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Infrastructura rutieră și protecția mediului

Started by StefanCelMare, October 26, 2016, 11:12:24 AM

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Nu stiu de unde aveti voi informatii ca "neamtul a zis hai sa aducem o fabrica Tesla". Nici vorba de asa ceva. Initiativa a apartiunut exclusiv Tesla si nemtii s-au trezit ca deja era terenul cumparat in acest scop si demersurile incepute.

Politicienii germani, la fel ca ai nostri, doar au profitat de moment sa se laude, ca ia uite ce buni sunt ei, ca atrag investitii noi in Germania si anume in tehnologii verzi. Bla bla bla.

Dar pentru ca Germania e plin de prosti, la fel ca peste tot, functionarul german a trebuit intai sa se screama 1-2 ani pana sa dea diversele autorizatii (spre disperarea lui Musk) si apoi au mai venit si activistii de mediu, care au zis sa nu se taie padurea pe terenul pentru viitoarea fabrica.
Feroviar: inadmisibil că ramâne 1 fir pe unele porțiuni după reabilitare pe Craiova-Caransebeș și Cluj-Oradea. Da pentru extinderea programului Quick Wins. Limitare instalare ETCS doar pe coridorul IV, pana cand va deveni pe deplin functional si isi dovedeste eficienta. Autostrazi: DA pentru 4 treceri montane: A1, A3, A6 si A8. NU deocamdata pentru A13 montan si A Nordului partea montana.


                      Găsesc interesantă ideea spaniolilor...... ""Prin utilizarea cenușii de hârtie - adică deșeuri de hârtie și celuloză arse care nu mai pot fi reciclate - "",  dar această ardere cât de "ecologică" este și cine-o certifică, până la urmă ? Întreabă un amic.... (a)mic  :lol:


                         De mai multe zile o vă pe asta; voi  ce mai știți despre  subiect ??

                        Din "articol":
""Germanii au inceput sa-si modifice diesel-urile vechi pentru ca nu vor sa renunte la ele! Din Euro 5 fac conversie in Euro 6
Putin romani stiu ca in Germania sunt cateva companii serioase care au inceput de cativa ani sa modifice serios masinile diesel de generatie mai veche.
Marea surpriza este ca germanii au inceput sa modifice oficial cu normative TUV si Dekra motoarele diesel Euro 5, acestea fiind convertite in motoare diesel Euro 6.
Astfel, pentru o suma destul de mare motorul primeste pe langa un SCR si un sistem AdBlue cu redezvor special care injecteaza ureea intr-un DPF special. Pe scurt, vorbim de modificarea unui diesel Euro 5 simplu intr-un diesel Euro 6 Temp A si Temp B care poate trece orice test de noxe.
Germanii fac aceasta conversie pentru ca pur si simplu nu vor sa renunte la masinile lor diesel care sunt de cele mai multe ori puternice, si in egala masura extrem de economice.

Aceste conversii sunt autorizarea de catre TUV in Germania, adica sunt legale si pot circula in orice tara din UE cu noua norma Euro 6.

With a conversion. In addition to a software update, this primarily refers to the hardware retrofitting of older diesels with an SCR system with urea solution . The costs for this are around 3.000 to 3500 euros.  ""


E o idee foarte ecologică. Poluezi mai puțin înlocuind doar niște componente ale mașinii decât toată mașina.


Poluezi extrem de putin comparativ cu poluarea generata de constructia unei masini noi.
Pariuri: A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe - aici



High-density polyethylene as a plastic additive

Using recycled plastic in a hot-mix asphalt requires choosing the right plastic with the appropriate mixing method, as Simon Tetley* in South Africa explains

The introduction of recycled plastic waste into hot-mix asphalt for road surface applications is gaining traction in many countries - US, UK, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia and China. From an environmental perspective it is obviously preferable to use recycled plastic in asphalt binders and mixtures compared to non-renewable resources. The benefits often stated include the conservation of natural resources, less energy consumption, reduced disposal of solid waste and lowered carbon dioxide (CO₂), sulphur dioxide (SO₂) and nitrogen oxide (NO) emissions.

South African contractor Shisalanga Construction carried out extensive research into assessing the properties of various types of waste plastic to find the most suitable type for use as a hot-mix asphalt modifier.

The preferred choice for this application was found to be recycled high-density polyethylene (rHDPE) derived from used milk containers, caps and packaging which is blended into penetration grade bitumen. In addition to performance enhancement, the use of rHDPE reduces the likelihood of fugitive and stack emissions; rHDPE (130oC) melts at much lower temperatures than polyethylene terephthalate (>250oC) and does not release toxins associated with polypropylene.     

rHDPE modified binder:
The rHDPE material is available in pelletised form. Using a 6% dosage rate of rHDPE in the bitumen binder it equates to approximately 118 two-litre milk bottles per tonne of asphalt.

