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SpaceX | Space Exploration Technologies Corporation

Started by l3x, March 27, 2012, 03:31:51 PM

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Si avem "stage separation" pentru prima data  :)
Deci am avut doar un test, pentru verifcarea asezarii/pozitionarii pe Booster si pentru foto shooting  :D

Urmeaza inca o serie de teste pana la asezarea finala pe Booster si lansare.

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ambele module sunt refolosibile?
Adica, in afara de combustibil, nu pierd nimic din ditamai hardughia?
Cocoase inutile care ne vor afecta zeci de ani:
1. Focsani 2. Boita 3. Balcauti
"multe multumiri" proiectantilor
2. Pariu cu hefaistos: 200 lei: UMB nu deschide nimic (min 9 km, chiar si HP)  pe A7 înainte de 15 iunie 2024


Asta e intentia. Si sperăm ca se va intampla cat mai curând  :)


Da, 100% reusable, asta e ideea.
Treapta 2 va ateriza/ameriza pe picioare, treapta 1 (booster-ul) va fi prinsa de turn.



Stream prima lansare in orbita a unor astronauti non-guvernamentali, 100% comerciali, Inpiration4:


Se testeaza cele 6 motoare Raptor ale Ship20, live in acest moment:



What feels like the most substantial green energy news in months was delivered with this week's announcement that the world's largest green hydrogen plant is coming to Texas in 2026. US startup company Green Hydrogen International announced plans for a a 60GW renewable H2 project that will be powered by wind and solar. It'll also produce clean rocket fuel for SpaceX, which is helmed by billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk, according to a report published yesterday in Recharge.

"We see Hydrogen City becoming one of the largest H2 production centers in the world, supplying many different customers with 100% clean H2 fuel," founder Brian Maxwell told the energy industry pub.

Global Impact:
The environmental implications aside, now has never been a more crucial time for the United States to prioritize domestic clean energy projects. According to a New York Times report published in February, the oil and gas industry is using the ongoing invasion in Ukraine to push for more drilling at home. While lobbyists say that could lead the country to energy independence, the jig is up: renewable energy is the best way to provide a habitable and sustainable future.

Having such a large hydrogen plant close to massive oil drilling projects in Texas will hopefully provide a stark contrast. If the operation is successful at creating rocket fuel, working with a giant like SpaceX and supplying energy while turning a profit, it may finally provide some additional inspiration for oil magnates to rethink their business strategy. In an industry where money speaks volumes, seeing a renewable energy company making a lot of it may finally help fossil fuel companies find a reason to make the switch.

Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.
Un pic de istorie 1, un pic de istorie 2, un pic de istorie 3, un pic de istorie 4, un pic de istorie 5, un pic de istorie 6, un pic de istorie 7, un pic de istorie 8, un pic de istorie 9, un pic de istorie 10 (Nou)




Cea mai mare racheta+cele mai multe motoare aprinse vreodata (min 9:30):

si cu Starshipul deasupra la jumate din putere:


QuoteGreen light go: SpaceX receives a launch license from the FAA for Starship
Receiving this federal safety approval is the final regulatory step the company needed to take before being cleared to fly the largest rocket ever built. Now, the only constraints to launch are technical issues with the rocket or its ground systems. SpaceX is expected to hold a final readiness review this weekend before deciding to proceed with a launch attempt.

This could occur as soon as Monday. The company has a slew of road closures, temporary flight restrictions, and notices to mariners set up for April 17. The launch window is expected to open at 7 am local time in Texas (12:00 UTC). Backup launch opportunities are available on Tuesday and Wednesday.

QuoteSpaceX's Starship rocket, the most powerful ever built, receives government approval for launch

Vorba in targ ca Luni intre 3-6 pm NET ora Bucurestiului e probabil sa fie prima lansare orbitala pt Spaceship.


Starship se pregateste de lansare, daca nu apare nimic in ultimele clipe. Transmisia live ar trebui sa inceapa la 15:15, iar lansarea la ora 16:00 (ora Romaniei)
,,Pe hoţii mărunţi îi trimitem la închisoare, iar pe cei mari îi numim în funcţii publice." — Esop
,,Greşelile politicianului sunt crime, căci în urma lor suferă milioane de oameni nevinovaţi, se împiedică dezvoltarea unei ţări întregi şi se împiedică, pentru zeci de ani înainte, viitorul ei." — Mihai Eminescu