[TM] Infrastructura feroviară urbană Timișoara

Started by Vlad94, February 02, 2019, 10:26:30 PM

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Am creeat acest topic din dorinta de a propune o retea de trenuri urbane si in Municipiul Timisoara.


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Ideea este foarte bună, traficul cauzat de navetiștii care vin dinspre comunele periurbane este infernal în orele de vârf. Problema este cu afluența spre parcurile industriale, care nu coincid cu traseele existente de cale ferată.


Mai este Timisoara - Giarmata Vii - Aeroportul Traian Vuia pe linia Timisoara-Radna cu extensia (existenta dar care trebuie prlungita catre aeroport). Si Timisoara - Ghiroda (Halta Ghiroda). Foarte bune ar fi aceste trasee.


Linia albastră (Rudicica, Ciarda Roșie, Calea Buziașului - care ar fi de fapt Calea Stan Vidrighin) e cale ferată privată.


Se poate modifica magistrala TEN-T astfel incat sa mearga prin gara de SUD si pe urma pe o "bretea"dubla si electrificata de la Urseni spre IZVIN, astfel, daca se scoate trenul de marfa din oras, cresti posibilitatea introducerii de trenuri urbane prin interiorul orasului la interval de 10 min


QuoteLinia albastră (Rudicica, Ciarda Roșie, Calea Buziașului - care ar fi de fapt Calea Stan Vidrighin) e cale ferată privată.
Si este de vanzare. Am gasit un articol in care proprietarul se certa cu compania Lukoil.
QuoteSe poate modifica magistrala TEN-T astfel incat sa mearga prin gara de SUD si pe urma pe o "bretea"dubla si electrificata de la Urseni spre IZVIN, astfel, daca se scoate trenul de marfa din oras, cresti posibilitatea introducerii de trenuri urbane prin interiorul orasului la interval de 10 min
Nu poate fi mutat coridorul, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu se poate realiza un proiect cu finantare cu fonduri europene sau de stat. Calea ferata inspre Izvin sau Remetea s-ar putea extinde si din Ciarda Rosie si apoi paralela cu centura.


in scriptele EU coridorul TEN T apare prin Gara de SUD - Buzias - Lugoj
In scriptele MT coridorul apare prin Gara de EST - Lugoj.

Proiectul nu a fost inceput, ce sa mai spun de faptul ca va fi finalizat undeva in 2022. Deci, exista posibilitatea cu o interventie mica spre MT si EU sa se poata modifica acest coridor. Diferenta in KM e undeva la 6 km, atat, in schimb, avem 2 avantaje prin modificarea lui:

1. Imbunatatirea calitatii  vietii cetatenilor
2. introducerea trenurilor urbane

Daca se face magistrala prin oras - ADIO, trenuri urbane. NU mai poti sa faci statii la mall si la 700 si nu mai poti sustine tactul de 10 minute intre trenuri in orice directie


Zic și eu: se apucă cineva de lucrări la CF în oraș până ce nu sunt încheiate lucrările pe coridorul Rin - Dunăre - Marea Neagră, ramura nordică?

Nu prea cred. Și atunci, până se încheie lucrările pe acest coridor, s-ar putea face studiile și începe lucrările pentru ocolitoarea ferată prin sudul orașului, cum a zis STiberiu.

Iar apoi la dublarea căii ferate din nordul cartierului Cetate s-ar putea lucra liber, fără trafic, acesta fiind deviat prin noua linie din sudul orașului.

În același timp, terminalul intermodal de la Remetea Mare ar trebui reluat în calcul spre a fi construit iar zona de garare de la gara Timișoara Est ar trebui desființată, și valorificat terenul (cum s-a mai vehiculat deja).


la Timisoara ideal ar fi sa integreze cu sistemul de rulare al tramvaielor - era la un moment dat o discutie sa duca tramvaie in Mosnita Noua. in rest, configuratiile cailor ferate nu prea se potrivesc pentru asa ceva
dar de fapt in oras sunt mai putine linii de tramvai in uz decat erau acum 20 de ani, deci chiar nu vad perspective in directia asta. adica nu au putut termina 500 m de cale de tramvai pana la un centru comercial

dan tm

vorbim despre trenuri.

In Timisoara liniile de tren ating zone importante ale orasului.

