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Companii aeriene europene

Started by iuli, October 12, 2013, 05:18:44 PM

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Operatorii nu mai vor avioane de mari dimensiuni


În aviaţia comericală a zilelor noastre avioanele uriaşe de pasageri nu mai au loc nici la propriu, nici la figurat.

În ultimul deceniu au apărut tot mai multe companii aeriene low cost. Acestea vor avioane cu dimensiuni rezonabile pe care să le poată manevra uşor pe aeroporturi mai mici. În acelaşi timp, vor avioane cu un consum redus. Şi, odată cu declanşarea crizei, au început să ceară astfel de avioane şi vechile companii de linie.

Tot americanii au fost cei care au intuit din timp această schimbare. În 2011 Boeing a fost prima companie care a livrat un avion produs din materiale compozite, mai uşoare, care scad consumul de kerosen. E vorba de modelul 787.

Europenii de la Airbus s-au repliat destul de repede şi au lansat anul acesta modelul A350, de asemenea un avion mai uşor şi mai eficient. Iar o analiză a celor de la Financial Times arată că bătălia dintre cele cei doi mari constructori de avioane abia acum începe.


De altfel, ultimele companii aeriene care continuă să cumpere avioane mari sunt cele din Orientul Mijlociu. Tot în Orientul Mijlociu sunt construite din ce în ce mai multe aeroporturi uriaşe, capabile să adăpostească în ultimii lor ani de viaţă aceşti bătrâni elefanţi ai aerului.


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Aegean gets European green light for Olympic acquisition

QuoteAegean Airlines' proposed acquisition of Olympic Air has been cleared by the European Commission.
After "in-depth investigation" into the Greek airlines' second attempt to join forces, the Commission has concluded that financial difficulties would force Olympic Air to exit the market "in the near future" if not acquired by Aegean.

And if Olympic went out of business, Aegean would be Greece's "only significant domestic service provider", it argues: "Therefore, with or without the merger, Olympic would soon disappear as a competitor to Aegean. Thus the merger causes no harm to competition that would not have occurred anyway."

The Greek crisis has caused a 26% drop in demand for domestic air passenger transport from Athens between 2009 and 2012, notes the Commission, and the first half of 2013 brought further decline: 6.3% year-on-year.

The number of routes served by the Greek airlines has also reduced, it adds. When the Commission blocked Aegean's previous attempt to merge with Olympic, in 2011, the airlines competed on 17 routes, nine of which were deemed to raise competition concerns. Now, says the executive body, there is overlap on seven routes, of which five are served only by the two airlines: Athens to Chania, Mytilene, Santorini, Corfu and Kos, the last two of which Aegean only serves from the Greek capital in the summer.



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Lufthansa Commits To 777-9X and A350-900

QuoteLufthansa has placed a large order for both the Boeing 777-9X and the Airbus A350-900, in an effort to replace some of the older aircraft in its long-haul fleet.

The airline's supervisory board approved the deal at a meeting on Wednesday, committing to 34 777-9Xs and 25 A350-900s. The first A350s are due for delivery in 2016, and the first 777X is expected to arrive in the Lufthansa fleet in 2020. Lufthansa says it has the flexibility through options and purchase rights to increase the 777X order to 64 units and the A350 commitment to 55 aircraft.

Lufthansa plans to replace 13 747-400s and 17 A340-300s. Should the airline decide to cut capacity plans further, it would also start retiring its fleet of 24 A340-600s. The airline has laid out a baseline scenario which sees it grow long-haul capacity by 3% a year, and a more conservative approach would bring that down to 1%. If 25 options are exercised, the carrier could grow by 5% a year.

The order is for the core airline only, but the group could use options to renew the long-haul fleets at Swiss or Austrian if needed. As part of the deal, Lufthansa has also reached "strategic agreements" to be allowed to perform maintenance on the General Electric GE9X, and with Rolls-Royce for the TrentXWB engines.

Lufthansa plans to operate the A350-900 and 777-9X in two-class and three class configurations. Both aircraft would be operated from the Frankfurt and Munich bases.

The airline's future long-haul fleet will consist of A380s, 747-8s, 777-9Xs, A350-900s and A330-300s, once all of its A340s are phased out. But that will be a multi-year process as the replacement program is scheduled to last until 2025.

The carrier decided not to order the 787 for a variety of reasons. "The 787-9 is too small for our requirements and the 787-10 does not have the necessary range for around 40% of the destinations," says Carsten Spohr, CEO of the passenger airline division.

Lufthansa CEO Christoph Franz expects his airline to become one of the very early operators of the 777X. The carrier is the first to sign a firm order for the aircraft, which is still not formally launched. That step is widely expected to occur at the Dubai Air Show, which starts Nov. 17, and is likely to be based on further orders including a large Emirates commitment.

Lufthansa says it now has a firm order backlog of 295 aircraft, worth €36 billion ($48.8 billion) at list prices.


