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Drumurile vecinilor Romaniei

Started by Cristi232, May 07, 2012, 03:49:55 PM

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sunt curios care sunt deschiderile. oricum pare ca au macelarit sa zic asa Dunarea cat de mici sunt deschiderile...inclusiv cea cele doua de langa. Incredbil cate pile sunt in apa. Zice ca e still indiferent cum e obstacolul faci deschideri de 40 de metri. Ala chiar ca e design&build dus la extrem...sau mai rau...o fi chiar un fel de concesiune.
Drumurile noastre POATE....
(100 Euro ca tronsonul Holdea Margina din A1 nu se va deschide complet la trafic in acest deceniu).


destul de nationalisti bulgarii.

Nu am inteles prea bine postarea ca firmele sunt scrise cu caractere slave...dar ce s-a tradus cat de pare ca cam toti grecii, italienii, fost descalificati. De Aktor...inteleg. Dar restul???

Mai e si un articol interesant cu tot felul de acuzatii si scenarii...referitor la ultimul cel mai greu...cel din mijloc lot 3.2.

Toate tunurile din ce am inteles sunt pe seful agentiei de mediu care a cerut 15 km de tunel. Intial era vorba de mai multe tuneluri mai mici. Acum unul de 15 da totul peste cap, si risca sa fie retrasa finantarea de pe toate loturile executate.
Drumurile noastre POATE....
(100 Euro ca tronsonul Holdea Margina din A1 nu se va deschide complet la trafic in acest deceniu).


 Situatia la bulgari pentru A3 Struma, lot 3 (lot 3.1/3.2/3.3)este urmatoarea: fata de licitatiile anterioare, la aceasta licitatie s-a procedat cu totul altfel, intai s-au inregistrat pentru licitatie toate firmele interesate, iar in etapa a doua firmele care au fost selectate vor depune si oferta de pret, urmand ca in primul trimestru al anului viitor sa se declare castigatorul. Bulgari au fost amabili si ti-au scris si in litere latine firmele care au trecut in a doua etapa, o sa le transcriu si aici da nu ai vazut acolo:


4. CLOC consortiul ,,СССС-SК-13", format din urmatoarele firme:


,,China Comunication Construction Company" SRL, China

5. CLOC ,,PST STRUMA 1", consortiul format din urmatoarele firme:

,,PST Group" SOJ /Sole owner joint/

,,VIA Plan" SRL

,,PonsStroiEngenering" SOJ

,,J P Group" SRL

7. Consortium ,,Struma - Lot 3.1", which consists of the following companies:

,,GBS Infrastructure Constructions" S.А.

,,PatStroi-92" S.А.

,,GeoStroi" S.А.

10. Union ,,Motorway Struma 3.1", consortiul format din urmatoarele firme:

,,Trace Group Hold" S.A.

,,Ways and Bridges" SLTD

12. Union ,,San Hose - ATM" CLOC, consortiul format din urmatoarele firme:

,,Constructora San Hose" S.А., Spania

,,Motorways Black See" S.A.

13. CLOC ,,Mw Struma 3.1", consortiul format din urmatoarele firme:

,,Agromah" SRL

,,AB" S.A.

,,HidroStroi" S.А.

,,Ways Plovdiv Group" SRL

,,Ways Plovdiv" S.A.

,,Alve Consult" SRL

Lot 3.3

1. Obraskon Huarte Line, S.A, Spain

2. Consortiul "Struma - Lot 3.3", format din urmatoarele firme:

,,GBS Infrastruction Constructions" S.А.

,,PatStroi-92" S.А.

,,GlavBulgarStroi" S.А.

,,GeoStroi" S.А.

4. CLOC "PST Struma 3", consortiul format din urmatoarele firme:


,,Rutex" SRL

,,PonsStroiEngenering" SOJ

7. Union "Mw Struma",consortiul format din urmatoarele firme:

,,Trace Group Hold" S.A.

NGEContracting, Franta

,,Ways and Bridges" SRL

Pentru A3 Struma, Lot 3.2 trebuia sa se deschida ofertele pe data de 19 decembrie, dar s-a amanat pentru saptamana viitoare. Problema pe acest lot este tunelul Kresna (15km), planul initial lansat de vechiul guvern este un tunel de 15km pe sub Parcul Natoinal Kresna. Guvernul actual doreste o micsorare a costurilor la jumatate pe acest lot, cea ce inseamna mai multe tuneluri cu un cumul mai mic. Exista doua tabere care se opun noi variante: 1. Ecologisti, foarte, foarte puternici in Bulgaria si 2. Comunitate Universitati de Constructi care doreste sa demontreze ca bulgari sunt in stare sa duca un proiect de aceasta anvergura la capat si aici putem vorbi de nationalism, in general bulgari sunt cam nationalisti, dar in sensul bun al cuvantului. 
Din ce am citit am inteles ca nu se mai doreste rezilierea contractului cu Aktor Greece pentru A3 Struma, Lot 4, dar nu a aparut nimic oficial.


