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Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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Din martie 2013 drumul spre Grecia v-a fi mai scurt pentru cei din zona Munteniei, Dobrogei si Moldovei, dupa ce Pasul Makaza v-a fi deschis traficului. De la granita Bulgariei cu Grecia pana la zona litorala mai sunt doar 20km. 
"Bulgaria, Greece to Launch Key Border Pass Crossing in March 2013
December 17, 2012
The Prime Ministers of Bulgaria and Greece, Boyko Borisov (right) and Antonis Samaras (left), at the joint sitting in Athens. BGNES The long-anticipated opening of the Makaza Pass border crossing point between Bulgaria and Greece will take place in March 2013, it emerged after the second ever joint sitting of the two nations' Cabinets of Monday.
According to Greek PM Antonis Samaras, the Makaza Pass border crossing point will boost trade and tourism between Bulgaria and Greece.
Bulgaria's authorities have recently complained that the Makaza Pass should have become operational already but there were delays in the construction of the road on the Greek side of the border. Officials stated on several occasions recently that the vastly delayed opening of the crossing point at the Makaza mountain pass on the Bulgarian-Greek border was the fault of Greece.
Bulgaria has been ready to launch the Makaza crossing since November 2011. According to Bulgaria's Borisov Cabinet, the only obstacle to the opening of the Makaza border crossing was the lack of a 1.5-km-long road on the Greek side of the border.
The Ruse-Makaza road linking Romania and Greece through Central Bulgaria is supposed to be part of the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 9 leading from Helsinki, the Baltic States, Moscow, Kiev, and Bucharest to the Greek port of Alexandroupolis on the Aegean.
However, the international transport corridor, which harbors the potential to stimulate the development of much of Bulgaria's central regions, does not function at present because the Makaza Pass in the Rhodope Mountains on the Bulgarian-Greek border remains closed.
This is in spite of numerous promises in the past five years by senior Bulgarian and Greek politicians that a border crossing point there will be opened "next year."
The delay in the opening of the Makaza Pass, which is some 20 km north of Greece's Aegean coastline, has been consistently attributed to the slow construction of the road on the Greek side of the border. When it becomes fully operational, the Ruse-Makaza Pass road will provide the shortest route from Romania's capital Bucharest (and much of Central and Eastern Europe, for that matter) to the Aegean / Mediterranean.
On Bulgaria's territory the Ruse-Makaza Pass road (section of Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 9) goes through Ruse, Byala, Veliko Tarnovo, Dryanovo, Gabrovo, the Shipka Pass (Balkan Mountain), Kazanlak, Stara Zagora, Dimitrovgrad, Haskovo, Kardzhali, and Momchilgrad to reach Makaza. It is dubbed Road I-5 (E-85) for Bulgarian government purposes.
Last year a long-anticipated decision of the Bulgarian government to make the Ruse-Makaza road a "priority project" was justified with the need to absorb EU funds under Operational Program "Transport", which would allow faster administrative procedures for investments, land expropriation, and construction. The Bulgarian government plans to turn the road in question into a "high-speed way" (with four lanes).
The actual realization on European Transport Corridor No. 9, however, also depends on the realization of one of the most-talked about infrastructure projects in Bulgaria in the past 20 years – the construction of a tunnel under the Shipka Pass in the Stara Planina Mountain (Balkan Mountain), which is supposed to improve greatly the transport links between Northern and Southern Bulgaria along the Ruse-Makaza route.
At present, Bulgaria and Greece share four border crossing points: Kulata-Promachonas, Ilinden-Exochi, Svilengrad-Ormenion, and Zlatograd-Thermes (Xanti)."


Nu sunt doar 20km pana pe coasta, in linie dreapta sunt cam 40km, probabil ca pe sosea vor fi cam 50km. Oricum este un nou punct de trecere a frontierei binevenit, chiar daca zona aceea de litoral este mai putin turistica. Totusi probabil ca pentru Thassos Zlatograd va ramane varianta optima.


De la granita Bulgariei cu Grecia, Pasul Makara pana la Komotini de unde se intra pe autostrada (Egnatia Odos) 2/E90 sunt doar 25km, iar de aici pana la Salonic sunt 240km pe autostrada. Ruta de la Bucuresti ar fi Bucuresti-Ruse-Veliko Tarnovo-Gabrovo-Pasul Shipka-Kazanlak-Stara Zagora- Dumitrovgrad-Haskovo-Kardzhali-Momchilgrad-Pasul Makara-Komotini. Unele sectuni sunt drum expres(Kazanlak-Stara Zagora 25km) sau pe doua bezi pe sens. De la Bucuresti pana la Pasul Makara sunt 435km, deci Bucuresti-Salonic cam 700km. Nu am fost in Grecia cu masina si nu stiu cat este distanta pe Sofia. In Bulgaria am vizitat cam tot ce era interesant de vizitat. In zona Kardzhali se gasesc cateva obiective interesante.
Tatul-templul lui Orfeu

Podul Roman Ardino

Fenomenul natural Nunta de Piatra (tufa vulcanica)

Rezarvatia Arhitecturala Zlatograd (Orasul de Aur)

Situl Tracik Perpenikon

Fenomenul natural Ciupercile(tufa vulcanica)

Si aceste sunt din Melnic (rezervatia arhitecturala Melnic si Piramidele din Nisip)  ce se gaseste la 20km de granita Bulgariei cu Grecia de pe ruta Sofia-Salonic


Bucuresti-Salonic prin Sofia sunt cam 685km, insa drumul mi se pare mai usor, chiar daca este mai aglomerat. Totusi este interesant ca si variatie, si chiar foarte interesant in drum spre Thassos, pe langa drumul prin Zlatograd-Xanthi.

