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Started by Ionut, October 08, 2016, 08:36:50 AM

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Yuqing-Zunyi Expressway, Guizhou Province, China:

QuoteYuzun Expressway, that is, the Yuqing-Zunyi Expressway in Guizhou Province, is located in Zunyi City and Qiannan Prefecture in Guizhou Province. The project starts in Banpo, Yuqing County, and connects with the Jiangkou-Weng'an Expressway. Yuzun Expressway starts at the Yuqing junction of Jiangwen Expressway and ends at Lengshuiping. It has a total length of 92.91 kilometers. It adopts two-way four-lane expressway standard construction, with a design speed of 80 kilometers per hour, a roadbed width of 24.5 meters, and a total of 17756 meters of bridges. There are 57 tunnels with 29929m/27 tunnels, with a bridge-to-tunnel ratio of 51%. There are 9 three-dimensional intersections in Yuqing, Huashan, Longxi, Goupitan, Shilian, Zhuzang, Tiechang, Tuanxi, and Lengshuiping. There are 6 toll stations, 1 service area, and 2 parking areas. The estimated total investment of the project is 13.26 billion yuan and the total construction period is 4 years. On July 1, 2021, Zunyu Expressway was officially opened to traffic. The construction of Zunyu Expressway not only greatly shortens the distance between Yuqing and the central city, but also contributes to the further improvement of Zunyi's backbone road network, improvement of traffic conditions in poor areas, optimization of the investment environment, promotion of industrial upgrading, and promotion of Zunyi City and even the Qianzhong Economic Zone. Economic and social development is of great significance and function.
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Xianghuoyan Bridge of Guizhou Guizun Double Line (the largest two-way six-lane expressway concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge), China:

QuoteThe Xianghuoyan Bridge spans the gorge of the Xianghuoyan Scenic Area and is one of the key control projects in the expansion project of the Lanhai Expressway from Zunyi to Guiyang in Guizhou. The bridge adopts the two-way six-lane highway standard. It is a structural continuous T-beam deck-type steel tube concrete variable-section truss arch bridge with a span of 300 meters, a bridge length of 839 meters, and a width of 33.5 meters. The bridge deck is 170 meters from the canyon and the maximum pier height is 52.5. Meter
Xianghuoyan Bridge is a two-way six-lane concrete-filled steel tube bridge, and it is also a large bridge independently designed by the Provincial Transportation Survey and Design Institute; the main arch ring of the bridge adopts a spatial truss connection structure of equal width and variable height, and the section height is 5m from the vault. Change to 9m arch foot. The arch rib section is made up of 12 chord tubes, and cross-connections and rice braces are arranged between the arch ribs. The column on the arch adopts a bent-frame hollow rectangular section steel box structure, and each column limb of the transverse bridge is fixed on the steel pipe arch rib respectively, and the columns are connected by transverse bracing. The manufacturing and installation period is 30 months.
The bridge is the first "quality project" of a concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge in Guizhou that has fully realized its own design and construction. It is the second two-way six-lane steel tube arch bridge in China. The largest two-way six-lane expressway concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge. After the completion of the bridge, another beautiful landmark scenery has been added to the Xianghuoyan Scenic Area. Xianghuoyan Bridge won the 2019 "China Steel Structure Gold Award" and the 2018 Guizhou Province "Huangguoshu Cup" Quality Engineering Award
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Another new bridge in Guizhou, Yunwu Bridge:

QuoteYunwu Bridge, also known as "Laomian River Bridge", is a river crossing channel in Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province, China. It is located on the Laomian River and is an important connection channel on the Duyun-Shangri-La Expressway.
The Yunwu Bridge starts at the Liziguan Tunnel in the west, crosses the Laomianhe River, and ends at the Datu Tunnel in the east; the total length is 1,720 meters; the bridge deck is a two-way four-lane highway with a design speed of 100 km/h
Yunwu Bridge is located in Pochanghe Village, Baigu Village, Yunwu Town, Guiding County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China. Yun-Shangri-La Expressway
Yunwu Bridge is composed of Duyun Bank Approach Bridge, Main Bridge, and Anshun Bank Approach Bridge. The main bridge is composed of main girder, main tower, and stayed cables; the main bridge line is arranged from northwest to southeast
In the construction of the Yunwu Bridge, it has successively overcome the large-diameter deep-hole pile drilling construction, the one-time pouring of large-volume concrete for the caps based on intelligent temperature control technology, the design of C50 high-performance concrete mix ratio, the rapid installation technology of super-high tower steel bars, and the super-high Technical problems such as the construction of ultra-high pressure pumping concrete of tower
During the construction of the Yunwu Bridge, in view of the complex structure of the main tower of the Yunwu Bridge, the various types of main bridge decks, the complicated distribution of prestressed pipes, and the lack of obvious patterns in the distribution of bridge decks, the visualized intelligent tower crane system and BIM technology were used to successfully solve the problems. Reinforcement embedded parts, prestress and tower crane space collision problems
The Yunwu Bridge researched and developed an intelligent temperature control system and method for large-size, ultra-thick and large-volume concrete based on intelligent temperature difference control, and realized the one-time pouring construction of two main tower caps. This technological innovation won the 2019 "Guizhou Provincial Highway Society Science and Technology Award" "First Prize
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Continui seria de  :jawdrop:: Duohua Bridge under construction in Guizhou:

QuoteAfter the completion of the Duohua Bridge, it is the world's first cable-stayed bridge with high mountain and valley landscapes. The bridge is 1,260 meters in length and 122 meters in height above the bridge deck. The technical standards adopted are urban secondary roads, two-way four-lane, asphalt concrete pavement, and a design speed of 40 kilometers per hour.
The main bridge of the Duohua Bridge also has sightseeing and tourism functions, including sightseeing elevators and aerial viewing platforms. There are sightseeing glass planks on both sides of the bridge deck, and visitors can experience the excitement of 500 meters in the sky. At present, the lower structure of the approach bridge has been completed, and the erection of the upper T beam of the approach bridge will be completed next, which is expected to be completed and opened to traffic at the end of next year.
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Hezhang wall-mounted highway in Guizhou, suspended on a steep cliff of about 90 degrees:

QuoteIn Shibanhe Village, Dushan Township, Hezhang County, Guizhou Province, China, the villagers used their hard work and sweat to sculpt the road by sculpting the highway on the big rock cliffs of Chuangou.
The construction of this highway has brought great convenience to Shibanhe connecting Hezhang County and Xicheng District. Many vehicles that sell various daily necessities and fruits on the streets and alleys are shuttled for meetings, and there are no tolls, which makes it more convenient for the people around and the tourists who come here.
Driving on the highway, the road is 4.5 wide, which can fully accommodate ordinary minivans and private cars, and the height is about 3 meters.
Surrounding the Shibanhe cliff road, the cliffs and cliffs are picturesque and the river is gurgling, which completely releases the beautiful scenery of the Shibanhe river.
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Wengkai Expressway Kaizhou Lake Bridge:

QuoteThe Kaizhou Lake Super Bridge spans the Luowang River Gorge with a total length of 1257 meters. It is a single-span steel truss suspension bridge with a main span of 1100 meters. After completion, it ranks third among similar bridges in Guizhou Province, serving as Weng'an to Kaiyang. Expressway control project, the bank of the No. 4 main tower of the Kaizhou Lake Bridge is a pile of loose mud and rocks, which is considered to be world-class construction difficulty by the bridge industry
The Weng'an-Kaiyang Expressway project is a component of the "Third Heng" Jiangkou-Duge Expressway in the "678" Expressway Plan of Guizhou Province, and it is also one of the important projects in the "Six Nets Battle". The project starts at the Baixi Interchange in Weng'an County and connects with the already built Guiyang-Weng'an Expressway; ends at the Interchange in Sanhechang, Kaiyang County, and connects with the expansion project of the Zunyi-Guiyang section of the Lanhai National Expressway that has been built; the route is complete. It is 48.732 kilometers long, of which 24.741 kilometers in Weng'an County and 23.991 kilometers in Kaiyang County, with a bridge-tunnel ratio of 42.72%; two-way four-lane, design speed of 80km/h. The project is expected to be completed and opened to traffic at the end of 2021. It will be of great significance to shorten the time and space distance between the two places, deepen the exchanges between the two places, promote the development of industries along the route, build a more complete road transportation system, and promote regional development.
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Modular bridges going to Panama

A tender process is underway in Panama for the supply of modular bridges to cross rivers in rural areas. The contract is worth around US$79 million and a bid has been submitted for the supply deal by a local consortium, Consorcio Puentes Modulares.

The deal will see 50 modular bridges being supplied and erected across Panama in Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, Cocle, Darien, Herrera, Los Santos, Ngabe Blugle and Veragus. Financing will also be supplied by the winner of the tender. Consorcio Puentes Modulares comprises Constructora Urbana and Toronto Global Holding.

The Ministry of Public Works in Panama previously ran a tender process in 2018 for the supply of 34 modular bridges.