 Si ceva interesant din presa bulgara, despre interesul Chinei in zona si viitoarele investiti Chineze in infrastructura Europei Centrale si de Est, conform

Articolul 1 despre intalnire de la Belgrad:
"Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang met with his counterparts from central and eastern Europe on Tuesday, reaffirming his country's plans to construct a new transport network which is to bring Chinese exports into Europe. Li together with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and their Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban are to sign on Wednesday an agreement on the construction until 2017 of a high-speed bullet train link between Budapest and Belgrade. The two-day meeting in Belgrade has infrastructure and transport as the main points on its agenda, The Business Times reports. One of the hopes of China is to turn the Greek port of Piraeus as a new hub for its trade with Europe. The Chinese shipping giant Cosco has a 35-year concession to expand the two container terminals at the port of Piraeus. Despite being badly hit by the crisis, Greece still maintains the largest merchant marine fleet in the world, with China representing one of its key customers. Prime Minister Li spoke of huge investments into Greek railways on an earlier visit to Athens in August, even hinting at a high-speed rail project. Before the summit in Belgrade, Li said to Serbian media that China will propose the construction of a rapid land and maritime route on the basis of the railway line between Budapest and Belgrade and the port of Piraeus. China is hoping that through improving its cooperation with central and eastern Europe, this will also benefit its relationship with the European Union (EU).Li assured that all the projects are going to be realised in compliance with the EU regulations. The Chinese Prime Minister expressed his country's support for the EU, EU integration and strong Euro.
Li assured that China is interested in investing in energy, agriculture, industry and infrastructure projects in the region."

Si un interviu foarte amplu pe aceiasi tema cu Primul Ministru Li Keqiang al Chinei remis de ambasada Chinei la Sofia:

"The first meeting between leaders of China and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) was held in Warsaw in 2012, and leaders from the 17 countries met again in Bucharest in 2013 for their second meeting. What were the achievements of these two meetings? How have the meetings helped promote cooperation and development and improve lives of the people? The third meeting will soon be held in Belgrade. What initiatives will China put forward at the meeting?

For China-CEEC cooperation, the annual meeting of the heads of government serves as the most important engine, most reliable support and most forceful guarantee. As the Chinese put it, "A strong locomotive drives the train fast." From Warsaw to Bucharest, both meetings have helped promote China-CEEC cooperation to a higher level. China's Twelve Measures for Promoting Friendly Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries adopted in Warsaw and the Bucharest Guidelines for Cooperation released in Bucharest involve 50 cooperation initiatives, spanning finance, trade, connectivity, green energy, as well as local and people-to-people exchanges. These initiatives have been welcomed and supported by all sides. The US billion special credit line and the China-CEEC Investment Cooperation Fund have offered effective financing solutions for companies from CEECs. A number of major projects, such as the Stanari thermal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Mihajlo Pupin Bridge in Belgrade, the Bar-Boljare Highway in Montenegro and the Budapest-Belgrade Railway, will certainly boost local development and benefit the local people. Trade between China and CEECs this year is expected to exceed US billion for the first time. Products from CEECs have entered more and more average Chinese households. Preliminary statistics show that there are nearly 1,000 companies from CEECs operating in China. Events such as the high-level symposium of think tanks, the cultural cooperation forum, the education policy dialogue and the young political leaders' forum have all helped bring China and CEECs closer together and promoted dialogue and exchange among different cultures and civilizations.

China-CEEC cooperation had a good start in Warsaw, and was elevated to a higher level in Bucharest. The third leaders' meeting will soon be held in Belgrade on December 16, and I wish to extend congratulations to Serbia on behalf of the Chinese government. All preparations are now well underway. I am confident that the Belgrade Guidelines for Cooperation to be released at the meeting will put forth new measures and proposals for closer cooperation and deeper mutual understanding, and will become an upgraded agenda for cooperation that goes in parallel with the Bucharest Guidelines for Cooperation. China will put forward the following initiatives at the meeting: build a China-Europe land-sea express line based on the Budapest-Belgrade Railway and the Greek port of Piraeus to enhance regional connectivity; start the formulation of a medium-term agenda for China-CEEC cooperation to map out a common blueprint for future cooperation; set out a package proposal on financial cooperation to better facilitate business collaboration; designate 2015 as the China-CEEC Year of Tourism Cooperation and Promotion to deepen people-to-people exchanges. I look forward, with full confidence, to meeting leaders of the 16 countries in Belgrade.