Insa cea mai buna varianta de a traversa Bulgaria mi se pare ca nu e prin pasul sipka, ci prin pasul republika, pas mult mai jos si mai usor, cu drum 1+2 pe multe sectiuni, si care e si mai scurt. Acesta mi se pare traseul optim pana la kardzhali:,+Rom%C3%A2nia&daddr=42.5814341,25.5481156+to:%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BB.+%E2%80%9E%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%E2%80%9C%2FTraseul+5&hl=ro&ie=UTF8&sll=42.514626,26.16394&sspn=1.002119,2.705383&geocode=Fc8QpgId1zaOASlPrTy_OvmxQDEoppx84zIGrA%3BFbq9iQIdU9WFASnNXi2Ag1moQDGQtqTQfPoV4w%3BFXt8ewIduSaDAQ&oq=salonic&mra=dvme&mrsp=1&sz=9&via=1&t=m&z=9

Am mers pe ambele, atat pe sipka cat si pe republika si daca vrei sa ajungi mai repede republika e varianta optima, daca vrei un traseu mai spectaculos cu mai multe de vazut alegi sipka.


Sectiunea de autostrada M3 din Ungaria de la Niyregyhaza pana la Or se va deschide circulatiei in ianuarie 2013, cel putin asa zic pe Si uite asa devine tot mai scurt drumul pana la autostrada a celor din nord-vestul Romaniei si nu numai.  :)
Politica distruge tot ce atinge.



Dap e aproape gata( apare deja Satu Mare  pe indicatoare  )     si par a finaliza lucrarile in luna Mai 2013
Mai bine sa ratacesti in padure decat fara padure!

A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Da, zic ca in a2-a jumatate a lunii ianuarie deschid pana la Or (pana la drumul 49 care merge spre Petea) si apoi in luna mai restul pana la Vasarosnameny, care pe noi romanii intereseaza mai putin pentru ca e spre Ucraina.  :D
Politica distruge tot ce atinge.


Pe unde trece? Intre Vaja si Ör? Sau la est de Ör?


In GM se vad urme de la descarcari arheologice la sud si est de Or ,se poate intui traseul si dupa.,22.165089&spn=0.012631,0.033023&t=h&z=16



sau cum arata Tonica

Mai bine sa ratacesti in padure decat fara padure!

A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Merci de raspunsuri.
Se apropie binisior de granita. Daca am scapa si de Jarmi si Mateszalka pe viiitor, parca erau ceva planuri in cativa ani buni, ar fi destul de convenabil. Mateszalka e destul de marisoara, dar daca ar construi o autostrada si s-ar ocoli, nu ar mai fi nici un oras pana la granita cu RO.

Am avea  in 2014-2015 conexiune la Nadlac, si suntem la 50/65 km departare de autostrazile care incep pt noi la Ör si la Debretin. Sunt curios ce forta vor avea ungurii in viitorul apropiat si ce investitii vor incepe, daca vor incepe.


Venind inspre Romania este la iesirea din Or spre Mateszalka urcarea pe autostrada, practic la circa 45 km de Petea.
Politica distruge tot ce atinge.


Am venit ieri din RO spre Germania (Dresda). In Cehia pe D1 s-a circulat foarte greu in conditii grele de iarna, ningea extrem de tare si era multa zapada pe carosabil. Dupa Praga, spre Dresda, pe D8 s-a circulat foarte bine, zapada mult mai mica aici si carosabil doar umed. Cand intrati in Germania dinspre Cehia pe D8 sunt sanse mari sa fiti opriti de politia germana, mai ales noaptea cand sunt putine masini. Pe mine m-au oprit de 2 ori pana acum, control de acte, nimic deosebit.


Cum e pe D1 in conditiilde de iarna prezentate de tine? Zdruncina tot asa tare?
Cand te opreste politia o face in zona vamii sau te scoate de pe autobahn in parcare?
Mai bine sa ratacesti in padure decat fara padure!

A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Quote from: ciprebbe on December 27, 2012, 12:01:00 PM
Ar trebui ca Satu Mare sa fie trecut cu denumirea oficiala in limba romana si nu varianta in limba maghiara. E o chestie de bun simt care nu se prea se regaseste la vecinii nostri dinspre vest (mai ales cind e vorba de localitati din Romania).
Deșteaptă-te române!