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Industria în Europa

Started by RaduC, November 14, 2019, 12:04:59 AM

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Între timp, Intel investește încă €3 mld in Irlanda. Țara are 4 mil. jumate de locuitori. Fair play


Austria's last coal-fired power station closes as the country pushes renewables

In a move welcomed by environmental organizations, Austria's last operational coal-fired power station has shut down.

The Mellach facility, in the province of Styria, had generated electricity and heat for 34 years, according to Austrian utility Verbund. Its closure, announced Friday, comes as the Austrian government attempts to meet its target of producing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by the year 2030.
Bucovina sustine autostrada A7
Pariu 500 lei: UMB termina tot Buzău - Focșani, 4 loturi, 82 km pana in 5 iulie 2025!


sincer...industria va devenii din nou f importanta

tari ca Romania sunt avantajate,chiar daca exista conceptia ca nu mai avem fapt stam infinit mai bine decat tari ca Grecia ( unde turismul are cea mai mare contributie in PIB )
"Eficienta" cnair...claimuri de sute de milioane de lei,puse pe tava constructorilor pentru proiecte inexistente ( LD2 sect E ; LD 3 ; A10 )

DESFIINTATI compania Antiinfrastructura


Vecinii maghiari construiesc, cu MOL (Petromul unguresc) ca beneficiar, cel mai mare parc chimic din estul Europei, care va produce materie prima pentru industria auto, de impachetare, precum si pentru mobila. Investitia totala e de aproximativ 1,2 miliarde de €. Nu sunt pe internet prea multe informatii, dar aici e un articol de presa de la contractorul principal, gigantul german thysenkrupp. Santierul e vizibil din satelit (Google Maps).

Mi-a placut filmuletul asta ce prezinta pe scurt proiectul, precum si transporturile agabaritice ce s-au realizat pentru el (unele din ele traversand si Romania!):

PS1: sunt o gramada de subcontractori romani pe santierul asta (de ex. statia de beton a santierului e din Satu Mare)

PS2: Proiectul asta e responsabil cu cateva fire de par albe din capul meu, din ultimii 1.5-2 ani, de cand sunt si eu implicat in realizarea unei bucatele mici din proiect. Echipa de care ma ocup se vede in cateva secvente in clip :)
+ Australia, Canada, Egipt, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Maroc, Noua Zeelandă, Singapore, Emiratele Arabe Unite & Statele Unite ale Americii
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Deci își construiesc un uriaș combinat chimic, care va produce polioli polieteri - ceea ce se produce și la Oltchim. Nasol pentru noi, bine pentru clienți. :)

> 1 miliard $, asta da investiție.


Parca aveam si noi in plan la Petromidia o noua platforma de productie, sa inteleg ca nu s-a mai facut  :(
Bucovina sustine autostrada A7
Pariu 500 lei: UMB termina tot Buzău - Focșani, 4 loturi, 82 km pana in 5 iulie 2025!


Carloni OTR Tires Retreading Process rev3, Italy:
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Brompton Bikes plans £100m wetland factory on stilts

Britain's biggest cycle maker commissions circular factory over Ashford floodplain with capacity to make 200,000 bikes a year

Brompton has revealed plans to invest as much as £100m in a new UK factory that will secure its place as the UK's biggest bicycle manufacturer. In an added twist it has decided to reject the normal grey shed, instead opting to build its plant on stilts amid a newly restored wetland.

The folding bike maker plans for the new site at Ashford in Kent to be open by 2027, on a 40 hectare (100 acre) floodplain. The stilts will be needed to prevent the factory being regularly inundated. It will also have no new car parking, instead relying on new pedestrian and cycle paths from the train station.

"The whole reason this works is everything about it is slightly mad," said Will Butler-Adams, Brompton's chief executive, speaking before the plans were approved by Ashford borough council's cabinet on Thursday evening.

It is part of an expansion that will increase employee numbers from 850 to 1,000 in the next year. Butler-Adams said Brompton will also develop new products at the site, with an ultimate goal of building 200,000 bikes a year, compared with just shy of 70,000 in the year to March 2021, when Brompton made revenues of £76m (including a bike subscription service in some cities).

The company will move from a "nondescript great big grey box" in Greenford in west London to a custom-built facility that will also host a museum, visitor centre and café, Butler-Adams said. Brompton hopes the facility, designed by architect Guy Hollaway, will be distinctive enough to attract a small portion of the 4.5m annual visitors to the designer outlet next door. The Greenford factory will continue to operate until at least 2030 during a transition to the new site.

Part of the plan will involve restoring the new area to something similar to what it would be without human intervention: 24 hectares will be dedicated to a "rewilded public nature reserve" with a cycle path and trails open to the public.

The cost of the factory will be as much as 50% higher than building a new shed-style factory, Butler-Adams said. However, he hopes it will save money in the longer term and avoid competing for shed space against booming online retailers.

The company will also be able to spend on energy-saving measures such as insulation, ground source heat pumps and solar panels on its roof. Brompton has a net zero carbon emissions "ambition", and so will aim to use materials with a lower carbon footprint.

The factory will not include the usual expanse of tarmac for car parking (beyond a few spaces for disabled employees). Instead, workers will be able walk or cycle directly along 4km of new paths from Ashford International station. Those workers who do drive will have to use existing parking around Ashford, possibly in the nearby shopping centres.

