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Forțele Navale Române

Started by Harry, January 19, 2014, 09:19:48 PM

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WASHINGTON (Sept. 28, 2023) – Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti meets with Romanian Chief of Defense Staff Gen. Daniel Petrescu for an office call at the Pentagon, Sept. 28. The two leaders discussed security in the Black Sea and the growing collaboration and cooperation between Romanian and U.S. naval forces during the visit. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Amanda Gray/Released)


Two retired Royal Navy minehunters sold to Romania
28 September 2023

Sandown-class Mine Counter Measure Vessels, HMS Blyth and HMS Pembroke, have been sold to Romania, one of the UK's NATO allies, by the Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA), which disposes of vehicles and equipment no longer needed by UK Armed Forces. 

On behalf of Navy Command, the Ships Support team at Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) have been working with Babcock to refurbish the minehunters before they are transferred to their new owners.

The Royal Navy will provide individual operator and maintainer training via Navy International Defence Training (IDT), and collective training via Fleet Operational Sea Training (FOST).

The former Sandown Class ships are 52.5m long, weigh 485 tonnes and have a range of more than 2,500 nautical miles without refuelling. 

Blyth was decommissioned in 2021 and Pembroke will be retired early next year.

They use high-definition sonar to scour the world's seabeds for mines and lost explosives, which are then safely destroyed by the ship's clearance diving teams or the ATLAS Seafox mine disposal system.

HMS Blyth was one of four Navy mine-hunters permanently stationed in the Gulf. She was also deployed in the Baltic Sea and for domestic tasking.

One of HMS Pembroke's most notable successes was the discovery and safe disposal of a Russian mine from the First World War. A remote underwater vehicle was deployed to identify the device off the coast of Lithuania before it was safely disposed of. 

The outgoing Sandown Class will be replaced by autonomous mine-hunting systems operating from RFA Stirling Castle, the new "mothership" bought by DE&S as a commercial vessel from Norwegian company Island Offshore before being modified for her future role. 

HMS Blyth was transferred to the Romanian Navy this month, while HMS Pembroke will be transferred next spring.

In the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, drifting mines pose a direct threat to Black Sea states, and sea lines of communication. This sale will enable Romania, a key NATO ally, to have a direct, positive contribution to the maritime security of the region.

It follows other minehunter sales made by DESA, including HMS Quorn, Dulverton and Cottesmore to Lithuania, HMS Sandown, Inverness and Bridport to Estonia, HMS Berkeley and Bicester to Greece, and HMS Atherstone to maritime contractor Harland & Wolff. 

DESA has two former Royal Navy minehunters to sell in the form of HMS Penzance and HMS Bangor.


ma asteptam sa fie niste cand colo sunt 1998-2000...
Probabil mult mai noi si mai dotate fata de ce avem noi
Pariu cu Radu_A. 200 lei  (la API). El zice ca UMB pana la sfarsit de 2025 termina: A7 pana la Bacau, Dx6, A0 si DX12 T4. Eu sunt mai pesimist


În perioada 16-25 septembrie, fregata ,,Regina Maria" (F222), cu un echipaj alcătuit din 240 de militari, a efectuat prima etapă de patrulare la cea de-a cincea participare, a Forțelor Navale Române, în bazinul Estic al Mării Mediterane, la Operația NATO ,,Sea Guardian".


Vice Chief of Naval Operations Spokesperson Cmdr. Desiree Frame provided the following readout:

Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti met with Romania's Chief of Defense Staff Gen. Daniel Petrescu in the Pentagon today to discuss security in the Black Sea and the growing collaboration and cooperation between Romanian and U.S. naval forces.

The two leaders exchanged views on the development of unmanned surface vessels and other advanced technology to support maritime domain awareness. They also discussed Romania's leadership in mine countermeasure operations in the Black Sea, and their shared commitment to promoting safety and stability in the region.


România renunță oficial la programul de achiziție a corvetelor militare, după anularea licitației de peste un miliard de euro, câștigată în 2019 de compania franceză Naval Group

O trecem si pe asta la epic failuri.