What are the CEECs' advantages in cooperating with China? How do they increase exports to China to balance two-way trade?

China and CEECs are at similar levels of development and enjoy respective strengths. And their economies are highly complementary. CEECs have sound industrial basis, advanced science, technology and education, and rich human resources. At the same time, they urgently need more financing to improve and upgrade their infrastructure. China, for its part, has a well-established industrial system, cost-effective manufacturing sectors and adequate foreign exchange reserve, which could effectively meet CEECs' demand in infrastructure, trade and investment. The governments of all our countries are faced with the task of developing the economy and improving people's lives. China is opening up faster to the west and CEECs are placing more importance on cooperation with the east. This makes our policies highly aligned with each other. People of our countries enjoy traditional friendship, mutual respect and mutual trust, and all want to achieve mutual benefit through cooperation. Over the past three years, with infrastructure development as the priority and major-project cooperation as the linchpin, and with the support of multiple forms of investment and financing, China and CEECs have made comprehensive and solid advances in our practical cooperation in trade, investment, connectivity, science, technology, energy as well as local and people-to-people exchanges. This has promoted our respective development and brought real benefits to our people.

Recent years have seen rapid growth of trade between China and CEECs. In particular, CEEC exports to China have been growing much faster than their imports from China. From January to November this year, growth of CEEC exports to China was five percentage points higher than their imports from China, and two-way trade is moving towards basic balance. China does not intentionally pursue trade surplus. The door of the Chinese market is always wide open, and China stands for greater cooperation as a way to ease trade imbalances. In the past year, China hosted the CEEC Fair, and held CEEC promotion events during the China International Fair for Investment and Trade, the China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair and other well-known expos. This has helped boost the export of quality products from CEECs to China and also met the demand of Chinese consumers. Quality inspection cooperation between China and CEECs has been enhanced. China has signed cooperation agreements with a number of countries including Hungary and Latvia this year. During my visit, China and Serbia will sign an agreement on quarantine and health requirements of Serbian beef and mutton exports to China. We will continue to encourage competitive and reputable Chinese companies to invest in CEECs and engage in various forms of cooperation. We also hope that CEECs would provide Chinese companies with a fairer and more transparent business environment, and offer Chinese businesses more convenience on entry visas and work permits. I am confident that as long as we work together towards the same goal, we will be able to ensure further progress in China-CEEC practical cooperation and move towards an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-leveled structure for China-CEEC cooperation.

How could China-CEEC cooperation be aligned with the effort of building China-EU partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization and China's "Belt and Road" Initiative?

China firmly supports the European integration process and hopes to see a more united and prosperous Europe. China appreciates the political will of the CEECs to join the EU and respects their choice. China has supported CEECs with concrete actions in accelerating their own development and promoting the EU's overall development. China and the EU, the biggest developing country and the biggest grouping of developed countries in the world today, share growing common interests and are deepening their mutually beneficial cooperation. We have full confidence in the future of China-Europe relations.

China-CEEC cooperation is an important part of China-Europe relations. China-CEEC cooperation, as an important innovation in the overall China-Europe cooperation, has maintained sound momentum of growth in the past three years, and has become an important growth area and engine for China-Europe ties. Last August, 15 Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, whose economies combined account for two thirds of the national total, participated in the Second China-CEEC Local Leaders' Meeting. During the meeting, the three provinces of Hebei, Zhejiang and Fujian alone reached cooperation agreements worth US billion with local governments of CEECs, turning a new page in China-Europe exchanges at the local level. Connectivity is the highlight of China-CEEC cooperation and a bright spot in China-Europe cooperation. The Mihajlo Pupin Bridge is the first large infrastructure project Chinese companies undertook in Europe. China's proposal of building the China-Europeland-sea express line on the basis of the Belgrade-Budapest Railway and the Greek port of Piraeuswill directly impact an area of 340,000 square kilometers and a population of 32 million. The express line will greatly enhance the transport and logistics network of countries along the way, promote their economic growth and people's livelihood, and deepen China's mutually beneficial cooperation with these countries. It will set a model for China-Europe cooperation on connectivity.