Daca luam linia de Buzias: gara Cheveres repozitionata mai in dreptul localitatii. in statia Semenic vine o linie industriala de la Azur, care pe vremuri ajungea pina in curte la fabrica de bere. Nimeni nu a intrezarit eventualul potential al acestei linii.
Apoi, Girocul s-a extins foarte mult.Ar merge o oprire in Giroc si alta la Chisoda la bariera orasului, mutata oprirea de la Timisoara Sud sub viaductul rutier unde  este molul, unde vin  Expresul 1 si autobuzul 33 care duce direct in centru. (acuma oprirea la peron in Sud e la 1 km de aceste locatii)

probabil o oprire ar putea fi in dreptul fostului depou de tramvaie, urmatoarea la Solventul, mai ales in perspectiva unui pasaj acolo, in gara, un peron la finantele publice, apoi la Iulius mol, Timisoara Est la peron , timisoara Est la pasaj unde este firma Continental si centrul de cardiologie, distanta pare mica dar e cam 1 km sau mai bine. Apoi linia se ramifica spre Giarmata Vii de unde s-ar putea duce la aeroport, iar linia 900 ar mai putea sa prinda 2 opriri in spatele zonei industriale din Ghiroda, una la capatul Padurii Verzi si una la actuala Ghiroda h.

pe celelalte parti, spre triaj, o oprire ar trebui sa fie la fostul PO Pavilioanele CFR, apoi la triaj daca e nevoie si urmatoarea oprire la pasaj unde este parcul tehnologic.

Mai este si linia spre Timisoara Vest.

Aradul, idem a fost plin de linii de tre, chiar prin oras, multe acum dezafectate.

dar oare cei care acuma folosesc exclusiv masinile personale ar renunta la ele pentru trenuri suburbane?


At this time, the city of Timisoara has 4 train stations, out of which just one, Timisoara North, is highly used for public transport and the remaining 3, Timisoara East, West and South, are not being utilized to their full potential. There is an opportunity to improve upon the existing structure to create a faster and more reliable public transportation network that would connect key areas of Timisoara, connect the cities/villages around it to city public transportation system and local HUB's for national and international coaches.
The industrial platforms are not using the railways anymore. Almost all of them are closed and the railway corridors have been removed. Due to this, the following questions have been brought up to debate: "Why should we keep the railway crossing the city center?"; "How could we re-utilize the railway "; "What further opportunities does the railway present?".
In the following we aim to present an improvement which can be brought to the current structure in order to facilitate metropolitan transportation. This improvement touches base on how to handle current infrastructure and traffic bottlenecks.
The improvement which can be brought to the current structure and their targeted purpose is Vision 2030 Timisoara project – creating a freight railway connection between North and East and elevated railway for inner-city line.

Vision 2030 Timisoara project
This proposal is a Timisoara City Hall project (pages 7 to 19) which started in 2009 in collaboration with Politehnica Timisoara University and Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart. The main topics of interest are:
1.   Intelligent connectivity of urban transportation
a.   Modernization of actual train stations for a better connectivity with public transportation
b.   SMART connectivity – access points for private transportation and bicycle
c.   Integration in Public Transportation Management System
d.   Connectivity with Timisoara Airport
2.   Create railway public transportation service by displacing transit of goods
a.   North railway freight corridor
b.   Elevated railway between Timisoara North and Timisoara Est (inner-city line)
c.   Crossing the road network without barriers by changing the level of railway

https://www.untrr.ro/userfiles/files/STUDIU%20CIRCULATII-PATJ%20TIMIS.pdf – page 58-63

Taking into consideration the Vision 2030 Timisoara project, the Romanian Government started a new idea of a Logistic Park in Remetea Mare (yellow dot) which is near Timisoara and Timisoara Airport, while having in its vicinity the proposed freight corridor.
Here is a video presentation of the idea:

A coherent development of the inner-city line will add more value to the city transport system and to people from suburbs. Using FLIRT commuter trains (Fast Light Innovative Regional Train), we can bring closer the Airport and small villages around Timisoara by creating a connection with the cities around the county.

