take an other road to avoid this road junction or?

And on Saturdays and sundays i could take the DNCB?


We can't say how the traffic will be when the construction will start :).  The crossing road has priority so you can expect big problems in the evening, when most of people go to Bucharest, and in the evening, when... vice versa. But during working days there is enough traffic to generate jam all time. ( In the night I think is clean)
When you use DJ401A you can follow it till his end ( as I usually do) , to DN5 ( plenty of villages, but small traffic) or go  back to DNCB for example using DN6 . The traffic on DNCB isn't problematic after Domnești, so the choice between the two could be more or less related to your style of driving . On DNCB could be faster ( I didn't counted) but the traffic is high, so personally I prefer DJ401A even some time I need to wait behind the local bus or garbage truck.


You should also consider to use DN6 from Lugoj instead of A1.
In this way you can avoid Bucharest and the bridge over Arges on DN5 that will be soon closed for maintenance and you'll need to use a temporary one.


For sure this is the best road to get from Nadlac to Giurgiu. One of the shortest, but for sure the fastest, with the best asphalt quality and you'll avoid all major cityes (it circle around them). Plus there are no traffic jams.
Pariu cu Radu_A. 200 lei  (la API). El zice ca UMB pana la sfarsit de 2025 termina: A7 pana la Bacau, Dx6, A0 si DX12 T4. Eu sunt mai pesimist


is there a possibility to check on a website how much traffic jam on this road junction actually is or not so?

Why had been the posts from yesterday in english with the advises how to avoid this area cleaned here?  :-(   :-(


yep. Use Waze.
It is the best traffic routing app in RO. And heavily used here.


Quote from: AUT_XY on May 20, 2018, 01:55:21 PM
Why had been the posts from yesterday in english with the advises how to avoid this area cleaned here?  :-(   :-(

Probably because you were asking the same things on three different topics (related somehow). So, looks like a moderator moved your posts here, where it is more appropiate. And this way we keep the other topics "on topic" :)
Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


- de obicei gâtuirea la Lancrăm e a orele după amiezii, pe direcția dinspre Sebeș. Cum zicea și pasadia, nu ar trebui să te îngrozești prea mult.
- evitarea Turzii prin A3 nu merită decât dacă stai în Florești. Altfel, nu e așa aiurea nici traversarea pe DN1 pe Arieș (nu sunt tot timpul cozi kilometrice), nici în cel mai rău caz să mergi prin zona industrială. Vezi ce recomandă waze la momentul concret când ești tu prin zonă


Daca ai masina mica alege Turda prin zona industriala. Este asa cum a spus pasadia.

panda_no 5

O sugestie de traseu intre Bucuresti si Edirne?
Se lucreaza pe undeva oare?


 Varianta cea mai folosită este București - Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo - Gurkovo - Nova Zagora - Stara Zagora - Dimitrovgrad - Svilengrad și mai este varianta prin Gabrovo - Kazanlak, varianta dată de G maps prin Razgrad - Kotel nu este bună, drumul este foarte prost prin munți. lucrări sunt la Jilava și am înteles că pe la Dimitrovgrad se lucrează la reabilitarea centurii, drumul Ruse - Veliko este cam de galben. De la Dimitrovgrad la Edirne ai autostradă.