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Drumurile in lume

Started by Ionut, October 08, 2016, 08:36:50 AM

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Raducu Popa

Multumesc. Da, am vrut sa filmez si macaraua, dar necunoscand inca zona, nu m-am apropiat prea mult. Poate data viitoare 🙂 Cu siguranta o sa mai vin la acest pod.


Urmaresc constructia podului inca de cand au inceput sa aseze fundatiile pentru piloni...

Raducu Popa


Un pod in Texas:

Aici era inainte un pod care se ridica la fiecare trecere a unei barci pe sub. Pentru a impaca si capra si varza (si barcangii, si soferii), au facut podul acesta, care nu mai implica restrictii de circulatie.
+ Australia, Canada, Egipt, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Maroc, Noua Zeelandă, Singapore, Emiratele Arabe Unite & Statele Unite ale Americii
drumurile mele

Raducu Popa


Noi ne chinuim cu tunelurile de pe A1 de câți ani? Intre timp alții au tuneluri cu cate 5 benzi pe sens (plus bandă de urgență) pe sub mare. M-am plictisit de lung ce e:


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Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


daca tot ii lauzi atata ....macar scrie si tu unde este acel tunel ...pentru noi acestia mai ne priceputi giografia ... :o :o


Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Arata foarte bine! Din pacate acopera elementele reflextorizante si cred ca este practic doar in zonele urbane unde carosabilul este iluminat.
Totusi este de luat in considerare, poate in zona mediana a autostrazii si mai putin in fata parapetului.


^^ Sau și mai frumos, cu flori
Din păcate, nu la noi :(


Este oricum destul de greu să întreții acele tufișuri și mai ales florile, până și ei mai au scăpări, dar idea nu este rea. Poate mai în întâi ar trebui să învățăm să avem grijă de parapeții pe care deja îi avem și dup-aia...
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O combinație neobișnuită: tunel-viaduct-pod suspendat cu zăbrele-viaduct-tunel: River Flash Crossing Wujiang River Bridge, China:

QuoteThe Hexiandu Wujiang River Bridge is located at the junction of Shiqian County and Fenggang County in Guizhou Province. It is a key control project of the Mei (Tan)-Shi (Qian) Expressway. The construction of the bridge started in March 2018. The bridge is 2,000 meters in length. The main bridge is a 680-meter steel truss suspension bridge, which is expected to be completed and opened to traffic in July 2021. Constructed by Guizhou Road and Bridge Group.
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Un alt pod suspendat :): Podul suspendat din Guizhou, China:

QuoteThe bridge is located under Niujiaoyan in Sinan County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province. From here, it is a 50-kilometer drive to Sinan County, and a 260-kilometer drive to the provincial capital of Guiyang.
It straddles the Wujiang River. To its north, there is a mountain called Niujiaoyan. There is a small village under the mountain, and the Wujiang River flows through this small village.
This Niujiaoyan Suspension Bridge is actually similar to the Luding Bridge in Sichuan, but compared with the Luding Bridge, it is much longer than the Luding Bridge. With a total length of 285 meters and a clear span of 238 meters, it has become the longest chain bridge in my country.

The iron ropes are also covered with steel plates, and there are guardrails on both sides, so that people don't feel scared when driving past them.
This suspension bridge connects the two banks of the Wujiang River, and is the only river-crossing passage that is well-known in the area. It provides more convenient transportation conditions for the villagers nearby, facilitates the travel of the villagers, and greatly shortens the distance between the villagers on both sides of the strait by tens of kilometers.
Although this Niujiaoyan suspension bridge is not as famous as the Beipanjiang Bridge. But the special thing about this bridge is that the entire bridge only uses iron cables and has no piers. Because the bridge has no piers, the iron bridge shook very badly when the vehicle was driving on the bridge, and the iron plates made a terrifying creaking sound. Standing on it was scary and exciting.

In addition, the volume of cargo vehicles passing through the bridge can reach 20 tons, and the number of people passing through each time reaches 200 people. I have to say that this is a bridge-building miracle and wisdom of the engineer.
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


O raritate: un DX montan cu viteza de proiectare de 100 km/h., când toate drumurile de mare viteză montane (inclusiv A) sunt proiectate pentru 80 km/h.: Guizhou section of Xia-Chong Expressway, crossing mountains and ridges, China:

QuoteXia-Rong Expressway Guizhou Rongjiang Gelong-Duyun Section (referred to as Gedu Expressway)
The design mileage of Shuige Expressway is 110.28km in total. The entire line is a two-way four-lane expressway in mountainous and heavy hills, with a design speed of 100Km/h. The project starts in Shuikou Township, Liping County, Guizhou, at the junction of Guizhou and Guizhou provinces, and is connected to the Guilin-Sanjiang Expressway in Guangxi, via Shuikou, Zhaoxing, Luoxiang, Guangyi, Shuangjiang, Guping, Liujia, Tuomiao, and Rongjiang. The county and the end point are Gelong Village, Rongjiang County, along with the starting point of the Xia-Rong Expressway from Rongjiang to Duyun in Guizhou.

Shuige Expressway runs through the central area of ​​southeastern Guizhou. It is the first expressway that radiates to the southeast in Guizhou. It directly covers 7 cities and counties in the two prefectures of Guizhou, especially Danzhai, Sandu, and Sandu along the line. Rongjiang, Congjiang, and Liping counties are mostly ethnic minority areas. The productivity has been lagging behind due to long-term traffic congestion. The construction of the project is conducive to closely linking the impoverished areas of Guizhou with important economic nodes such as Guiyang, Guilin, and Guangzhou, greatly promoting the development of resources along the route and even Guizhou, and attracting investment and opening to the outside world. It also connects the underdeveloped areas in western China and the southeast coast. An important channel to the sea in the region.
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.