1.   Connection with the Airport
●   The Airport link with Timisoara is a pressing issue in the context of annual passenger traffic on Timisoara Airport, reaching 1.7 million passengers in 2017.  http://aerotim.ro/evolutie-trafic/).
●   Due to the fact that Timișoara will be in 2021, European Capital of Culture are all prerequisites for an even greater increase in the number of passengers in the coming years. That is why the reliable long-term transport solutions for the passenger flow between Timisoara and the Airport have to be considered.
●   At present, the Public Transport Company operates two bus routes linking Timisoara and the Airport:
o   - Bus E4A, from "Bastion" Station to Airport - return, 1 time / hour;
o   - Bus E4B, from the North Railway Station to Airport - return, 4 times/ day;
●   These public transport routes, in addition to being clearly affected by the traffic congestion situation and an inland road infrastructure insufficient for existing road traffic, are totally unoptimized with air traffic and do not meet the needs of air transport users for example, the last bus leaves from the airport before the last flight to Timisoara, which further limits the travel options of passengers arriving on the Timisoara Airport towards their final destination.
●   Conform to Mobility Plan of Timisoara
o   Public transport services are not competitive by comparison with car and taxi
o   Due to poor connectivity from the West and South (Jimbolia, Beograd SRB) to the northern city areas citizens have to cross trough the city to reach the airport. This leads to increased travel cost and time.
o   there are no facilities for an adequate link between the interurban bus and the airport

● Significant additional revenue received from the local budget by selling travel tickets, a simple cost-benefit analysis based on the cost of 8 RON for a full run Airport - Mall Shoping Center SUD shows a 100% investment amortization in about 6 years , respectively an effective gain of about 42% after 8 years;
● A direct link to the city railways with the airport  is a necessity/requirement for a modern city, especially for a upcoming European Capital of Culture where the number of tourists is expected to increase significantly and they need to have an optimal public transport connections between Timişoara and Airport;
● Reducing congestion on public road transports on north-south routes by providing an important urban train flow for passengers on the newly established route;
● Reducing pollution in the area by stimulating the use of public transport rather then using the personal car;
● Correlation of the new public transport routes with the air travel program.
● Connection to Timisoara International Airport via the Timisoara EAST train station, connection to Local Public Transport (line 40, E2, Tv1, Tv2)
● Connection with Timisoara International Airport via Timisoara NORTH Station connection to Local Public Transport (E1, E3, Tr11, Tr14, Tr18, M14, E4b, Tv1, Tv8, Tv9)

What causes rail noise and vibration?
Noise from rail lines can have a significant impact on local communities. Engines, brakes and the wheels moving on the tracks are the main source of noise from trains. Rail noise travels directly to nearby homes when the tracks are at street level.
Warning bells at level crossings and trains blasting their horns are essential safety precautions when trains cross roads or pedestrian paths, but they are noisy for residents. Vibration from rail structures can also be experienced as noise.

How have noise and vibration been considered in the design?
The proposed design for the elevated rail sections will minimize impacts from noise and vibration. Level crossings are eliminated, reducing the use of noisy warning signals.
The elevated design considers noise at street level and at nearby residents caused by train engines, brakes and wheels.
The elevated structures reduce noise and vibration impacts through the use of:
•   walls and screens to mitigate noise transfer
•   new high-quality, continuous smooth tracks
•   purpose-built resilient fastenings to attach the new tracks directly to the structure
•   Rubber insulators under the track to dampen vibrations.
Source of information: https://levelcrossings.vic.gov.au/media/publications/ctd-factsheet-understanding-rail-noise-and-vibration

5.   Passengers on railway
In 2017, the total number of One-way tickets, sold by  the national railway company (CFR), from Timisoara and nearby cities train stations is around 1.5 million as follows: Timisoara – 1187483, Buzias – 6575, Jimbolia – 70880, Lugoj – 218740, Deta – 6402, Faget – 1615. This data does not cover the tickets sold by the private company on the railway sector,  Regio Trans.
There are around 30.000 commuters from nearby cities/villages making round trips to Timisoara. By implementing the urban train, taking into account about 50% of the commuters, we would sell about 7.5 million tickets annually. Depending on future development on the urban train, based on demand, the number of tickets sold could grow. The estimated annual 7.5 million tickets will reduce the number of commuters which use private/personal transport and the carbon footprint that these transports create.
In addition to these tickets there is an estimate of 1 million tickets to be sold to airport travelers having a direct connection to Timisoara city center or the villages around Timisoara. The advantages for the users of the railway link from the Timisoara airport to the railway network revolve around reduced travel expenses, reliable transport, reduced travel time, comfort, predictable time schedules and increased mobility to the surrounding cities/villages.
Due to the low percentage of unemployment rate in Timis County (0.8%), the targeted users of the railway network can be expanded to commuters from nearby counties and neighboring countries (border area) from where, currently, companies provide buss transports. The railway network can reduce the commuters travel time by 50%, from an average of 2 hours per trip down to one hour.
The bellow image shows which cities/villages around Timisoara can directly benefit from the urban train transport solution in a radius of 25km.

