Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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 ... de prin Bulgaria, autostrada A2 Hemus, lotul Boaza - Kolashin:

... și început de lucrări pe lotul 2 Kolashi - DN Plevna/Lovech:


Cocoase inutile care ne vor afecta zeci de ani:
1. Focsani 2. Boita 3. Balcauti
"multe multumiri" proiectantilor
2. Deschideri 2024: Intaia Cocoasa + L3, Lotul Coni , T1DX12, A0L3,


Kalenik, postasem și pe Drumurile Europei, Kolashin este în Muntenegru.


RIA has announced a tender procedure for the construction of a Shipka Peak Tunnel The
engineering contract is estimated at BGN 267 225 010 excluding VAT, the financing will be from the new OP Transport Connectivity 2021-2027

. The deadline for implementation of the construction works is 1 280 calendar days.


The Road Infrastructure Agency has launched a tender for the selection of a contractor for the tunnel under Shipka. The value of the contract is BGN 267 225 010 excluding VAT. The deadline for submission of bids is 5:30 PM on December 5, 2019.

The public procurement envisages the construction of a section with a length of 10,553 km, of which 7.6 km are new construction and 2.9 km are reconstruction of the existing road I-5 Gabrovo - Kazanlak, as well as 5 tunnels with a total length of 4,011 km. The tunnel under Shipka will be 3.22 km long. The remaining 4 tunnels are smaller - 171 m, 240 m, 90 m and 290 m respectively. Another 6 bridges and 1 subway, 12 will be built. reinforced embankments, one reinforced concrete retaining wall, one reinforced concrete retaining wall, etc.

  ,,The tunnel under Shipka Peak will be located 1 km west of Shipka Pass and 1 km east of Malusha Peak. The northern part of the tunnel will be in the Gabrovo district and the southern part in the Stara Zagora district. It will have two lanes of 3.75 m, two lanes of 0.50 m and two sidewalks of 0.85 m.

The term of construction works is 1 280 calendar days, or nearly 3 and a half years.

The magnifying road to the abyss of the Gabpovo Bypass, leading to the future tunnel under Shipa, is a 5-stage jigsaw and will perform in two phases. In the final stage, the phase is closed, including a total of 4 points, and a step connection with a total length of 23.25 m. The phase that surrounds the fifth phase is better than the circumference of the gp. Gabrovo, inclusive and thorny under the Ship.

It is envisaged that the project "Design and construction of a site:" Bypass of the town of Gabrovo from km 20 + 124.50 to km 30 + 673.48, including tunnel under Shipka Peak "will be proposed for financing from the future Operational Program" Transport Connectivity " 2021-2027

The tunnel will be a focal point for the North-South traffic and through it will cross the Stara Planina Mountain in the central part of Bulgaria. The main transport destinations to be served are: Ruse - Veliko Turnovo - Shipka - Stara Zagora - Svilengrad (Makaza) and Oryahovo - Sevlievo - Shipka - Stara Zagora - Svilengrad (Makaza)."



For more than BGN 14 million awarded an extended conceptual project of the Black Sea motorway
The deadline for submission of bids for participation in the open procedure is November 28.

The Road Infrastructure Agency has launched a public procurement for the development of an extended preliminary design, with the completion of full geological engineering studies and the drawing up of a detailed layout plan for the Black Sea Motorway. The indicative value of the contract is BGN 14.4 million excluding VAT.

The purpose of the contract is to develop at least three variants for the Black Sea motorway route. It is necessary to explore the possibilities of building links with resort towns and resorts through existing roads. The design speed of the route is planned to be 120 km / h, with a gauge of 27 m, with two active and one emergency lane in each direction of travel.

,,The contract includes engineering and geological and geodetic surveys of the future route, development of design solutions for the construction of large bridge structures, viaducts, overpasses, subways, tunnels and road junctions, landscape design, preparation of environmental protection measures and development of detailed layout plan-parcel plan. The deadline for implementation is 365 calendar days, which includes only the design time, without the time for reviewing the development, organization and holding of EIT meetings of the RIA, as well as for carrying out procedures under the EPA.

It is envisaged that the route of the Black Sea motorway will start at the future connection with the Hemus motorway, in the area of ​​the village of Sunny Beach, to cross Varna Lake in its narrowest part near Beloslav, to connect with the existing part of the motorway. "Black Sea" near Priseltsi village and to make a connection with the end of Trakia motorway near the "Vetren" quarter of Burgas.

The construction of Black Sea Motorway will complete the country's highway ring, which is one of the long-term strategic goals of the road agency. The connection of the main routes of North and South Bulgaria - Hemus Motorway and Trakia Railway will improve the access of international transit traffic to the two largest ports - Varna and Bourgas and the tourist flow to the whole Black Sea.

The deadline for the receipt of tenders is 5:30 pm on November 28."



Deja mi-ai stricat seara.... Tuneluri, autostrazi.... La Bulgari...
Și noi ne coim pentru 20 km...