China's "Belt and Road" Initiative is one for peace and win-win cooperation. It champions a spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual learning. China-CEEC cooperation values equality and mutual benefit. Hence, the two are very much aligned and have a lot in common. CEECs, as a bridge spanning over the Eurasian continent, enjoy distinct geographical advantages. China is ready to work with CEECs to make overall planning, improve the operation of the China-Europe international cargo trains, push forward the construction of the China-Europe land-sea express line and strengthen subregional connectivity in Central and Eastern Europe, so as to jointly foster a fast, smooth and efficient Asia-Europe transport and logistics network, for the benefit of people along the route.

What challenges will China-CEEC cooperation face in the future and how should we cope with them? Given the different national conditions of CEECs, what can be done to ensure the sustainability of China-CEEC cooperation and make sure that all get to benefit from such cooperation?

Thanks to the joint efforts of all parties, China-CEEC cooperation has grown into an important platform for China-Europe cooperation in a brief span of three years. The mechanism, which has shown great scale and cluster effect, has been steadily recognized by the international community, and our people have placed high hopes on it. The biggest challenge China-CEEC cooperation may face is the potential gap between countries' expectations and the actual cooperation outcomes.

The Central and Eastern European countries, despite their different national conditions, share commonality in their cooperation with China. They all have a strong desire for cooperation in infrastructure, including highways, railways, ports, power plants, tourism, agriculture and culture. They all hope to attract more investment and expand exports. China has a vast territory and huge market, and even the season may vary from one region to another. Different localities in China all have their own development features and cooperation needs. All this presents opportunities for our mutually beneficial cooperation. We need to note that countries may focus on different specific cooperation priorities in China-CEEC cooperation, and may choose to conduct projects in their own way, and with their own pace and intensity. A lack of coordination may reduce the overall effect and quality of cooperation.

Therefore, we have focused on developing new areas of growth while taking into consideration the different development features and practical needs of CEECs. The purpose is to fully leverage the geographic advantages and sectoral strengths of the 16 countries. Main entities in specific areas, given their advantage of easy access to information and communication, may increase collaboration and mutual sharing to achieve better allocation of resources and greater results of cooperation. We may establish a "B-to-B" business cooperation model, and improve the overall layout of China-CEEC cooperation so that all will get involved, benefit from the cooperation and achieve common development.

The above idea has been widely supported by CEECs. In fact, it was a major deliverable of the Bucharest meeting. To fully harness the creativity and enthusiasm of all parties, we will not seek uniformity in the operation of associations. Instead, countries are encouraged to take advantage of their own strengths. Such an approach has paid off. In the past year, associations for tourism, agriculture, provincial governors and institutes of higher learning have been set up. During this meeting, we will have the inauguration ceremony of the China-CEEC Business Council, and cooperation platforms will be set up for infrastructure, energy, and think tanks in time to come. The China-CEEC Association of Tourism Promotion Agencies and Businesses has become a main designer and important player in the 2015 Year ofChina-CEEC Tourism Cooperation and Promotion. The China-CEEC Association of Governors of Provinces and Regions is playing a bigger role in local-level cooperation. I am fully confident that with joint efforts of all sides, the associations will give strong boost to our cooperation in various areas, providing the most powerful support and most solid anchor for the sustained growth of China-CEEC cooperation. In this I have full confidence.

China supports establishing an executive body of a China-CEEC association on promoting agricultural cooperation in Bulgaria and has signed an MOU with Bulgaria for this purpose. What is the prospect of China-Bulgaria agricultural cooperation? How better should Bulgaria play its role in advancing China-CEEC cooperation?

The agricultural sector in Bulgaria and other CEECs enjoys a good foundation and their farm produce such as meat and dairy products boast high quality. China, on its part, has a large population and huge market. Hence there is great potential in China-CEEC agricultural cooperation. China supports capable Chinese companies in conducting agricultural cooperation in Bulgaria and other CEECs and, on the basis of meeting needs of the two sides, exploring third-country markets with their CEEC partners. The association will provide a key platform for deepening China-CEEC agricultural cooperation and facilitate multi-tiered and all-dimensional cooperation between the governments, research institutions and enterprises of the two sides. It is our hope that Bulgaria and other CEECs will make the most of this platform to raise China-CEEC cooperation to a new height for the benefit of our peoples."


cezar-mario2012 > multumim pentru informatiile detaliate despre autostrazile din Bulgaria
Am o rugaminte, poti sa estimezi cand o sa se poata circula pe E79 (vechiul traseu) sau chiar pe noua autostrada intre Novo Delchevo si Kulata ?
E anormal sa faci 31 km pe stradute in loc de14 km pe DN.


