Cum ajung din A în B?

Started by dr4qul4, August 11, 2014, 01:57:18 PM

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Daca nu ai fost pe Orsova si nu vrei musai sa mergi pe Cluj-Sebes-Sibiu (adica autostrazi multe), atunci ai putea traversa Carpatii pe Orsova-Severin. Este superb drumul! Ai Oradea-Arad-Timisoara-Lugoj-Caransebes-Orsova-Severin-Craiova-Slatina-Pitesti-Bucuresti.

Daca nu ai chef sau ai vazut drumul pe Orsova-Severin, atunci clasicul Oradea-Cluj-Sebes-Sibiu-Pitesti-Bucuresti. Autostrazi multe si drumuri OK. Dar aglomeratie... evident, depinde si cand mergi.


Distractic si cu serpentine e DN 76 pana la Deva, dar asfaltul nu e prea bun. Cam singura varianta(fara sa inconjuri prea mult) ar fi DN1, A3, DN1, A1(faci si niste poze cu A10  :) ).


Propunerea cu DN76 e "the best" urmeaza in "top" DN76-DN75-DN74 (Oradea - Alba Iulia) superbe peisaje, vai de masina.
Acum serios vorbind, poti merge pe DN13 spre Brasov sau sunt 2 trasee ok prin Sibiu: Oradea-A3-Alba Iulia-A1-Valea Oltului-Pitesti-Bucuresti (cel mai scurt ca timp obtinut de mine) sau alternativa Oradea-A3-Alba Iulia-A1-DN1-Rasnov-Ploiesti-Bucuresti (traseu parcurs de mine anul trecut in vara de la Bucuresti spre Oradea). Mentionez ca intre Codlea si Rasnov am mers pe DJ 112A, drum excelent.


Sorry for writing in English, it's easier for me; you can reply in Romanian, though, I am fine with reading :-)

I am going from Vienna to Timisoara this Friday noon/afternoon, and back on Sunday afternoon. I have done that many times by train, and also by bus, but never by car, so I'd like to ask for advice what is the best option.
Google Maps proposes to go via Cenad and DN6 to Timisoara (, but some other route planners tell me to go via Nadlac and Arad on A1/DN7.
What is your experience, also regarding the time spent at the borders? Is Cenad expected to be less crowded?
Also, if going through Cenad, what's the best option to get through Mako? My route planners don't agree on that - is it best to get off at Maroslele (Exit 24) and go on the county road, or until the end of the motorway (Exit 35) and through the centre of Mako?
A final question - is M0 around Budapest to be known for congestions, especially now when they are working on it?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Rudi, it's OK to post in English, most of us are OK with writing in English, too.
Guys, let's help him, there are a lot of us from Arad & Timisoara.



My opinion, because i'm making this route 3-4 times per year ( Wien - Brasov )

1st. Take Nadlac like the entry point in Romania , not so crowded in this time of the year , so no difficulties
As well, you can use more highways in Romania , ( small section of Nadlac - Arad and as well Arad - Timisoara highway )
You will not reach the center of Mako, you will come on a national road from end of M5 until Nadlac/Nagylak

2nd.  M0 is quite OK right now, no more congestion since aprox 1 year, still some minor site-workings but no congestion at all
Limited speed on some sections of the roads ( 80km/h  and 100km/h )

Enjoy the road ! :)


Hi Rudi. A friend of mine traveled to Vienna last week using a similar route. He left Romania through Nadlac, and used your first Google Maps option from there. M0 should not be crowded, so don't worry about it. However, if your final destination in Timisoara is somewere in the western part of the city I would advise to use Cenad as the entry point. It would be about 40-45 kilometers less than the other option through Nadlac, and also the road is good enough. Going through the centre of Mako is fine, the road is passable and not crowded at all( map )

Safe travels! :)


The route via Nadlac is ok, except the last part, from A1 to Timisoara. This segment, especially begining and end of the weekend is congested.
Therefore, I would suggest to go via Cenad, as GMap proposes.


Choose Cenad. Cenad is a  border only for small vechicles. In maximum 5 minutes you'll cross the border. The road between Cenad and Timisoara is free and in very good condition. Until all the A1 highway from Nadlac to Timisoara will be finished the best way to travel from Mako to Timisoara is from Cenad border.

Watch my roadtrips


Thanks for the answers and valuable information!

As I need to go to more or less the centre of Timisoara, I will try the Cenad route - hoping that by the next I am going, A1 will be finished all the way to Timisoara :-)


So, I did indeed go on the route via Cenad, and it was quite fine on the way there. On the way back, I lost around 15 minutes for waiting at two level crossings with trains, where very slow cargo trains were passing:  and On the first, there were around 8 minutes before the train was even to be seen ...

At the intersection M1->M0 in Budapest, around 6 minutes delay due to the work on the extension to three lanes, at the moment just one lane was open.

Thanks again for the suggestions, next time hopefully all the way on A1 :-)


Vreau să fac o plimbare de la Călimănești la statuia lui Decebal.  La dus voi merge pe Tg Jiu - Motru -Severin. M-aș întoarce pe Herculane - Tismana - Tg Jiu.  Îmi poate spune cineva dacă DN 67 D este circulabil ? Îl văd pe hartă cu roșu. Este neasfaltat ?


DN67D arata reabilitat recent (pe street view). Cel putin pana la intersectia cu DN67A venind de la Tg. Jiu. Dupa, panasi in Herculane nu mai e asa bun.


Daca am inteles bine si acesta este traseul tau la intoarcere, pot spune ca am ca am circulat pe acolo in Octombrie 2013, iar drumul este asfaltat pe valea cernei, dar plin de gropi. De indata ce iesi de pe valea cernei asfaltul era chiar ok pana in Baia de Arama(verde-albastru)(+ multe serpentine). Dupa Baia de Arama drumul e cam de galben.

P.S. Daca nu te grabesti si ai suspensii ok, peisajele sunt superbe pe acest traseu. :)


Mersi Archi. Voi încerca această rută și voi pune foto cu peisajul și drumul.