Ca sa nu imi stric seara, m-am gandit ca ajungem mai repede pe litoralul din BG sau GR (ca se vede in poze ca fac si A2 al lor).


... de prim Serbia, autostrada Nis - Dimitrovgrad, lot BANCAREVO - CRVENA REKA:

Pe data de 9 Noiembrie 2019 este stabilită inaugurarea acestui lot. La eveniment pe lângă autoritățile sârbe, au fost invitate și oficialități din Bulgaria. După ce acest lot va fi dat în folosință, autostrada A4 ramura est va fi finalizată, din acel moment Serbia va avea conectate cu autostradă patru țări vecine: Croați, Ungaria, Bulgaria și Macedonia. În următori ani, autoritățile sârbe doresc să se conecteze cu autostrăzi cu toți vecini: Bosnia, Muntenegru, Kosovo și Romania. În afară de autostrada către România, toate celelalte sunt deja în diferite faze de execuție sau proiectare. 


 Autostrada Nis - Merdare(Serbia - Albania via Kosovo)

  ,,Mihajlovic: Nis-Merdare-Pristina highway economically viable, a step towards the future of Serbs and Albanians

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic said today that the Nis-Merdare-Pristina highway is economically viable, as shown by the EIB and EBRD and the EU, as they participate in its construction, with the assessment that it represents a realistic step towards a future that must exist between Serbs and Albanians.

"What everyone needs to know, a project where money is given by the EIB, the EBRD, they are not investing in a financing agreement unless a feasibility study has been done beforehand to show the highway's cost-effectiveness. A feasibility study has proven cost-effective. But the highway is as important as any for the economy, but also for politics , "Mihajlovic told Kosovo Online .

The deputy prime minister said it was one of six highways under construction and to be built, emphasizing the importance of exiting the Albanian port.

"It should not be forgotten that Serbia does not have access to the sea and that every exit to the port is strategically significant for the future ," Mihajlovic said.

She specified that the first section of the highway, from Niš to Pločnik, will begin to be built in the third quarter of next year, that it is 33 kilometers long and that, in part, the contract for financing of 225 million euros will be signed.

She stated that a financing agreement with the EIB has been signed in the amount of EUR 100 million , that 40 million are EU donors and the rest will be a financing agreement with the EBRD .

It is at the reviews on economic viability underlined that everyone needs to know that a project in which money gives the EIB , the EBRD will certainly not be of their party funded, if it has not already done feasibility study which should show the cost-effectiveness of the highway.

"Each highway that passes through Serbia gives stability, above all, but also the opportunity for additional investments to come. This highway is certainly a realistic step towards a future that must exist between Serbs and Albanians in the future, " Mihajlovic said.

Asked about the statement Behgjet Pacolli who "welcomed" the construction of the highway, the deputy prime minister said she is not sure whether one can believe that statement, the Traffic Since what is Pacoli earlier telling "whether the statement was genuine or just cynical" . but that what is irrefutable and that cannot be reversed is reality.

"Infrastructure is the most realistic thing that connects people. Therefore, roads, railroads, it connects the citizens and enables them to think more about their standard of living from that political part, " Mihajlovic emphasized, adding:

" That is why I consider it a realistic step towards reconciliation between Serbs and Albanians in a subsequent period. Politicians will talk a lot, we will be able to interpret it one way or another, but I think it is important to ensure that all people live better, because when so and when their standard is better, when they are better connected, then somehow topics are which they think completely differently. "

She reminded that the construction of highways is the idea of ​​the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, while he was the first Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, that we should build highways and see where Serbia is needed and what they mean for it, as well as the Nis-Merdare-Pristina highway .

"From that moment on they started serious, not criticism, but bursts of outrage, as this highway being built, that nothing should be there to build, that we are traitors ... After today, above all, can be against any highway?" She asked Mihajlovic.

He says that, despite all the criticism of the DSS , Vuk Jeremic, the radicals, all this should be set aside because people need roads, Serbia should take care of its people strategically, but it should also appear strategically at the Albanian port ...

"When you think that way, all criticism should be put aside ," the Deputy Prime Minister concluded."



,,The Chronicle
Belgrade: Contract signed with Turkish company Tashjapi for design and construction of part of Belgrade-Sarajevo highway worth 250m euros

Belgrade - A commercial contract for the design and construction of a part of the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway has been signed with the Turkish company Tashjapi worth EUR 250 million.

The strategic document was signed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Zorana Mihajlovic, v.d. director of "Roads of Serbia" Zoran Drobnjak and president of Turkish company "Tashyapi" Emrualh Turanli.
Mihajlovic said that a financial contract is expected to be signed next year and the construction of a highway in early 2020.

The Belgrade-Sarajevo highway will be built in two lanes, comprising sections of Sremska Raca - Kuzmin, about 17 kilometers long, and Pozega-Uzice-Kotroman, about 60 kilometers long, in the territory of Serbia.

The total value of the construction of both sections in the territory of Serbia is about EUR 1.05 billion, of which about EUR 220 million is the value of the Sremska Raca - Kuzmin section and about EUR 830 million is the Pozega-Kotroman section.

