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Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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Ionuț, este pe fidic roșu .Sper să  vedem așa ceva și la noi cînd încep licitațiile pe A7.🙂


Deja am vazut :) la Strabag pe A3 ambele loturi....
Mai bine sa ratacesti in padure decat fara padure!

A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


La noi avand de obicei precizarea ca lucrarile trebuie incepute in 12 luni de la emite, e riscant cu AC inainte de a avea macar inceputa licitatia. Poate se modifica ceva si pe la legea 50.
Drumurile noastre POATE....
(100 Euro ca tronsonul Holdea Margina din A1 nu se va deschide complet la trafic in acest deceniu).


Arata ca proiectele noastre. Cocosat sau mai rau, ca ala de la Zalau... Asta e acum, macar stim unde va veni podul nou de la Ruse.
Pariu cu Radu_A. 200 lei  (la API). El zice ca UMB pana la sfarsit de 2025 termina: A7 pana la Bacau, Dx6, A0 si DX12 T4. Eu sunt mai pesimist


Ocolul de la Biala este datorat Parcului Național Lom și a reliefului mai dificil din acea zonă ce ar fi generat costuri foarte mari. Poziția noului pod este cunoscută de cel puțin 5 ani.


Cred ca unele persoane inca mai sperau ca nu o sa fie acolo noul pod. Nu inteleg de ce isi faceau sperante atat timp cat Romania nu are nici un fel de infrastructura reala spre celelalte 2 optiuni, si nici nu avea in plan sa faca.... Nu tin minte sa fi auzit de vreun plan de DX catre Turnu Magurele sau catre Calarasi. Acu a inceput sa fie in discutie un posibil drum Braila - Slobozia - Calarasi. Dar eu cred ca si ala e tot la nivelul nostru al impatimitilor. Nu are de gand nimeni sa se apuce de el in urmatorii 10 ani. Sunt alte prioritati pana atunci.
Pariuri: A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe - aici


Autostrada Ruse - Velico Tarnovo

The offers in the public procurement for elaboration of technical projects and the construction of the first 75.6 km of the highway Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo are open. The tender procedure is in two separate positions.

In a separate position 1 is the section from Ruse to Byala, with a length of 40.24 km. This section will start 3 km east of the Danube bridge near the town of Ruse at the road junction with road II-21 Ruse - Silistra and will end immediately after the road junction with road I-5 Ruse-Veliko Tarnovo. There are four open bids for position 1. They are on:

DZZD HEMUS-16320, with participants: Infra Expert AD, Avtomagistrali - Cherno More AD, Patinzheneringstroy-T EAD and Transconsult-22 EOOD;
GBS - Infrastructure Construction AD;
"HVP - YABLANITSA" DZZD, which includes: "Hydrostroy" AD, "VDH" AD and "Patstroy Burgas" EOOD;
DZZD AM RUSE TARNOVO, with participants: European Roads AD, Groma Hold EOOD, Vodno Stroitelstvo - Blagoevgrad AD, Hemus Motorways AD and Patproekt 2000 OOD.
In a separate position 2 is the bypass of the town of Byala, with a length of 35.4 km. It will start immediately after the road junction with road I-5 Ruse-Byala and will end after the road junction with road I-3 Gara Byala - Pleven. There are five open bids for position 2. They are on:

DZZD "HEMUS-16320", with participants: "Infra Expert" AD, "Motorways - Black Sea" AD, "Patinzheneringstroy-T" EAD and "Transconsult-22" EOOD;
GBS - Infrastructure Construction AD;
RUSE 2021 DZZD, which includes: ISA 2000 EOOD, PST Group EAD, Kalistratov Group OOD and Patproekt EOOD.
"HVP - YABLANITSA" DZZD, which includes: "Hydrostroy" AD, "VDH" AD and "Patstroy Burgas" EOOD;
DZZD AM RUSE TARNOVO, with participants: European Roads AD, Groma Hold EOOD, Vodno Stroitelstvo - Blagoevgrad AD, Hemus Motorways AD and Patproekt 2000 OOD.
The project route of the highway is a total of 132.84 km and is divided into three sections: Ruse - Byala, bypass of the town of Byala and Byala - Veliko Tarnovo. RIA has proposed to the Managing Authority of OPTTI the project for construction of the Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo Motorway to be included for funding from the future program "Transport Connectivity" 2021-2027.

