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Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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^DX-ul lor e fara banda (minima) de urgenta?


Este adevărat, așa este și prin alte pârți.


Au viață grea bulgarii!

Vidin - Botevgrad E-79 (Bulgaria) reconstrucție drum - Mezdra-Botevgrad - Lot-2 (15.12.2022)
skyPoint pe YT

La minutul 4:00 e ceea ce se numește cut&cover ?



Tot din Bulgaria, DX Vidin - Botevgrad, lot 2 Makresh - Bela


... și continuarea Lot 3, Bela - Ruzhentsi

Lotul 1 este părăsit.


...Lotul 1 Vidin - Makresh, filmat în Octombrie...


Tot de prin Bulgaria, A6 Europa, Dragoman - Kalotina

Constructor Străbat, lot în întârziere, termenul era septembrie 2022.


The Vidin-Botevgrad expressway is divided in 4 main sections :

Section 1 between Vidin - Makresh (30km) - Under Construction. Opening date to traffic: 2025?

Section 2 between Makresh - Montana (65km) is divided in 3 lots:

1. Makresh - Bela ( 14 km) - Under Construction, Opening date to traffic: 2023

2. Bela - Ruzintsi ( 11km) - Under Construction, Opening date to traffic: 2024?

3. Ruzintsi - Montana ( 40km) - Planned

Section 3 between Montana - Mezdra ( 51.7 KM) is divided in 3 lots:

1. Montana - Vratsa ( 28.7km) - Planned

2. Vratsa By-Pass ( 14km) - Opened

3. Vratsa - Mezdra ( 9km) - Planned

Section 4 between Mezdra - Botevgrad ( 32.32km) is divided in 2 lots:

1. Mezdra - Lutidil ( 13 KM) - Under Construction. Opening date to traffic : 2024

2. Lutidil - Botevgrad ( 19.32 KM) - Under Construction. Opening date to traffic : 2024

Minister Shishkov: Within half a year, we will allow traffic on the 7-kilometer section of the Botevgrad - Vidin expressway, between Novachene and Skravena [north of Botevgrad]

By mid-February, procedures for a detailed development plan and technical projects for the missing section between Vratsa and Montana will be launched

Within half a year, we will make an attempt to start traffic on a newly constructed 7-kilometer section of the Vidin-Botevgrad expressway, between Novachene and Skravena. This was announced by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Arch. Ivan Shishkov, who today inspected the construction of the future expressway from Montana to Botevgrad. "I was not at all satisfied with the state of the Vratsa bypass and the section between Montana and Vratsa," noted Minister Shishkov. He recalled that an environmental impact assessment and project concept had been prepared years ago for the sections in question, but it turned out that the route was unsuitable. In this regard, the minister informed that by the middle of February, the procedure for awarding a detailed structural plan and an extended concept project for the route will be started. "Unfortunately, the site was simply forgotten over the years. Now it is no longer the case, and people can count on the fact that a project for the route will be commissioned in the fastest way", arch. Shishkov.

He expressed his expectation that after Easter the construction of the Ruzhintsi - Montana section will also begin. "Even in the first days of the year, with the first decision of the Council of Ministers, we approved the expropriation of the properties necessary for the construction of the 41-kilometer section. We will work hard to carry out the expropriation and start the construction," assured the regional minister.

He pointed out that in the remaining sections, construction is proceeding at a good pace and will be completed. The delay will only be due to the redoing of the original project, which will remove the planned roundabouts, against which the local residents also protested in 2020. "When the project was agreed in 2020, 3-4 roundabouts were planned, which are unacceptable . At the moment, we are nearing the end of the procedure to submit and approve a detailed development plan for changes in the sections with the construction of road junctions", assured arch. Ivan Shishkov. He summarized that the construction of the expressway shortly after Vidin to Ruzhintsi is the most advanced. The first section near Vidin is behind in performance. The construction of the Mezdra - Botevgrad stage is on schedule, but unfortunately there is a delay due to problems with the technical solution, as well as still unapproved PUPs for the new road junctions. "This delay is related to the issues that are at stake in 2020. Of course, I expect that within a month or two all the detailed development plans in this part will be approved to unblock this issue. Construction companies have no problems with financing. Although I was criticized by a former regional minister for paying the construction companies, we have taken a course to pay them because this is the only way to pressure them to work with quality and on time," he also said.

