
Video 21.06 Autostrada A1 Pitești-Curtea de Argeș.

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Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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Quote from: pentium10 on December 16, 2020, 09:22:42 AM
parca au dat drumul la 3 sens saptamana trecuta austriecii si au inchis santierul

Pe A4 au dat drumul la 3 benzi pe sens de la iesirea Fischamend pe o bucata de 8 km spre est. Totusi, mai au mult si bine pana vor finaliza toata A4 pana la Parndorf la 3 benzi pe sens. Termenul estimat era 2023 sau ceva de genul.

Quote from: pentium10 on December 16, 2020, 09:22:42 AM
legat de acei 7km, si localnicii sunt cu discutii multe
- sa nu permita traficul peste 7t
- sa nu permite traficul peste 3.5 t
- o sa inchida punctul de granita implicit

Tare mi-e ca se va ajunge la ceva de genul. Iar camioanele vor avea voie sa circule doar daca au punct de incarcare/descarcare in zona respectiva. Mai sunt unele zone in Austria cu astfel de restrictii.

Quote from: voicul on December 16, 2020, 10:10:41 AMpentru ca va fi o alternativa spre Graz si parta de S.

Spre Graz va mai exista inca o alternativa, dar peste vreo cativa ani. E in constructie un DX intre Körmend (Ungaria) si Fürstenfeld (A2 / Austria). Va fi partial cu 2 benzi pe sens si partial cu o banda pe sens, dar cu toate nodurile denivelate si fara localitati. Ungurii au in plan si un DX intre Szombathely si Körmend, precum si o legatura spre M7... dar asta doar peste cativa ani buni.
+ Australia, Canada, Egipt, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Maroc, Noua Zeelandă, Singapore, Emiratele Arabe Unite & Statele Unite ale Americii
drumurile mele


S-a semnat contract pentru prelungirea M6 din Ungaria pana la granita cu Croatia

Castigator: Strabag cu Duna Aszfalt –  oferta 90,5 milliárd forint

Waze advocate, Google Developer Expert, In Mures


Poate mai creste traficul asa ... cu cateva masini.  :lol:


Prelungirea M6 până la graniță este o veste foarte bună!
Când va fi gata,tronsonul va asigura o legătură mai bună între Nordul Europei și zona Mării Adriatice-mai precis,zona Split-Dubrovnik(Asta dacă bosniecii se apucă serios de treabă-din câte știu,au construit sub 35% din partea lor de autostrada[practic,extensia M6-lui unguresc și a A5-ului croat)


De prin Bulgaria:

A2 Hemus, lot Kalenik - Plevna:

A2 Hemus secțiunea Boaza - Plevna sumar 2020:

A6 Europa lot Dragoman - Kalotina:

A3 Struma lot nord Zheleznitsa:

... și o analiză a lucrărilor de autostrăzi și DX din Bulgaria


nu au și versiunea în angliski yazâke? :)


Textul este protejat, nu se poate copia și traduce, dar se poate cu translate acolo pe site.


You're in Steelers Country


The secondary cladding is already being laid in the Zheleznitsa tunnel on the Struma Motorway

Half of the construction activities of the Zheleznitsa tunnel on the Struma Motorway have already been completed. The primary lining of the facility on the south side reached 931 m for the left and 838 m for the right pipe. 837 m of right and 838 m of left pipe have been excavated from the north. The laying of the secondary lining of the tunnel has also started. On the south side the concrete works on the walls and vault in the right pipe are 132 m, and on the north side - 186 m.

The tunnel was built according to a new Austrian method by digging about a meter and a half - two in each pipe and direction in a day, and immediately after that the primary lining of the facility was made with fasteners, sprayed concrete and anchors. The construction activities started in October last year and the site is working around the clock and without interruption.

Zheleznitsa is the longest road tunnel ever built in Bulgaria. It will have two separate pipes for movement in the direction, the length of each will be about 2 km. The facility will have all the necessary systems for energy efficient lighting, ventilation, video surveillance, fire alarm, intelligent traffic management system.

In parallel, a bridge is being built along the direct route, passing over the Suha Reka River, a retaining wall at the direct route, another bridge over the Suha Reka River together with a tunnel service at the southern portal of the tunnel from the town of Simitli and a helicopter pad.

Work is also progressing on the viaduct, which is in front of the Railway, traveling from Sofia to the Tower, as well as on the section after the tunnel. The viaduct has a finished top structure on the road to Sofia. It is built using the "push-pull" technology of the superstructure with hydraulic jacks. The bridge crosses over 6 obstacles - the Struma River, road E79, the existing and future railway line, the municipal road and over the service road of the tunnel. The road to Sofia is 560 m long, and the road to the Tower is 510 m long. The facility consists of two bridges for the two lanes, each of 21 segments. Each segment is pushed one by one, thus there is no need to stop traffic on the road E79 Sofia-Kulata and the railway line. This year the pushing of the road to Sofia was completed, and in the road to the Tower the tension of the first segment is forthcoming.

The project for the construction of the Railway Tunnel on the Struma Motorway is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union and the national budget through the OP Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020.

The work on the preparation for the complete completion of the Struma Motorway in the section through the Kresna Gorge continues and the contractors of a nearly 24-kilometer new section in the direction of Kulata - Sofia, which will pass east of the gorge, have already been determined. It is divided into two lots so that the site can be operated simultaneously. The contractors for lot 3.2.1 and lot 3.2.2 have been selected, but the construction works of the two sites will be able to start after the fulfillment of the commitments made before the European Commission. Namely - supplementing the environmental documentation to the specific objectives for the species and habitats subject to protection in the two protected areas of the Natura 2000 network, through which passes Lot 3.2 of the Struma Motorway, reducing the pressure of traffic on nature and increasing safety in the section of E-79 through the gorge.