The highway will start 3 km east of the Danube Bridge near the town of Ruse, at the road junction with road II-21 Ruse - Silistra, and will reach the town of Debelets, where the traffic is divided into two in the direction of the Republic Pass and Shipka Pass. . The public procurement was announced on the basis of a developed and approved conceptual design, according to which the design gauge of the highway is G27, with two active and one emergency lane for traffic in the direction, middle dividing strip and banquets. The necessary road junctions and connections are provided so that the people from the separate settlements can have fast and convenient access to the route of the highway. The construction of a number of large facilities - 22 bridges and viaducts, with a total length of nearly 15 km and 3 tunnels on the left lane and 2 on the right in the section Byala - Veliko Tarnovo is planned on the entire route of 132.84 km. The connection of the republican and part of the municipal roads will be realized through 18 road junctions. The access to the agricultural lands will be through 12 agricultural overpasses and 9 agricultural underpasses. 8 recreation sites will be built, located on both sides of the route. After elaboration of the technical designs for the three sections, the location, number, type and length of the large facilities will be specified.

The construction works will start from the sections with the most intensive traffic, such as the route Ruse - Byala. Currently, the first-class road is one of the busiest and with a high concentration of serious road accidents. With the construction of the highway, the number of accidents in the direction will decrease, as the traffic will be divided into two separate lanes, and transit traffic will be removed from the settlements.

The construction of the highway "Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo" is among the priority sites. With its construction the transport service of the international and domestic traffic will be improved, the traffic safety will be increased and the transit traffic will be taken out of the settlements. Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo Motorway will be the main connection connecting the bridge over the Danube near Ruse with the town of Veliko Tarnovo, with the road I-4 Koritna - Sevlievo - Veliko Tarnovo - p. in Belokopitovo on the Hemus Motorway, with road I-3 Byala Station - Pleven - Koritna - Botevgrad and the future section of the Hemus Motorway near Veliko Tarnovo.


Ungaria: Cateva poze de la strapungerea miniera la tunelul de pe M85 de langa Sopron (granita Austria)
Poate cineva explica, sau ne da un video cum lucreaza utilajul acela.

Poze preluate de pe:

Waze advocate, Google Developer Expert, In Mures


Ungaria: proiectele la inceput de 2021.
Cel rosu in executie, cele galbene in pregatire.

click aici pentru varianta mare:

Waze advocate, Google Developer Expert, In Mures


Care utilaj? Ala din tunel, ultima poza?
Pai aia este o "bormasina" hidraulica, cu doua capete (burghie). Este folosita pentru a face gaurile necesare pentru dinamitare. Functioneaza pe principiul roto-percutor. Adancimea de gaurire, cat este necesar pentru dinamitare... Cred ca pana in 2 m.


Practic se lucreaza la tot mai putin M9.
Macar au inceput cu M8 care este bun si el in lipsa de M9.



ungurii nu sunt suparati ca e M4 drum expres? la noi vad ca e dezamagire mare cu A11


De parcă ar fi M4 primul DX la ei... mai sunt doar construite altele și nu am auzit sa se fi supărat nimeni pe asta.


Sunt intrun fel dezamagiti, dar platforma este gandita ca in viitor se poate upgrada la Autostrada.

La M4 problema cu cele mai mari voci, a fost taierea terenurile agricole in diagonala, ca ei au sisteme de irigatie automate, si nu mai face patrat terenul.
Au reusit pana la urma sa fie ascultate vociile si s-ar putea la Karcag sa vedem un nou aliniament care sa fie mai OK pentru terenurile care au sisteme de irigatie automate.
Waze advocate, Google Developer Expert, In Mures