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Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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Spectaculos lotul 3.1 de pe A3 Struma cu acel tunel si viaduct imens, se lucreaza sustinul acolo, ce constructor e pe acel lot  ???
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^ Sunt mai mulți constructori, pentru a eficientiza lucrările, cea ce se vede pe filmare este compusă din patru loturi: lot 3,1 zona rămasă de la nod Blagoevgrad Sud până în primul viaduct , plus zona ce se termina după viaductul și dealul de după tunel, această secțiune are 7 km, zona tunelului plus cele două portaluri și viaducte au 4,4 km și este împărțită în trei loturi 3.1.1 viaductul și portalul nord, 3.1.2 tunelul și 3.1.3 viaductul și portalul sud. Toate firmele ce lucrează pe aceste loturi sunt din Bulgaria.

Lot 3.1 Blagoevgrad - Krupnik, road part
Lot 3.1 road part is 12.6 km long from km 359 + 000 to km 366 + 000 and from km 370 + 400 to km 376 + 000 with gauge A-29 m. It is planned to build 11 bridge facilities with a total length from about 850 m - 3 overpasses, 3 agricultural underpasses, 1 underpass and 1 railway overpass.

Tender procedure
The section does not include the Railway Tunnel, which is the subject of a separate public procurement.
On August 1, 2014 a public procurement was announced for the design and construction of lot 3.1 road part, with a length of 12.6 km. Its indicative value is BGN 150 million.
On * November 2014, the received applications for participation in the procedure for awarding lot 3.1 were opened, and the participants who submitted documents were 11.
In March 2015, public procurements were announced for supervision of lots 3.1 and 3.3.
On May 19, 2015 the price offers for the road part of lot 3.1 were opened, as the association "Struma 3.1 Highway", composed of "Trace Group Hold" AD and "Roads and Bridges" EOOD, offers a price of 118 020 000 without VAT , but receives fewer points for the technical proposal from DZZD "AM STRUMA 3.1", which includes "Agromah" EOOD, AB AD, Haskovo, "Hydrostroy", "Roads Plovdiv Group" EOOD, "Roads Plovdiv" AD and "Alve Consult EOOD, which offers a price of BGN 139,021,499.92 without VAT and a maximum contract price of BGN 154,999,999.92 without VAT.
The contract for the road part of lot 3.1 was concluded on December 30, 2015, as the contractor is DZZD "AM STRUMA 3.1", consisting of "Agromah" EOOD, "Roads Plovdiv" AD, "Hydrostroy" AD, "Roads Plovdiv Group" EOOD, AB, AD and Alve Consult EOOD . The accepted contract amount is BGN 186 million, and the implementation period is 3.5 years (1280 days).
On August 31, 2017, the first sod was made.
On May 23, 2019, section 1 of LOT 3.1.1 (from Blagoevgrad Nature Park to Blagoevgrad South Nature Reserve) was put into operation.

Lot 3.1 Railway Tunnel
Lot 3.1 - Railway Tunnel is 4.4 km long from km 366 + 000 to km 370 + 400. The lot is divided into three subsections.

Tender procedure
On March 29, 2018, a public procurement was announced for a consulting service - construction supervision for the design and construction of the Struma Motorway Lot 3.1 "Railway Tunnel with three separate positions".
Lot № 1: Subdivision № 1 from km 366 + 000 to km 366 + 720, including a service tunnel road at the northern portal of the Railway Tunnel;
Lot № 2: Subdivision № 2 from km 366 + 720 to km 369 + 000, including a service tunnel road at the southern portal of the Zheleznitsa tunnel and a helicopter pad;
Lot № 3: Subdivision № 3 from km 369 + 000 to km 370 + 400
On September 28, 2018, the contract for subsection № 3 of the route after the Zheleznitsa tunnel was signed as the contractor is PST GROUP EAD . The value of the contract is BGN 22,130,756.88 with VAT, and the term for implementation is 120 days for preparation of the project and 480 days for implementation of the construction and installation works.
On October 16, 2018, the contract for subdivision № 1 of the route before the Zheleznitsa tunnel was signed as the contractor is DZZD Zheleznitsa - Sever , which includes: GBS Infrastructure Construction AD , Glavbolgarstroy AD and Glavbolgarstroy International EAD . The value of the contract is BGN 29,985,345 without VAT.
On December 11, 2018 the price offers of the candidates for construction supervision were opened and the received offers are a total of 13 of which 4 for a separate position № 1, 7 for a separate position № 2 and 2 for a separate position № 3
On December 19, 2018, the contractors were announced for construction supervision for the three separate positions with a quality / price ratio criterion.
Under separate position 1 - Association "TES CONSULT" with partners "Strol-1000" AD , "Tri - S" EOOD and "Expert Design" with a complex assessment of 100 points and a price of BGN 719,739.60 with VAT
Under separate position 2 - "Plan Invest Zheleznitsa DZZD" with partners "Plan Invest Plovdiv" EOOD , "Infracontrol" EOOD , "Infraproject Consult" EOOD , "Askos 03" EOOD and "Search Corporation" with a complex assessment of 95.25 points and price of BGN 4,793,328 with VAT
Under separate position 3 - DZZD "Patconsult 2000 - Consult 64" with partners "Patconsult 2000" EOOD and "Consult 64" OOD with a complex assessment of 64 points and a price of BGN 558,266.40 with VAT
On February 11, 2019, the contract for subdivision № 2 of the "Zheleznitsa" tunnel was signed, as the contractor is DZZD "AM STRUMA TUNNEL 2018" , in which participate: "GP GROUP" AD , "GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION" OOD and "VIA "LTD . The value of the contract is BGN 185,370,370.37 without VAT, and the term for performance is 3 years (1060 days). [51]
On February 26, 2019, the contract for construction supervision for subdivision № 2 of the Zheleznitsa tunnel was signed as the contractor is Plan Invest Zheleznitsa DZZD
On March 12, 2019, the contracts for construction supervision were signed with TES CONSULT Association for subdivision ча 1 and DZZD "Patconsult 2000 - Consult 64" for subdivision № 3 [52]
On August 26, 2019 a construction permit was issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works № RS-83 / 26.08.2019 for Struma Motorway LOT 3.1 "Blagoevgrad - Krupnik", Separate position № 1, section from km 366 + 000 to km 366 + 720 .
On October 16, 2019 a construction permit was issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works № RS-96 / 16.10.2019 for Struma Motorway LOT 3.1 "Blagoevgrad - Krupnik", Separate position № 3, subdivision № 3 from km 369 + 000 to km 370 +400.
On October 16, 2019 a construction permit was issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works № RS-97 / 16.10.2019 for Struma Motorway LOT 3.1 "Blagoevgrad - Krupnik", Separate position № 2, subdivision № 2 from km 366 + 720 to km 369 +000.
On October 23, 2019, the construction of the Zheleznitsa tunnel was launched, as well as the road sections immediately before and after it.