The value of the commercial contract for the design and construction of sections of the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway is € 250 million, which includes the elaboration of a detailed regulation plan, projects and works for the construction of the Sremska Rača - Kuzmin highway (with a bridge over the Sava River) and the design of the Pozega-Kotroman section.

The minister told reporters in the Government of Serbia that Turkey and Serbia have good economic and bilateral relations and that it is a common interest of both countries to develop, above all, with a view to the stability of the region. As she stated, good relations between the two presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Recep Tayyip Erdgoan resulted in different projects and agreements.

Mihajlovic said that trade relations between Serbia and Turkey are showing significant growth and that trade volume in 2017 was close to one billion euros, which is four times more than in 2009.

The Deputy Prime Minister and line minister said that in the first ten months of this year, the exchange amounted to 850 million euros and that the plan is to increase it to over two billion euros.

The Belgrade-Sarajevo highway is the first highway to directly connect Serbia and BiH, as well as Serbia with Republika Srpska, and is of great importance for connecting in the region."



Si daca este interesant: in Bulgaria cu succes merge construirea tunelului "Jeleznița" pe Autostrada "A3 - Struma", la tronson Blagoevgrad - Simitli. Niste zeci de metri sunt deja gata (lungimea totala ~2km).

Tunel este aici:


^ Uite și o poză, chiar două:


...de prin Serbia, azi va fi inaugurată ultima secțiune din autostrada Nis - Dimitrivgrad, din acest moment Serbia are conexiuni la nivel de autostradă cu patru țări: Croația, Ungaria, Bulgaria și Macedonia, mai rămân de conectat Albania via Kosovo , Muntenegru, Bosnia și România.

Azi va fi petrecere mare la intrare din tunel, au fost invitați și oficialități din Bulgaria.


... și bulgarii s-a apucat serios de lucru la autostrada A6 ce se conectează cu autostrada Nis - Dimitrovgrad, acum se lucrează la transformarea actualului drum I-8 în autostradă cu bani de la buget, UE nu a vrut să finanțeze această autostradă, cu toate că este pe coridorul principal Asia-Europa. Prima secțiune în lucru este Slivitsa - Dragoman, Dragoman - Kalotina(granița cu Serbia) este în faza de proiectare, acest lot este un pic mai dificil, dar a primit și ceva bani de la UE pe transfrontalier. Secțiunea Centura Sofiei - Slivitsa este în licitație și va fi pe un nou traseu ce se va conecta direct cu Tangenta de Nord a Sofiei (acum denumită A6).

Lucrări pe lotul Slivitsa - Dragoman:


 ... tot de prin Bulgaria, ieri au fost deschise ofertele financiare pentru primul lot din autostrada A3 Struma lot 3,2 Kresna - Krupnik.

  ,,There are three open bids for the construction of a section of Struma Motorway through the Kresna Gorge

  There are three open bids for the candidates to be awarded the contract for the selection of a contractor for design and construction, 13.2 km from the Struma highway, in the section between Kresna and Krupnik. This is the lane in the direction of Kulata - Sofia, which will pass east from the Kresna Gorge on a new route.
  The entire nearly 24-kilometer stretch from Kresna to Krupnik is divided into two lots - 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, so that the site can be operated simultaneously. The price quotes for Lot 3.2.1 were opened today - from km 375 + 860 to km 389 + 100, and the adjacent road connections.

Open Bids are at:

GBS-Infrastructure Construction AD - BGN 635 972 625.41 incl. VAT
GEOPOT STRUM 3.2.1, which includes: Geostroy AD, Patstroy-92 AD, Bias-M EOOD and Ilia Burda EOOD - BGN 504 037 616.93 incl. VAT

Lot 3.2.1 is 13.2 km long. 3 tunnels will be built in the section - Simitli / 211 m /, Rakitna / 1 135 m / and Stara Kresna / 1 052 m /. The facilities will be equipped with systems for fire alarm, ventilation, power supply, lighting, traffic management, etc. 10 viaducts with a total length of 3.5 km will be constructed, as well as 3 overpasses and subways.
  Access to the route will be ensured through 3 interchanges:

The Poleto road junction at 379 km, which will provide access from the Kulata direction to the villages of Brezhani and Poleto, as well as inclusion in the Sofia highway.
Road junction Mechkul at 384 km, which will provide access from the Kulata direction to the villages Mechkul and Brezhani, as well as inclusion in the motorway towards Sofia.
The Stara Kresna road junction at 387 km, which will provide access from the Kulata direction to the villages of Stara Kresna, Oshtava, as well as to the Sofia highway.
The deadline for the completion of the procurement is 1556 days and includes the time for design and construction.

  The work of the Auction Committee considering the technical bids for Lot 3.2.2 is ongoing and the bidding is open.

  The project for the construction of the section of Struma Motorway through the Kresna Gorge is planned to be co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union and the national budget through the OP Transport and Transport Infrastructure."