In 2020, the construction of all strategic road projects advanced - the Hemus and Europa highways, Vidin - Botevgrad, the reconstruction of the Southern Arc of the Sofia Ring Road.

At the beginning of November, the construction of the first 17 km of the Europa Motorway was completed - between Dragoman and Slivnitsa. A second lane has been built and the old one has been reconstructed to a highway gauge. The section has two lanes for traffic in one direction and one lane for emergency stopping. There are two road junctions, as well as 11 large facilities.

The construction of the other 14.5 km section of the Europa Motorway continues - from the Kalotina border checkpoint to Dragoman. The construction works on it started in February this year and by contract should be completed in January 2022. Work is being carried out along the entire length of the route, earth and road works are being carried out, reinforced embankments and fortification walls are being built.

For the third section from Slivnitsa to the connection with the Northern Speed ​​Tangent, which is 16 km and will pass on a new route, the technical design has been prepared. The detailed development plan is currently being processed and the public procurements for contractor and supervision of the section will be announced next year.

The first asphalt layers are already being laid along the route of the Hemus Motorway in the section from Boaza to the Dermantsi road junction, at the intersection with the third-class road III-307 Lukovit - Ugarchin. This is section 1, with a length of 15.2 km, from the phased construction of 134 km of the highway between the road junction "Boaza" and the connection with the road I-5 Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo, which starts in April 2019. Currently in the section between Boaza and the crossing with the road Pleven - Lovech, which is divided into three sections, excavations and embankments are being carried out, work is underway on large facilities. The 51.5-kilometer section will have various types of large transport facilities - viaducts, bridges, overpasses and underpasses. In section 2, with a length of 19.2 km, which is from the end of p. Dermantsi newspaper to the connection with road III-3005 Radyuvene - Katunets, including p. Kalenik newspaper, and in section 3, with a length of 17.08 km - from p. in. "Kalenik" to the connection with road II-35 Pleven - Lovech, and p. Pleven newspaper, earthworks and road works are performed, as well as activities for construction of large facilities.

In the next three sections of p. Pleven newspaper until the crossing with road I-5 Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo preparatory activities are carried out for cleaning the terrain and making temporary roads. For the last three sections of Hemus Motorway - 7, 8 and 9, which are from the intersection with the road Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo to the road junction "Buhovtsi", the research activities for preparation of technical projects continue, according to the agreed deadlines. The construction of a 16.3 km section between the road junctions "Buhovtsi" and "Belokopitovo" on the territory of the districts of Shumen and Targovishte is progressing and is expected to be ready by the middle of 2021.

The overall construction of the Hemus Motorway by 2024 is a top priority in the Government's Management Program, as the future of Northern Bulgaria and the modernization of the region is linked to the construction of the motorway and the provision of fast and safe road communication. The highway will connect Sofia with Varna and will duplicate the first-class roads E70 from Varna to Shumen, E772 from Shumen to Yablanitsa and E83 from Yablanitsa to Sofia.

The construction of over 128 km has already been assigned for the Vidin - Botevgrad route. Last year, work began on one of the most complex sections - Mezdra - Botevgrad and Vidin - road junction "Makresh". In the section of road I-1 Mezdra - Lyutidol one lane is ready and from the middle of December the traffic in the section is carried out in both directions with temporary organization and temporary road marking. The construction works continue in parallel in the adjacent lane, as well as along the entire mileage of the site. This year, the state company Avtomagistrali EAD was commissioned to build 65.8 km of the route, in the section between the Makresh road junction and the Montana bypass road. It is divided into five sections, and the deadline for each is different - from 28 months to 32 months.

Under the contract, the 6-kilometer section of the Southern Arc of the Sofia Ring Road should be ready by the end of 2021, but at the pace at which the builders are working, it is possible that the site will be completed earlier. To facilitate traffic in winter and to increase safety, traffic was allowed on the direct route in two sections of the reconstructed section - 1.7 km between the road junctions "Mladost" and "Gorublyane" and 2.5 km from the connection with the highway " Thrace "to the road junction" German ". The traffic has a temporary organization, temporary road markings and in the next year the work continues with the laying of the last wearing asphalt layer and the execution of all finishing works.


A2 Hemus, tronsonul Boaz-Dermanci.

You're in Steelers Country


Salut tuturor si "La multi ani!".

Pe site-ul SSC Bulgaria au aparut primele filmari cu lotul 4 (intersectia II35 Plevna - Loveci, intersectia III301 Alexandrovo) din A2 Hemus.

Din filmare se pare ca au decopertat deja aproximativ jumatate din lot, constructorii fiind ajutati de relieful zonei care nu impune realizarea unor lucrari complicate arta, asa cum exista pe loturile 1-3. Se pare ca lotul este mult mai usor de construit decat loturile 1-3 si ar avea sanse mari sa fie dat in exploatare in anul 2023, impreuna cu loturile 2 si 3 (lotul 1 probabil va fi dat in folosinta mai devreme, fiind cel mai avansat dintre cele 3 loturi) 


^ Acolo sunt doar decopertări, nu s-a primit încă autorizația de construire.

Centura de sud a Sofiei între Mladust și A1  Trakya


a fost emisa AC-ul pe 30 de kilometri din M4 Ungaria, drum expres Püspökladány – Berettyóújfalu (183+065,37 – 213+000 km sz.)
urmeaza licitatia pentru executie

cea rosie pe harta:

Waze advocate, Google Developer Expert, In Mures


Stai asa putin sa vad daca am inteles corect. Ăștia dau autorizație de construire ÎNAINTE de a lansa licitația? Ce proști. Sa vina la noi sa învețe cum se da AC la ani după ce e semnat contractul.


Sau după ce se începe execuția :-D