^ Info de la


Salut tuturor.

Am o intrebare legata de A2 "Hemus", mai exact despre situatia celor 3 loturi cuprinse intre Boaza si intersectia A2-I35 Plevna-Lovech. Am observat ca au inceput lucrul la lotul 1 Boaza - Dermanti (acum mi se pare ca in luna Iunie au mai redus un pic "motoarele" pe acest lot) si, recent, la lotul 3 Kalenik - intersectia A2-I35 (chiar se vede un progres imens in luna Iunie). Nu am vazut vreo stire legata de lotul 2 Dermanti - Kalenik, aveti idee ca se intampla cu acest lot? Mai ales in conditiile in care au in plan sa finalizeze cele 3 loturi in 2023? Multumesc


^ Pentru lotul Dermantsi - Kalenik lucrările acum două săptămâni au început, atunci au fost date autorizațiile de construcție, avansul este minor, decopertări în doar două zone.

De prin Turcia:


Multumesc mult pentru raspuns. Cred ca din aceasta cauza cei care se ocupa cu filmarile din drona in Bulgaria (skypoint, EyeFromSky) nu ofera imagini si pentru acest lot. Dar in mod sigur o sa apara in saptamanile urmatoare.


Quote from: cezar-mario2012 on July 05, 2020, 11:44:32 AM
^..atunci au fost date autorizațiile de construcție
Au lucrat pe tronson (nu stiu precis fiecare locatie) și fără AC. Acest șantier încalcă toate hârtii și legi. Nu numai lipsa de AC.


Bulgaria, A2 Hemus, Nod Boaza - Nod Dermantsi.


Bulgaria, VO Pomorie.
Trafic este deschis. 70km/h, lucrarile de executie continua sub trafic ~2 luni.


Are cineva idee daca e pe bune stirea asta? Mediafax indica sursa ca fiind Novinite..
In conditiile astea, coada la vama Kulata s-ar putea sa creasca exponential.
Pariu cu Radu_A. 200 lei  (la API). El zice ca UMB pana la sfarsit de 2025 termina: A7 pana la Bacau, Dx6, A0 si DX12 T4. Eu sunt mai pesimist


Daca asta e stirea, pare reala:

Grecia schimbă din nou regulile. Va testa toți turiștii care intră în țară pe la vama Kulata-Promachonas


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Bulgaria, VO Sofia, tangenta sudica.

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 Ungaria. Luni 20 iulie vor fi inaugurate două loturi noi  de Dx.
M25 (M3 Füzesabony- Eger 19,5 km): Se deschide lotul 1  M3 - Andornaktálya 14,5 km. Lotul 2 de 4 km dintre Andornaktálya și  Eger este deschisă din 2018.La km 10 va exista nod ce va asigura acces direct la fabrica Bosch din localitatea Maklár.
M4   ,lotul Cegléd - Abony 17,6 km. Practic se deschid 11,6  km între Abony west și Abony est.  6 km dintre Cegléd și Abony west sunt deschiși de anul trecut.
Cu această deschidere M4 va fi continu între Szolnok si Budapesta (M0).
Pe M4 înafară de lotul de la  granița Ro/Hu de 26 km la care așteptăm deschiderea luna viitoare, mai avem în lucru lotul de 29 km dintre Abony west și Fegyvernek, practic centura nord a Szolnokului, cel care a fost început în 2014 ca autostradă ,oprită din construcție 1,5 ani mai tîrziu cu podul peste Tisa realizat în proporție de 70%,si apoi relicitat în 2018 ca Dx. Aici avem ca termen de finalizare ianuarie  2021. Celelalte două verigi lipsă din M4: Fegyvernek- Püspökladány 60km și Püspökladány- Berettyóújfalu 40 km sunt în stadiul de SF+PT+AM+asistenta (ceva gen A7 din Romania).


Interesant acest M4 maghiar, lotul de 26 km ce va duce la Vama Bors va fi la nivel de A, iar restul de 207 km pana la Budapesta va fi la nivel de DX !
Robert ai idee, cele 2 loturi ramase lipsă din M4, Fegyvernek- Püspökladány 60km și Püspökladány- Berettyóújfalu 40 km vor fi construite la nivel de A sau DX  ???
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M4 va avea trei tipuri : Autostradă pînă la nodul M4/M35/M47.
Dx pe platformă de 22 m  de la nod pînă la Szolnok
Dx pe platformă de 26m între Szolnok si Budapesta