"The only way for the tunnel under Petrokhan to be built is to build it with a different economic approach, through a concession, because the state will not be able to build it in the foreseeable future with the need for BGN 20 billion for all the missing highways," Minister Shishkov also commented . He pointed out to the representatives of the local government that the project for the tunnel and the route leading to Sofia is very important for the entire North-West. "At the moment, the API is working in this direction, there is an assigned EIA procedure, the route is clear. It is about 80 km shorter than what the state is currently building. In any case, we, as an official office and API, will push for the environmental assessment to be completed as quickly as possible. But people should know that the state will not have the financial opportunity to finish this route soon," the minister emphasized. He reminded that the construction of the expressway from Vidin to Botevgrad alone will cost over BGN 1 billion to the budget. "In order not to turn into another construction illusion, the tunnel under Petrokhan, I suggest that after the state has done its part - make an EIA and determine a route, that the politicians should think and propose to the people that a procedure should be carried out and that they be given a concession. Better to have a tunnel than to have it only in the mouths of politicians. Better to have a highway than talk about a highway. That's my suggestion. I came here, apart from inspecting it, from this place to address the people, mainly from the region, regardless that it will be a relief of all the road traffic. My personal opinion is that this is the better option," commented arch. Shishkov.


Pe celelalte sectoare din Hemus se mai misca ceva? Anul acesta ma bate gandul sa merg in Grecia cu masina si daca pana anul trecut speram ca o sa pot sa merg pe A hemus pe cel putin doua din loturile in lucru si sa trec si prin tunel pe Struma, dar acum imi dau seama ca o sa mai dureze...
Pariuri: A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe - aici


Despre Struma, la sud de Sofia spre Kulata pot zice eu câte ceva, porțiunea lipsă de vreo 38km.
Au un tunel lunguț, gata, asfaltat. La nord de tunel spre Sofia nu există încă și nu a existat vreodată contract, deci 2+ ani minim, la sud de tunel au toate podurile a zis bulgarul gata, dar au o problemă de prăbușire de perete chiar înainte de tunel și au ajuns la concluzis că trebuie o reproiectare acolo!


^ Daca faci referire la tunelul care este dupa Blagoevgrad, ei bine, inainte de tunel au un viaduct peste rau, DN si CF, dupa care este o portiune (pe dreapta) care la fel, este cu alunecare de teren, (cam ca cea de dupa tunel, pe stanga mergand spre Kulata.
Asta ar fi bucata sudica, spre Kulata, la care deja se lucreaza... mai ia o felie din versant.

Iar asta este (la inceput) partea dinspre Blagoevgrad


Foarte util acel heliport ! Sunt curios dacă vor instala și sisteme luminoase de balizaj. Sper ca și în România să construiască heliporturi, de exemplu pentru A1.


Pentru cei ce vor merge spre Grecia via A2 Hemus și A3 Struma, anul acesta nu se va da drumul la nici un kilometru de autostradă. Pe ruta Vidin - Botevgrad posibil să finalize unele secțiuni, dar fără mare impact pentru întregul traseu.

Secțiunea lipsă de autostradă din A3 este la sud, nu la nord și este vorba de circa 27 km, secțiunea Krupnik - Kresna. Acest sector constituit din două loturi este atribuit, dar nu semnat. Fostul ministru de resort, ecologist, a blocat proiectul. Acum se încercă deblocare lui, dar nu există suport politic.
Pentru zonele de alunecări din zonele adiacente ale tunelului Zheznitsa, se lucrează la remedierea problemelor, alocându-se sume suplimentare cerute de constructor. fap anul trecut înainte cu două zile de alegeri au inaugurat cu fast o secțiune din A3 de lângă Kresna de 2,7 km, care era finalizată de vreo trei ani fără a fi dată în exploatare. :D


^ Vreo 2 ani minim, mi-a zis bulgarul pentru Struma! Aia cu Botevgrad vreo 10+km deschiși anul ăsta nu se pune pentru noi, sunt în apropriere de Botevgrad, ocol aiurea dinspre pod Calafat, bac Bechet. Sunt loturi neintrate în licitație acolo spre Vidin. Și la nord de tunel pe Struma spre Sofia nu au contract. Plus reproiectare la sud de tunel asfaltat. Dinspre Giurgiu nu contează oricum Vidin-Botevgrad.