Daca am fi fost pusi la punct cu toate as fi zis ca e un epic fail. Dar la cum a evoluat razboiul si ce pateste flota rusa la Marea Neagra, din partea unei tari fara flota, as zice ca am facut economie de 1 mld de euro si ca 4 corvete nu ne-ar fi ajutat foarte mult.


De renuntat la idee nu s-a renuntat. Romania a aderat la programul european pentru covervete multifunctionale. Eu zic ca e o idee buna, sa se cumpere ceva mai de actualitate in special acum cand is o gramada de drone navale si sa ai flota de suprafata nu e atat de usor.

Nu am vazut stirea pusa aici, asa ca o adaug.

QuoteRomania has joined the European Patrol Corvette (EPC) project, becoming the newest member alongside France, Greece, Italy, and Spain. The Romanian flag now appears alongside these countries on the official website of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) of the European Union.
The European Patrol Corvette (EPC) project aims to develop a vessel of approximately 110 meters in length and around 3,000 tons in displacement. It will feature a modular design and the capability for flexible integration of sensors and weapons, allowing it to fulfill a wide range of roles according to user requirements.


@qionescu1 au stiut ai nostri ceva. cand noi ne gandeam ca nu le iese, ei gandeau cu 5 ani inainte :))) intr-o nota serioasa, trebuie sa incepi undeva..4 corvete azi, NSM maine, doua - trei submarine poimaine si tot asa. ideal si cu industrie aici ca sa poti sa dezvolti in timp si capacitatile de productie. Eu zic ca nu stricau, mai ales daca industria nationala era implicata.

ref. participarea la proiectul european este dpmdv ceva negativ:

1. e inca proiect. noi cam aveam nevoie de ceva pana acum;

2. proiectul e intr-o faza medie - spre final, motiv pentru care probabil ne-au sa aiba cui sa vanda cand o sa fie gata;

3. din pacate nu cred ca vor ajunge la noi nici macar piese sa fie fabricate, dar altceva..

4. astfel de proiecte europene se tot dau cu capu de ca franta o vrea in varianta x, fiind o putere militara cu putere proiectata mult mai mare, ba ca italia o vrea in varianta y ca nu e in situatia frantei si are nevoie diferite, ba ca sa se produca la ala, ba ca la celelalt s.a.m.d. s-a vazut la N proiecte europene aspectul asta, cel mai grav se vede si acum la FCAS unde apare generatia 7 cred pana o sa se inteleaga nemtii si francezii. ca si in UE, e foarte greu sa imparti interesele corect si sa nu se supere nimeni. Asta inseamna ca tot ce planuiesti ca termene ajung sa prezinte intarziere semnificative.

my 2 cents.



Sa presupunem ca au stiut :) si ca nu am fost sabotati la programul corvetelor. Da, o marina puternica nu se poate baza doar pe drone sau rachete antinava si e nevoie de un intreg arsenal precum o cupola. Nu se poate castiga un razboi doar cu un anumit timp de arme.

Totusi Marea Neagra e altceva are particularitatile si nu va dura mult pana cand orice flota de aici va ajunge in bataia rachetelor celorlalti riverani. Nu pe mare ci direct in porturi! Apoi mai sunt dronele acvatice plus cele subacvatice in plina dezvoltare... Toate extrem de ieftine in comparatie cu marina clasica. Deci nu cred ca cele 4 corvete ar fi fost o solutie. Submarinele iarasi au iesit din discutie. Se mai fac ceva upgraduri la ce avem, ceva pachete de arme noi plus rachetele de coasta si cam atat.

Total de acord cu tine cu programul european. Se va misca foarte greu, interesele nu au un numitor comun si mai tine si de partea de fabricare locala si industrie locala. Aici cu siguranta vom fi din nou perdanti si piata de desfacere. Nu vom integra nimic pt ca nu vom avea loc de altii.