Shisalanga Construction found the method of adding the rHDPE to the asphalt mix is crucial for ensuring an appropriate mixture. Two methods were researched. In the "dry" method the product is added to the heated aggregate before adding the bituminous binder. In the second method, the "wet" method, the polymer is digested into the hot bitumen.

The "wet" method was favoured as it is considered that the polymer would be more evenly distributed in the binder and, furthermore, the possibility of micro-plastics leaching from the asphalt mix is eliminated. An important conclusion, after exhaustive testing of both binder and mix performance characteristics, was that 70/100 penetration grade bitumen modified with 6% rHDPE (by mass of binder) produces a binder with a near-perfect visco-elastic behaviour. Its performance grading is PG70V-22 and its performance properties compare very well with those of ethyl-vinyl-acetate (EVA) and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS), while fitting into a higher temperature range.

Although the binder does not have any noticeable elastic recovery properties when tested using the ductility test, it shows very encouraging low-temperature characteristics when tested using the bending beam rheometer (BBR). The binder achieves a -22oC low-temperature performance grading value that would indicate high resistance to thermal cracking. It also achieves a high-temperature performance grading value of 70oC when tested with the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR).

The performance grading system used in South Africa takes traffic loading into account with the rHDPE modified binder falling into the "V" category. This denotes its suitability for use in asphalt mixes under very heavy traffic loading conditions. It should also be noted that the ageing ratio, which is a good indicator of fatigue resistance of the HDPE modified binder, is superior to that of other standard modified binders such as SBS modified binder.

Asphalt design:
Asphalt mix designs using binder modified with 6% rHDPE focused on two stone-skeleton asphalt mix types; stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and Enrobe a Module Eleve (EME - high modulus asphalt). In order to compare asphalt performance properties of mixes manufactured using the rHDPE modified binder, further mix designs were carried out using SBS modified binder in the case of the SMA mix and 10/20 pen grade bitumen in the case of the EME mix.

Results of tests on the EME-type asphalt mixes showed comparable fatigue results for rHDPE and 10/20 pen binders. Meanwhile, the SMA, with its higher binder content and film thickness, achieved a far higher fatigue value. It was also found that the rHDPE modified binder tends to improve the compactability of the asphalt mixes. This results in lower void contents (VIM) at the same binder contents than either the SBS or 10/20 pen grade binders.

To assess performance characteristics, Shisalanga appointed VNA Consulting engineers to undertake field trials. Two trial sections of rHDPE modified asphalt were paved in August 2019 on a provincial road close to Shisalanga's asphalt plant. The first consisted of a 40mm surfacing overlay of the SMA-type mix and the second used the EME mix. A fairly steep section with 8-9% gradient was purposely selected to assess the SMA mix's ability to withstand traction and brake forces imposed by heavy vehicles leaving the asphalt plant and adjacent quarry.

A severely rutted section was selected for the second trial (see image) with areas exhibiting the most severe rutting being milled off before paving the 60mm-to-70mm EME-type mix. It was anticipated that some initial rutting would occur but that this would test whether the high-modulus asphalt could bridge the uneven surface and previously distressed pavement. This trial section was also intended to verify the low-temperature crack resistance of the modified mix. To do this, one of the lanes was paved a week before the other, purposely leaving the longitudinal joint uncut. Normal good practice is to trim back the joint before paving the adjacent lane. 

Traffic loadings on the trial sections include trucks hauling asphalt and delivering bitumen and aggregate to Shisalanga Construction's asphalt plant, as well as heavy vehicles carrying crushed aggregate and ready-mix concrete from the nearby quarry. Data was collected from the weighbridge at the asphalt plant and quarry as well as from a seven-day classified traffic count. It was concluded that the traffic loading on the two trial sections from August 2019 to June 2021 was in the order of 200,000 E80 axle loads (+/- 3.2 million over a typical 20-year design period).

Condition surveys of the trial sections carried out in June 2021 included detailed visual assessments, as well as the automated collection of rut depth, roughness and texture data. These show that both trial sections performed well under comparatively high traffic loading, with an average rut depth of approximately 5mm. The texture depth along the SMA trial section, measured as mean profile depth (MPD), averages 0.8mm, showing that the asphalt has been able to resist "closing up" under the slow-moving heavy traffic.

Some smoothing is evident along the trial section where the EME-type mix was used. It should, however, be taken into account that EME-type asphalt mixes are intended for base layers and not to act as a surfacing; slight smoothing under traffic could be expected.

Importantly, no cracking is evident on the EME-type mix trial section where the longitudinal joint was purposely left uncut. The detailed visual assessment correlated well with the automated data capture, showing that both trial sections are still performing well after two years under traffic.

Shisalanga Construction's research into the modification of hot-mix asphalt with waste plastic found that when 70/100 pen grade bitumen is modified with 6% recycled high-density polyethylene it results in binder with performance properties equal, if not superior, to those of more conventionally used polymers, such as SBS or EVA. It is important to note that the "wet" method, which entails digesting the plastic in hot bitumen, was used in the manufacture of the asphalt for the trial sections.