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Guiding Yangbaoshan Extra Large Bridge, Guizhou, China:

QuoteYangbaoshan Bridge is a controlled project of Gui (Yang)-Huang (Ping) Expressway. It is located in Xinba Town and Dexin Town, Guiding County, across the banks of Dumu River. This extra-large bridge is the first six-lane suspension bridge in Guizhou. The main cable includes 72 through-long strands, 4 back cables, 24,128 high-strength galvanized steel wires, and a total weight of nearly 4,600 tons.
The Yangbaoshan Bridge has a total length of 1112 meters and a main span of 650 meters. The AS method used in the construction of the main cable is the first application of domestic suspension bridge construction and fills the technical gap in China. It is also the widest steel truss suspension bridge in mountainous areas in China. The construction of the bridge started in September 2017 and was constructed by the Second Company of China Communications Construction Company.
The main cable of Yangbaoshan Bridge is the main bearing member of the bridge and the lifeline of the entire bridge. The total weight of the two main cables is nearly 4,500 tons. Each main cable is composed of 36 through-length strands. All steel wires are high-strength galvanized steel wires with a diameter of 5.35mm. If the steel wires used are connected, the total length will exceed 26,000 kilometers.
The main line of the Guihuang Expressway project has a total length of 120.6 kilometers, a design speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and a roadbed width of 33.5 meters. It adopts two-way six-lane expressway standards. After the completion of the project, the distance from Guiyang to Huangping will be 39 kilometers shorter than the Guiwen Expressway and 60 kilometers shorter than the Shanghai-Kunming Corridor. It is the most convenient expressway for Guiyang to exit the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and builds a transportation network for Guiding to integrate into Guiyang. platform. The highway will pass through Guiyang Nanming District, Qiannan Longli, Guiding, Fuquan and Qiandongnan Huangping.
After the completion of the Guizhou-Huangzhou Expressway, it will further improve the expressway network in Guizhou Province, enhance the transportation capacity of the Guiyang-Yangtze River Delta and Changzhutan urban agglomerations, and optimize the road traffic structure in southern and southeastern Guizhou.
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Se mai întâmplă :o:

QuoteA part of a highway bridge deck overturned in Huangshi City, central China's Hubei Province. Rescue operations are underway.

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Duta C

cam multicele se intimpla la china..........


cutremur ? Vant puternic (furtuna)?  Sau doar Dorel?
Pariu cu Radu_A. 200 lei  (la API). El zice ca UMB pana la sfarsit de 2025 termina: A7 pana la Bacau, Dx6, A0 si DX12 T4. Eu sunt mai pesimist


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În Guvernoratul Aqaba nu se plătește VIZĂ de intrare, cu condiția să intri și să ieși doar pe aici. Aeroportul Aqaba este foarte mic, iar în zona de sosiri aveți o casă de schimb valutar (curs bun), un ghișeu JETT (linia de autobuz regional) si două ghișee de telefonie cu cartele de internet sau telefon+internet (Orange + o companie locală).
Atenție! Nu există autobuz din aeroport către Aqaba, doar taxiuri. Prețurile la taxiuri sunt reglementate, la ieșirea din terminal este un ghișeu pentru taxiuri, iar prețurile sunt afișate pe niște panouri. Prețul pentru Aeroport - Aqaba Centru este de 9,50 JOD.
Centrele de închirie mașini sunt în parcarea aeroportului, nu au ghișee, agenții stau în niște dube. Programul lor este doar de la 8:00 la 20:00. Mașinile sunt cu cutii automate și se pot plătii cash sau cu cardul. În Iordania se reține o garanție obligatorie de 350 JOD (circa 500 $) pentru mașina închiriată, chiar dacă optați pentru asigurarea full coverage.
Limite de viteze:
Autostrăzi 110km/h (autostrăzile din Iordania nu seamănă cu cele Europene, au limitatoare de viteză, posturi de control, se poate întoarce pe ele în zonele indicate și chiar au în unele zone semafoare).
Drumuri naționale: 100 km/h
Drumuri regionale: 90 km/h
Atenție drumurile sunt pline de limitatoare de viteză și posturi de control. De recomandat a nu se merge noaptea, poliția sau armat sun foarte OK, vă întreabă doar de unde sunteți și vă dă drumul.
Wadi Mujib este un defile ce se poate vizita primăvara, vara și toamna, iarna traseul este închis, este deschis doar Centru pentru Vizitatori.


Un bulevard cu 10 benzi în Uzbekistan, Andijan:

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