Nu exagera, or fi 31 de kilometri tot ocolul, dar "stradute" sunt doar in Petrich, si doar pe 1-2 km. Mai enervante erau semafoarele si trecerea peste CF.

Insa privind acum la harta constat ca, daca destinatia e spre vest sau sud de Salonic, ar fi o solutie sa apuci din Petrich prin Macedonia spre Grecia. Timpul total ar depinde de calitatea acelor drumuri si de formalitatile vamale, insa n-ar trebui sa existe vreo diferenta prea mare.


 Nu exista o știre sigura despre finalizarea Lot 4 A3 Struma, se presupune că prin finalul verii viitoare ar putea fi gata. Cât despre vechiului drum intre Sandarsky si Kulata, s-ar dori redeschiderea lui in al doilea trimestru al anului viitor.  Aici problema este ca noua autostradă se suprapune vechiul drum național pe o porțiune de circa 5 kilometri si pană aceștia nu sunt finalizați nu se va putea redeschide acel drum.


Moldovenii de peste Prut s-au pus pe treaba cu drumurile nationale si nu numai...



 In primul rand LA MULTI ANI ! tuturor si la cati mai multi kilometri de autostrada finalizati si inceputi pentru acest an.

Pentru autostrada A4 Maritsa(117 km totali, contruiti 51km, in constructie 66 km), lot 1 si 2, vestile sunt asa si asa, sunt portiuni finalizate dar si portiuni in stadiul incipient, greu de spus daca in acest am va fi finalizata in totalitate. Unele din intarzieri sunt datorate descoperirilor arheologice, dar si finantari necorespunzatoare. Poze de pe SSC-ul Bulgaresc:

Lot 1 se prezinta astfel, in mare parte de la km 5 pana la km 21, mai putin  intre km 12 si 14+500 este asfaltat, dar la structuri mai au destul de lucru. De la km 21 pana la km 34+850 capatul lotului au de lucru masiv atat la structuri cat si la terasamente.

Lot 1/km 5

Lot1/km 18

Lot 1/km 21+315

Podul peste raul Maritsa nu este finalizat, parte din lot 1 km 25

Lot 1/km 26-27

Lot 1 km 32+083

Lot 1/km 33

Sfarsit Lot1 si incepul Lot 2

Lot 2 A4 Matitsa se prezinta atfel, intre km 36 si km 53 s-a pus stratul de AB, iar intre km 53 si 60 este aproape finalizat, diferenta este ca pe acest lot s-a lucrat si ceva mai mult la structuri.

Lot 2/km 36+480 inceputul lotului

Lot 2/km 38+803

Lot 2/km 44+015

Lot 2/km 59

Sat Polianovo km 60+201

Nod Harmanali

Nod Svilengrad


 Tot despre autostraziile din Bulgaria, situatia la inceput de an 2015 si ce se doreste a se face in acest an .

Pentru autostrada A2 Hemus, in acest an se doreste finalizarea celor 5 km aflati in lucru intre Belokopitovo si Panait Volovo(Shumen) si inceperea lucrarilor pe Lot 1 intre Yablanitsa si I-35(Lovech/Plevna), unde au primit OK din parte UE pentru finantare pe "REGIO"

Lucrari in zona intersectie I-7(Silistra-Shumen) cu A2 Hemus, poze de pe

Pentru A3 Struma au aparut cateva informatii pe sfarsit de an 2014, aparute intr-un ziar local , editia online.  Prima stire se refera la lucrarile pe cele doua loturi aflate in constructie, Lot 2 (38 km) si Lot 4 (14 km). Astfel pentru Lot 4 se doreste ca pana in luna iulie sa fie finalizat tot de firma Aktor, bulgarii nu au mai reziliat contractul cu firma greaca Aktor pentru a nu se pierde finantarea UE. Pentru Lot 2 se doreste ca acesta sa fie finalizat pana la sfarsitul luni octombrie 2015. Aici intarzierile fiind in mare parte datorate celor 14 situri arheologice descoperite, cel mai important fiind descoperit la mijlocul lotului, un megspolis cu o vechime de 8000 de ani. Arheologi trebuie sa elibereze amplasamentele pana la 1 iulie 2015, iar pentru situl cel mai important arheologii doresc crearea unui muzeu pe amplasamentru actual, astfel autostrada ar trebui deviata sau suspendata pe acea portiune. La ora actuala, cu toate ca a cazut zapada, se mai lucreaza la structuri si tuneluri, lucrariile pe acest lot fiind foarte avansate.  Link-ul pentru articolul original in bulgara:

Poze de pe SSc-ul Bulgaresc, lot 2 din 27 decembrie:

Al doilel articol se refera la Lot 3 ( Blagoevgrad-Sandarsky,lot 3.1/3.2/3.3) cel ce trece si prin Parcul National Kresna, se pare ca se va alege o solutie mai ieftina prin care se va renunta la tunelul de 15 km in favoare unui alt traseu ce va cuprinde sase tuneluri mai mici.

  "Partea cea mai complicată a autostrăzii A3 "Struma", Lot 3 dintre Blagoevgrad si Sandanski se va fi finalizata inainte de 2022. Aceasta sectiune are o lungime totală de aproximativ 60 km și va trece prin Cheile Kresna. Datorită complexității sale, sectiunea este împărțit în trei subsecțiuni. Primul lot 3.1 și ultimul lot 3.3 dintre  Blagoevgrad-Simitli și Kresna-Sandanski sunt in stadiu de licitatie. Licitație care este în curs de desfășurare va desemna constructori pentru aceste doua subloturi în primăvara anului 2015. Costul total estimat al celor două loturi este de aproximativ 350 ml. leva(aproximativ 2000mil. euro),iar durata acestor lucrari este estimata la 3 ani si 6 luni.
Pentru sectiune de mijloc care trece prin Cheile Kresna lucrariile sunt mai complicate. Studiul de fezabilitate prevedea construcția unui tunel de 15 de kilometri,  complicat și costisitor.
<<Echipele de specialisti lucreaza pe 8-9 variante, incercand sa aleaga varianta cea mai buna, din care sa rezulte in primul rand cel mai mic pret combinat cu cea mai optima solutie tehnica, si in primul rand sa tina cont de protejarea mediului din Parcul National Kresna. Termenul limită pentru finalizare studiilor este decembrie 2015, telul fiind scurtare termenului de executie prin renuntare la tunelul de 15 km si inlocuire cu 6 tuneluri mai mici.>>, a declarat ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale Liliana Pavlova. Potrivit acesteia, procedura de licitare a acestei secțiunea, prin Cheile Kresna nu va începe mai devreme de 2016." Textul a fost tradus si adaptat limbi romane de mine, pentru textul original in bulgara aveti aici link-ul:


Am mers aseara pe A2 Hemus, intre Varna si Panait Volovo, chiar cu putin inainte sa inceapa viscolul in zona aceea. O portiune de vreo 15 km arata rau de tot. Restul, daca am fi sa dam "culori", ar fi in cel mai fericit caz verde. In capatul dinspre Panait Volovo se vedea continuarea santierului, cu structuri destul de avansate (pile deja finalizate). Nu inteleg limitele de 90 km/h in zonele cu noduri sau spatii de servicii.

In alta ordine de idei, am fost placut surprins sa vad masini de interventie intrand in drumul national imediat dupa ce a inceput viscolul. Pe drumul spre Ruse s-a circulat pe "negru", mai putin pe vreo cativa kilometri unde vantul arunca zapada pe asfalt.

Am si filmulet cu tot drumul (inclusiv rusinea nationala de pe podul de la Giurgiu + zona de frontiera), dar va mai dura ceva pana il voi edita.


 Despre A0 Sofia, centura de nord, situatia nu este prea roza, API (CNADR-ul lor) a autorizat in data de 22 decembrie 2014 RIA(agentia care se ocupa de expropieri) sa duca negocieri cu propietari nemultumiti si sa ajunga la un acord echitabil privind pretul, in cazul in care nu se va ajunge la o intelegere contractul de contructia al A0 va fi reziliat. Negocierile vor avea loc in perioada martie-noiembrie 2015, din totalul de 384 de propietati ce trebuie expropiate, 360 sunt in litigiu. A0 ar trebui sa aibe 16.50 km si ar face o legatura mai scurta si rapida pe relatia Est-Vest, respectiv intre A1, A2 si A6, A7.

Link-ul catre stire originala


cezar, in postul precedent, harta aceea e, cred eu, mai degraba de pe lotul 2 balanovo ala fiind langa dupnița.
Altfel, multam de informatii, foarte pretioase!