Comprehensive mix design work using rHDPE modified binder was carried out prior to the trials. The SMA-type mix was found to have enhanced fatigue properties compared to the control mix where SBS modified binder was used. The fatigue properties of EME-type mix using rHDPE modified binder and 10/20 pen bitumen were found to be similar. 

For the past two years the two trial sections - one using SMA-type asphalt mix and the other an EME-type mix - are performing well after being under traffic from a nearby asphalt plant, rock quarry and ready-mix plant.

Based on these encouraging results, it is intended to carry out a trial on an urban expressway that has extreme traffic loading thanks to heavy goods vehicles running to and from the Port of Durban on the Indian Ocean in eastern South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal province. An investigation to assess the structural condition of the proposed trial section is complete and the launch of the trial is imminent.

All phases of the trial, using EME-type mix as the base and SMA-type mix as the surfacing, will be monitored. This will include preparation of the modified binder, manufacturing and paving, continually testing for performance in both the short term (12 and 24 months) and the long term (+5 years). The results will eventually be published. n

*Simon Tetley is group executive for pavement and materials engineering at VNA Consulting based at the Cape Town office in South Africa. He is also a director of the South African operation of ARRB Systems business.

Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Gard virtual împotriva animalelor sălbatice - 31.03.2022

Continuăm montarea gardurilor virtuale care descurajează pătrunderea 🐻🦊🐨animalelor sălbatice pe drum.
🔵Proiectul început în urmă cu aproape doi ani între Brașov și Predeal, continuă acum în zona Perșani tot pe #DN1 în județul Brașov.
❗În zona în care funcționează deja un astfel de sistem, accidentele care implică animale sălbatice au fost reduse de la câteva zeci la aproape zero.
👷Mulțumim Institutului Național de Cercetare - Dezvoltare în Silvicultură ,,Marin Drăcea" pentru implementarea acestui proiect extrem de important pentru siguranța circulației.
 DRDP Brașov


nu ar fi o solutie decenta si pentru A?
Da, de cand le-au pus intre Dambu Morii si Petromul din Timis, nu am mai vazut iepuri/vulpi/ursi pe DN.


Autorizatie  nr. 15/21.04.2022
"Amplasare panouri fonoabsorbante pe Centura București (DNCB), Autostrada A1 (București – Pitești), Autostrada A2 (București – Constanța), Drumurile naționale DN 2, DN 5 și DN 6" din cadrul obiectivului de investiție "Implementare planuri de acțiune pentru reducerea zgomotului generat de traficul rutier-etapa 2011-2016: achiziție, transport și montare panouri fonoabsorbante, Lot 1: sectoare de drumuri naționale și autostrăzi în administrarea D.R.D.P. București"


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QuoteOamenii au sunat la 112 și s-au baricadat în locuințe. Din fericire, ursul s-a retras în pădure fără a face victime.

Ursul de aproape 300 de kilograme a apărut pe străzile din Ghindari, județul Mureș. Spre disperarea localnicilor, animalul care hoinărea pe ulițe a rupt mai multe porți și garduri.

Un sătean l-a surprins pe urs alergând pe drumul principal din sat și a postat filmulețul pe TikTok, remarcând că este ,,o zi normală în România".


E in apropiere de traseul A8...


Ghindari?! E departe rau de orice zona unde te-ai astepta sa apara urs. Pastrind proportiile, ne putem astepta in curind la intilniri de gradul 3 si in Ploiesti, de exemplu.


Tu consideri ca ursii nu traiesc decat la peste ... 800 sau 1000 de metri altitudine? Adica serios, de ce "e departe rau"? E o zona care inca mai are ceva paduri care ii pot servi ca adapost si zona de hrana, deci chiar nu vad nimic surprinzator in prezenta ursului. Si de altfel atat studiul Milvurs folosit in fundamentarea AM-ului pentru A8 cat si evenimente din trecut cu ursi loviti chiar in judetul Mures (Acatari de exemplu), arata ca exista populatii de ursi si in zone descrise ca fiind colinare, nu montane.



Puiul de urs a fost lovit sâmbătă noapte de către un şofer care circula dinspre Braşov către Bucureşti. Impactul a avut loc în dreptul benzinăriei de la Păuleşti.

Şoferul nu a mai reuşit să evite animalul care se afla pe partea carosabilă şi l-a lovit în plin. Ursul, cel mai probabil un pui de până într-un an, a murit pe loc.

Accidentul s-a produs sâmbătă în jurul orelor 22.00, potrivit Biroului de presă al Poliţiei Prahova.


cam departe a ajuns puiul asta de urs... Stiu ca pe la Provita mai apare, acolo e zona de deal, dar pe la Paulesti, cam departe pentru arealul lui.