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Caile ferate ale Europei

Started by ciprebbe, May 28, 2015, 11:03:03 PM

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European Commission approves Eurostar - Thalys merger
SNCF will take over full control of Thalys following the decision.

THE European Commission (EC) has approved the merger of high-speed operators Eurostar and Thalys under the Green Speed project announced in September 2019.

The EC announced on March 29 that it had approved under European Union (EU) merger regulations the acquisition by French National Railways (SNCF) of full control of Thalys' parent company THIF Factory, which is jointly controlled by SNCF and Belgian National Railways (SNCB).

The planned merger between the two operators was announced in September 2019 with the aim of it being ratified in April 2020, however the Covid-19 pandemic delayed this progress.

Thalys currently operates high-speed services between France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, while Eurostar operates services through the Channel tunnel from London to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. Eurostar is owned by SNCF, (which owns 55%), SNCB, (which owns 5%) and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) and Hermes Infrastructure (which together own 40%), but solely managed by SNCF.

The commission found that the merger would not raise competition concerns given its very limited impact on the market structure.

Merger plans:
The Green Speed merger involves the reorganisation of Eurostar and Thalys under a holding company, HoldCo, which will hold 100% of the shares of both operators and be solely managed by SNCF.

Under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by SNCF, Patina, SNCB, Hermes and CDPQ on November 30 2020, SNCF, Patina and SNCB will contribute to the HoldCo all of their shares in Thalys and Eurostar. Following the merger, SNCF will have the majority of the share capital and sole control of HoldCo.

The company confirmed in October 2021 that the Eurostar brand will be retained. The holding company will be based in Brussels, while train control will be conducted from London for Eurostar while Thalys train control will remain in Brussels. The initial aim is to grow the combined pre-pandemic passenger figures from 19 million to 30 million by 2030.

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World's Longest Underground Railway Link: Brenner Base Tunnel:

What Makes Spanish Railways so Unique?
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Maglev the name given to these super speedy trains because the technology is based on magnetic levitation. Maglev (derived from magnetic levitation) is a system of train transportation that uses two sets of magnets: one set to repel and push the train up off the track, and another set to move the elevated train ahead, taking advantage of the lack of friction. Along certain "medium-range" routes (usually 320 to 640 km [200 to 400 mi]), maglev can compete favourably with high-speed rail and airplanes.

The two main types of maglev technology are:
- Electromagnetic suspension (EMS), electronically controlled electromagnets in the train attract it to a magnetically conductive (usually steel) track;
- Electrodynamic suspension (EDS) uses superconducting electromagnets or strong permanent magnets that create a magnetic field, which induces currents in nearby metallic conductors when there is relative movement, which pushes and pulls the train towards the designed levitation position on the guide way.

The Shanghai Maglev Train, also known as the Transrapid, has a top speed of 430 km/h (270 mph). The line is the fastest, first commercially successful, operational Maglev train designed to connect Shanghai Pudong International Airport and the outskirts of central Pudong, Shanghai. It covers a distance of 30.5 km (19.0 mi) in 8 minutes. And that's what our documentary is about, with the focus on the test facility in Germany and the Shanghai Maglev project also realized by a German company.

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Quote from: nenea_hartia on November 24, 2019, 11:25:27 PM^ Foarte tare! E doar o impresie sau e ecartament îngust?
Da, are ecartament îngust: 900 mm (2 ft 11+7⁄16 in). Mi se pare interesant faptul că locuitorii din Hallig pot folosi calea ferată cu propriile lor vehicule pentru a face comisioane pe continent. Această utilizare privată este tolerată și este supusă unor reguli stricte din partea LKN și a companiei de asigurări.

Pe 6 decembrie 2021, una dintre cele patru locomotive diesel a fost înlocuită cu o locomotivă electrică alimentată cu baterii. În trecut au fost utilizate și locomotive cu pânze.

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First breakthrough achieved on Lyon-Turin high-speed rail tunnel

Excavation of the first 10.5km of the base tunnel for the Lyon-Turin rail link has been completed with breakthrough between a 9km section driven by tunnel boring machine and a 1.5km tunnel excavated mechanically.

The Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (TELT) project involves construction of a 65km rail link between Susa in Piedmont, Italy and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne in Savoy, France with 57.5km of the line being built below ground, known as the Mont-Cenis base tunnel which will be a twin bore tunnel. In total 162km of tunnels will be excavated for the project.

TELT is a key part of the Trans-European Transport Network's Mediterranean Corridor that will connect southwestern Europe with Central and Eastern European countries.

The breakthrough on the base tunnel on the French side of the new rail tunnel at St-Martin-la-Porte was undertaken at that location due to difficult ground conditions resulting from a coal fault within the bedrock.

Construction of the 12km base tunnel is being undertaken by SMP4 group formed by Spie Batignolles, Eiffage, Ghella, CMC Di Ravenna and Cogeis. Construction started on the base tunnel in 2015 and Spie described completion of this first section as emotional following seven years of work.