By implementing the proposed project, Vision 2030 Timisoara, there are a number of benefits that will be available for future development for both public and private parties:
1.   Freight train will have uninterrupted routes to destinations leading to a faster transport time by bypassing the city restrictions and any delays caused by passenger trains.
2.   Freight trains will have a direct connection to the future logistics center in Remetea Mare
3.   Little to no impact on investment cost for implementing the corridor outside the city limits
4.   Reduce the risk of delay on urban trains on the inner city line, as freight routes will bypass the city railway network
5.   Opens a new opportunity for citizens to travel faster from city limits and nearby villages to city center
6.   Connects the city to the Timisoara airport
7.   Links key business areas such as Isho, Openville and 700 Square
8.   Railway network opens a new commute option for companies which have employees in neighboring Counties and Serbian or Hungarian border villages/cities
9.   Reduce noise and pollution in the city from freight trains using diesel locomotives
10.   Reduce overall pollution on public/private/personal transport
11.   The city railway network can better adjust to rush hours required capacity
12.   Cost reduction for companies and citizens

Future improvement – combine both projects (EU and Romanian Transport Minister) in a way, which will be a win-win-win outcome for Timisoara citizens, European Commission and the Romanian Railway Company. Connection of lines 900 and 916 near Timisoara (blue line), between IZVIN and URSENI, will help to deviate the freight trains around the city limits, using an external infrastructure.
   A combination between Timisoara Vision 2030 project and this future improvement, will increase the connectivity between Timisoara and some villages situated near to city limits.


Astept un feedback din partea voastra la topicul de mai sus.


Noul studiu de prefezabilitate pentru metroul din Timișoara va analiza alte trasee

Primarul Timişoarei, Nicolae Robu, a declarat că va menţine pe agenda municipalităţii realizarea unui studiu de prefezabilitate pentru construirea unui metrou, dar pe alte trasee decât cel în partajare cu CFR, întrucât compania feroviară a obţinut fonduri europene care-i vor permite să menţină actualele linii pe actualele structuri de suprafaţă, de tip movile, informeaza Agerpres.

"Lucrurile sunt într-o anumită dinamică, iar când noi am făcut studiul de fezabilitate pentru un metrou, am vizat traseul actualelor căi ferate. La acea vreme, în 2013, studiul nostru de prefezabilitate a primit de la Ministerul Transporturilor, toate avizele de ducere în subteran a liniilor de cale ferată şi de realizare cu această ocazie a unei linii de metrou. Este un lucru peste care s-a trecut uşor şi a fost făcut uitat. Dar, pentru că CFR are un proiect cu finanţare europeană pentru modernizarea şi extinderea sistemului de cale ferată pe actuala tehnologie (movilă de pământ), a căzut acea variantă de transformare a zonei şi probabil că în următorii cel puţin 20-30 de ani, linia de cale ferată va rămâne pe actuala movilă", a punctat primarul Nicolae Robu.

Acesta a specificat că acum se va face un studiu de fezabilitate pentru metrou pe cu totul alte trasee care să facă legătura între principalele puncte din zona periurbană cu staţii care să deservească locuri de maxim interes din oraş. El a precizat că acest metrou nu se va realiza în perioada imediat următoare, dar dacă astfel de obiective nu au pregătit un studiu de prefezabilitate, nu vor avea niciodată şansa de a se realiza.

"Pentru astfel de obiective trebuie să fii pregătit în orice moment, dacă apare o oportunitate de finanţare de la bugetul de stat, european sau din alte surse. La acea vreme, eu am fost căutat de o firmă care reprezintă statul chinez şi care era dispusă să realizeze metroul cu banii lor proprii, pe baza acelui studiu de prefezabilitate. I-am îndrumat la Ministerul Transporturilor, dar apăruse acea finanţare pe fonduri europene şi nu se mai putea materializa acea idee. Dar dacă nu aveam nimic, niciun document, niciun studiu, ci doar le spuneam că am vrea să avem un metrou şi să ne dea bani, ar fi râs lumea de noi", a adăugat edilul municipiului Timișoara.