Raman la aceeasi parere. La momentul actual sunt alte urgente in armata romana, in niciun caz corvetele/submarinele sau daca extindem discutia... marina. Ce se face acum e suficient. Repet, pt moment. Apoi o sa vedem.


My 2 cents on the matter si e pura speculatie. Din ce vad, pt mn e clar ca we buy American. Cam tot ce insemna parteneriate/contracte/etc. cu Europa au fost ingropate si rapid inlocuite cu chestii americane. (and that's perfect in my book). Punctual pe cred ca se vor construi 3-4 nave la Mangalia in parteneriat cu uncle sammy. Plus un posibil transfer de nave (temporar/de forma) sub pavilionul Ro pentru ca este unica solutie de a aduce nave militare americane in Marea Neagra, de altfel subiectul e in discutie de mult timp sub termenul de flota NATO la MN.


U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Robert B. Sofge Jr., commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa, speaks to Rear Adm. Liviu-Auras Coman, Deputy Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces, in Bucharest, Romania on Nov. 28, 2023. During the visit, Sofge convened with leaders from the Romanian Forces, meeting the Deputy Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces and the commander of the Romanian 307th Marine Battalion. This strategic engagement provided opportunities for intensive discussions and advancements in joint endeavors across diverse domains, fortifying the alliance between partner nations. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Mary Linniman)


QuoteO nouă navă de luptă a intrat în flota militară a României.

Este vorba despre vânătorul de mine M270 ,,Sublocotenent Ion Ghiculescu", cumpărat de armata română de la Marina Regală Britanică.


E un pas mare dar lipsa e la capacitatile ofensive, AA-AD. Oricum sa fie primit, iar pasii sunt corecti. RO incepe cum trebuie achizitiile pt marina.


Romania made history, bolstering regional security and NATO's southeastern flank, with the first live-fire test of its Patriot surface-to-air air defense system Nov. 15-16.

The Romanian Army's 74th PATRIOT Regiment conducted the exercise at the Capu Midia firing range with support from the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command and its Security Assistance Training Management Organization.

Both commands played significant roles in the advancement of Romania's air defense capabilities, from facilitating Romania's acquisition of the PATRIOT via foreign military sales to the training of hundreds of Romanian Army troops on the U.S. system.

"The two-day exercise consisted of four demonstrations." said Maj. John Nastus, the lead for SATMO's Romania PATRIOT Technical Assistance Field Team (TAFT). "Our role for the exercise was to help plan and coordinate it. This included helping secure the targets and ensuring they had the equipment they needed, and that subject-matter-experts were on hand should anything happen."

Maj. Andrew Petrie, SATMO's security assistance training manager for EUCOM/AFRICOM, said the success of the event was a testament to the service SATMO provides and will continue to provide as long as the TAFT remains in place.

The TAFT was assembled shortly after the 74TH received its first of seven PATRIOT systems in 2020, part of a $3.9 billion foreign military sale in support of Romania 's military modernization plans.

"TAFTs are generally made up of a lead officer, an NCOIC, and as many subject matter experts as needed, depending on what we're providing training for," said Nastus.

For a PATRIOT regiment like the 74th, personnel are needed for several of the launching stations, the radar, the engagement consultation, the electric power plant, and the antenna mask group, according to Nastus, so SATMO must make sure the SMEs selected for the TAFT can cover all components of the system.

"Once in country, we're pretty much building the organization from the ground up," said Nastus. "Not only are we training their personnel on how to operate and maintain the equipment, we also have to establish standard operating procedures that an eventual standards and evaluation team can go by."

The process to establish a fully qualified, fully operational PATRIOT regiment takes years. According to Petrie, SATMO is currently training the second of seven firing units.

And there is no sign that training will end anytime soon. Romania's position along the Black Sea, its 380-mile border with Ukraine, and security partnership with the United States make it a critical ally to the U.S. and Europe.

Nastus said the time and commitment provided by the PATRIOT TAFT is of critical strategic importance, as it "instills confidence in the operators, and the live-fire exercise just helped validate that confidence."