TELT said that it is the second construction site on the project to be finished on time and on budget following completion of the portal at St-Julien-Montdenis in autumn last year.

TELT added that progress was also being made on the running tunnels on the French side following award of the main tunnelling contracts in July last year. The work is split into three contracts worth a total of €3bn (£2.58bn) with Eiffage, Vinci and Implenia named as firms set to lead the work last summer.

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HSR Milano - Veneția, tronson Brescia-Verona, Italia:
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European Railway Project of the Century: Rail Baltica:
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Sweden's High Speed Rail Explained:
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Markus Friedrich, profesor de planificare a transporturilor la Universitatea din Stuttgart, a realizat o hartă cu o propunere de metrou (HSR) în Europa:

Sursa (din păcate trebuie să plătesc pentru a afla mai multe detalii).
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Podul feroviar Taboada, Spania:

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Niste denivelari de TNuri in Stockholm prin subtraversare. Lucrarile au inceput prin aprilie 2022 si se vor termina in aprilie 2023. Sunt sigur ca le puteau face si sub trafic feroviaar, dar au preferat sa inchida circulatia feroviara (tren urban, ecartament ingust) pe perioada vacantei elevilor (23 iunie-13 august). Deci la mijloc de august partea feroviara va fi gata!

Pozele sunt facute la 21 ora locala, era inca lumina dar proasta. Mai bine decat deloc...

Prima TN, la Enebyberg. Aici au inchis TN pe perioada constructiei, deci rutierul trebuie sa ocoleasca.

Harta. In principiu santierul nu s-a atins de zonele rezidentiale (cu fundal gri). Adica are vreo 60m latime. Pozele dinspre vest sunt facute din triunguhiul verde din stanga. Pozele dinspre est, din punctul albastru.

Vederi dinspre vest. Se vede pe partea cealalta strada Portvägen care a fost "taiata" de santier (unde e duba)

In dreapta se vede peronul statiei Enebyberg

Aici se vede cum strada va cobori la noua cota

Si acum vederi dinspre est, de pe strada Portvägen.

Aici se vede ca accesul la garaj pe Portvägen numarul 12 este aproape de marginea "prapastiei" care e in dreapta pozei. Sunt curios cum vor inclina strada ca sa ajunga la cota de sub pasaj, pastrand in acelasi timp si accesul la acel garaj :) Pozele de mai sus sunt facute prin gardul din dreapta.


A doua, la Frescati. Au lasat deschisa TN curenta (marcajul de sus din poza) si rutierul va face o curba la stanga, apoi coborire pana sub CF (marcajul de jos). Cum vedeti, TN era langa un sens giratoriu (obsesia auditurilor de siguranta rutiera de la noi) si nu a tusit nimeni.

Poza de pe drumul actual (dinspre sensul giratoriu). Se vede drumul spre stanga, care va trece pe sub CF.

Vedere de pe pasaj, spre est si nord (spre locul de unde e facuta poza de mai sus)

Vedere de pe pasaj spre sud. Se vede si un utilaj de lucru la catenara, si muncitorii care lucrau cu el. Sub pasaj se auzea un susur de apa. O pompa probabil.

Interesant ca spre vest nu au facut nimic la rutier, este pur si simplu o placa verticala dupa pasaj. Vor lucra dupa ce se deschide traficul CF.

Vedere dinspre vest cu actuala TN. Observati ca luminile sunt acoperite cu plastic, semn ca TN nu se foloseste acum. Noul underpass este in dreapta pozei.

Vedere de pe CF (traficul fiind inchis) din sudul TN. Noul underpass este in spatele fotografului. Se vad numaratoarele de osii care deschid bariera imediat dupa trecerea trenului (plasate inainte si dupa TN, pe ambele sensuri)


Au si cehii un coridor IV al lor. Din ce am inteles ar fi pe ruta Praga - Ceske Budejovice -> frontiera cu Austria.

Si la ei ca si la noi, va exista si linie cu traseu diferit de linia veche. Am vazut lucrari si in septembrie 2021 cand am fost.
Au deschis ceva tronsoane noi, va pun aici video facut de un pasionat ferioviar ceh:

Interesant e ca au decis sa faca linia sa fie compatibila cu o limita de 200km/h, si nu 160km/h ca si celalalte magistrale din Cehia.


Treceri la nivel cu 160 in Suedia

Treceri la nivel cu 200 in Suedia

Are si Germania vreo 10 cu 200, Franta vreo 5. Cu 160 e plin.

Multumesc @RobertH pentru codul Overpass. Poate fi folosit pt cautat TN din alte tari, la alte viteze (apoi apasati Run)

Street View cu cateva TN suedeze la 200
cu "DJ"
"drum agricol"

Un exemplu de TN cu 200 in Germania

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