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Iberia unveils new colour scheme

QuoteSpanish carrier Iberia has unveiled a new colour scheme, its first major livery change in decades, which will be implemented from the end of November.
Iberia has chosen an Airbus A330, its fifth of the type, as the first aircraft to receive the colours


Iberia has retained the bold red and gold which feature on the Spanish flag but has simplified the overall livery. The fuselage will be largely white, in contrast to the current colour scheme, and the familiar 'IB' logo on the vertical fin is being ditched.

Red will have a "more prominent role", says the airline, reflecting a "dynamic" airline as well as Spanish "vitality, expressiveness and art".



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Wizz - ul pe unde il bagam?
E totusi la noi pe piata prezent destul de mult.
Ai ceva si despre ei?
Mai bine sa ratacesti in padure decat fara padure!

A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Baga aici daca ai ceva despre ei. Momentan eu nu am stiri noi.

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Air Serbia, continuatoarea JAT, a primit primul avion Airbus 319 in noile culori. Air Serbia isi va incepe operatiunile din data de 26 octombrie si va mai primi inca 6 Airbus 319 noi si alte doua Airbus 320, pe langa flota veche a JAT.

Destinatiile de inceput vor fi catre Abu Dhabi, Banja Luka, Beirut, Bucuresti, Istanbul, Ljubljana si Praga.


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Noua schema de culori Iberia pe Airbus A330


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O'Leary Says No Radical Overhaul Of Ryanair

QuoteIrish budget airline Ryanair has no plans to radically overhaul the way it is managed and has already unveiled most of the promised customer service improvements in an effort to improve its image.

Outspoken chief executive Michael O'Leary told Reuters news agency that he wants to overhaul an "abrupt culture" at Europe's biggest airline, famous for its no-frills service and extra charges that have annoyed many flyers.

Having said in September he took responsibility for the impact of "personal character deformities" on how the company was managed, O'Leary now says that comment was tongue in cheek.

The revamp, he said, would not go significantly beyond the overhaul of its website and a series of fee cuts announced in recent weeks.

"There's no grand transformation," said O'Leary, who has been regularly accused of treating customers, staff and regulators in an abrasive manner.

"I don't understand why... there is this kind of impression we have had some Pauline conversion here to customer service," he said, referring to commentators comparing his comments at Ryanair's annual meeting with the biblical conversion of St. Paul on the road to Damascus.

"We have always had brilliant customer service."

Since the AGM, Ryanair has addressed major gripes by halving the cost of checking bags, cutting the fee for reprinting boarding passes and allowing a small second carry-on bag for free.

It also rolled out a major overhaul of its website to cut pop-ups and a security puzzle that customers had to complete to prove they were not automated users trawling the site.

But O'Leary has continued his trademark use of bad language and jibes at customers, joking on Twitter that he would break a customer's ankle if she didn't fly again soon with Ryanair and saying the airline's planes were powered by his "bulls**t".

And the airline has since started legal action against a pilot group fighting for union recognition, the latest in a stream of court cases that have also targeted media and regulators.

Asked if the drive to become nicer might include fewer court cases and better treatment of staff, he rejected the idea that Ryanair needed to change.

"We've always been nicer," he said. "We've always offered people lower fares than any other airline."

On Monday Ryanair is due to announce first-half results after saying in September it would miss its annual profit target, its first profit warning in a decade.

O'Leary said some people appeared, however, to be underestimating a series of cost reductions on profitability, including expected falls in fuel prices and deals with London's Stansted and Warsaw's Modlin airports.

"People are missing very significant cost reductions coming through," he said.


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First A320 for Lufthansa Star Alliance color scheme


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Air Serbia to take 10 A320neos from Etihad order

QuoteAir Serbia is to acquire ten of the Airbus A320neos ordered by shareholder Etihad Airways earlier during the Dubai air show for its own fleet renewal.


Following the deal with Etihad, Air Serbia - formerly know at JAT Airways - has just begun transitioning its existing ageing fleet of 10 Boeing 737-300s to leased eight A319s and a pair of A320s.

"This is the next phase in the upgrade of the fleet," explains Air Serbia chief executive Dane Kondic. "The Government has agreed to take 10 A320neos for Air Serbia for delivery in 2018-20 and these will replace the leased A319s and A320s." It will mark the first delivery of a new aircraft to the carrier for 30 years.



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American and US Airways set to merge by 9 December

QuoteAmerican Airlines and US Airways plan to close their merger by 9 December, following approval of their revised plan by a US bankruptcy court today.

Fort Worth, Texas-based American's merger with US Airways should be completed "without delay", said US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York judge Sean Lane when he approved the carrier's revised reorganisation plan.

The revised plan includes concessions that American and US Airways promised the US Department of Justice (DOJ) in exchange for antitrust approval for the deal. These include divesting 52 slot pairs at Ronald Reagan Washington National airport and 17 pairs at New York LaGuardia.



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