Hollaway, the architect, has also designed Ashford's upcoming Newtown Works project, as well as galleries, a winery for English vintners Chapel Down, and even a multi-storey skatepark. Hollaway said he wanted the Brompton building to ask, "what is the factory of the future?"

The complex – with floor-to-ceiling windows around much of the circular main building, according to digital renders – is designed to celebrate manufacturing and inspire workers, Butler-Adams said.

"So much manufacturing is in some industrial estate hidden away, and nobody sees it," he said. "It's like an abattoir. It's hidden.

"We want to turn normal upside down and redefine manufacturing. Everyone thinks it's dark satanic mills and people with boilersuits and monkey wrenches. It's not."The factory will not include the usual expanse of tarmac for car parking (beyond a few spaces for disabled employees). Instead, workers will be able walk or cycle directly along 4km of new paths from Ashford International station. Those workers who do drive will have to use existing parking around Ashford, possibly in the nearby shopping centres.

Hollaway, the architect, has also designed Ashford's upcoming Newtown Works project, as well as galleries, a winery for English vintners Chapel Down, and even a multi-storey skatepark. Hollaway said he wanted the Brompton building to ask, "what is the factory of the future?"

The complex – with floor-to-ceiling windows around much of the circular main building, according to digital renders – is designed to celebrate manufacturing and inspire workers, Butler-Adams said.

"So much manufacturing is in some industrial estate hidden away, and nobody sees it," he said. "It's like an abattoir. It's hidden. We want to turn normal upside down and redefine manufacturing. Everyone thinks it's dark satanic mills and people with boilersuits and monkey wrenches. It's not."

In the shorter term Brompton is still coping with pandemic supply shortages, shipping delays of up to a month to add to normal 10-week lead time, and disruption caused by Brexit. Butler-Adams said he thought they were "over the worst of it" on supply issues.

"The Brexit situation has been a bit of a nightmare – that's improving," he added.

Brompton is sitting on an £11m cash pile, and it has not raised external capital in the 20 years Butler-Adams has been with the business. He said he would prefer not to raise new capital unless required, but added it would not be difficult if necessary.

When Brompton started talks with Ashford, the council had initially put forward the site that eventually became a vast lorry park to cope with extra Brexit customs checks. The council will provide undisclosed financial support for the new factory.

The Ashford site offers easy access to and from London, with its millions of commuters and potential Brompton customers, but Butler-Adams said the proximity of the Eurostar station would also allow the company to "engage with Europe really easily".

See the plans for Brompton's new £100m factory on stilts:

The Story Of Brompton | The World's Best Folding Bike:

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A fost inaugurată cea mai mare fabrică de reciclare a bateriilor din UE

Hydrovolt, cea mai mare fabrică de reciclare a bateriilor din Europa, și-a început operațiunile în Fredrikstad, Norvegia.

Fabrica este un joint-venture între două companii norvegiene – Hydro, una dintre cele mai mari companii de aluminiu din lume, și Northvolt, un producător de baterii care construiește fabrici de baterii în Suedia și Germania.

Noua unitate de reciclare a bateriilor are capacitatea de a procesa 12.000 de tone de acumulatori pe an sau aproximativ 25.000 de baterii mașini electrice. Acest lucru este suficient pentru întreaga piață a bateriilor uzate din Norvegia.

Cea mai mare fabrică de reciclare a bateriilor din UE:
Hydrovolt susține că poate recupera 95% din materialele folosite într-o baterie EV, inclusiv plastice, cupru, aluminiu și ,,masa neagră", o pulbere care conține diferitele elemente din interiorul bateriilor litiu-ion – nichel, mangan, cobalt și litiu.

Companiile implicate în joint-venture vor beneficia ambele de pe urma materialelor rezultate. Hydro obține aluminiu reciclat, care necesită doar aproximativ 5% mai multă energie pentru producție decât aluminiul primar (aluminiul este unul dintre cele mai reciclate materiale de pe Pământ). Iar Northvolt va avea acces la celelalte materiale, care pot fi extrase din masa neagră și utilizate din nou în producția de baterii noi, ceea ce Northvolt plănuiește să facă cu mai multe fabrici din Europa.

Aceste elemente au reprezentat din ce în ce mai mult o preocupare atât pentru producători, cât și pentru guvernele naționale. În fața provocărilor lanțului de aprovizionare global, prețurile multor materiale utilizate în bateriile mașinilor electrice au crescut, iar disponibilitatea este limitată. Reciclarea oferă o altă modalitate de a obține acces la aceste materiale și, de asemenea, reduce impactul extragerii de noi materiale.

Scopul Northvolt este ca 50% din materiile prime ale bateriilor sale să provină din baterii reciclate până în 2030.

Hydrovolt speră că, odată cu această expansiune în toată Europa, va putea atinge o capacitate de 70.000 de tone de baterii până în 2025 și 300.000 de tone până în 2030.

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Intre timp, MOL Ungaria investeste 1,2 Miliarde € intr-o fabrica de produse chimice de ultima generatie, nu departe de granita cu Romania. Au ajuns deja la 90% din lucrari finalizate:

Si subsemnatul a dat cu sapa vreun an pentru o bucatica din proiectul asta.
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Tesla Giga Berlin • 2023-09-16 • Gigafactory 4K

Current progress of the phase 1 work of the new Tesla Giga Berlin in Grünheide (Germany):