[B] Magistrala M5 Drumul Taberei-Pantelimon

Started by Ionut, September 22, 2011, 02:29:08 PM

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Gata, asta a fost tot. Nu am mai coborat la nivelul peronului. Poate data viitoare. :) Sambata sper sa pot ajunge si pe celelalte doua statii care au ramas nefotografiate (Tudor Vladimirescu si Romancierilor). Mobilizarea mi s-a parut buna si progresele sunt vizibile fata de ultima vizita. Inca o data, ei insista ca in acest an este "gata", adica vor putea face probe. Nu sunt convins ca va fi 100% gata, de fapt sunt convins ca NU va fi 100% gata (avem accesele la Parc Drumul Taberei de executat care nu vor fi gata in 2018, avem multe camere tehnice si alte finisaje care probabil vor avea nevoie de detalii si in 2019).

In fine, ei isi mentin estimarea ca anul asta vor circula trenuri in probe. :) Ne vedem sambata. Si apoi, probabil, undeva prin iunie-iulie.

Multumim Metrorex pentru acces & informatii si Astaldi pentru informatiile primite in cele doua statii!


Pai da, trenurile pot sa circule in probe si daca finisajele statiilor nu sunt gata, mai ales la nivelul vestibulelor. Nici eu nu cred ca lucrarile vor fi gata anul asta.


Subway ne bullshit-uia, scuze de expresie, ca Siemens si Alstom cu care se sa judeca ei pe automatizari au cazut la pace ca au fuzionat. Se pare ca pacea nu a ajuns pana in Romania, aici se judeca in continuare si au termen la tribunal pe 23.04. In ritmul asta procesul poate dura pana la finalul lui 2019, deci adio automatizari inainte de 2020...



Frumoase cadre Ionut, mai este mult de lucru....
You're in Steelers Country


V-am relatat un zvon ce circula in piata, daca se judeca in continuare inseamna ca nu au cazut la pace.
Licitatia asta e cu bataie lunga...


Nu e zvon, dar nu se stie inca daca fuziunea va fi aprobata de autoritatile antitrust. Asa ca pana atunci, nu cred ca Simens o sa renunte.

QuoteSiemens and Alstom sign rail merger deal to compete with China. The German and French rivals have inked a deal to merge their rail operations, but antitrust authorities still need to approve tie-up. Siemens said the new firm will be headquartered in France.

Germany's electronics giant Siemens and the maker of France's high-speed TGV trains, Alstom, signed an agreement on Friday that will see the creation of a European company to rival China's market-leading state-owned rail giant. The accord sets the conditions for combining Alstom with Siemens Mobility, the German firm's rail and infrastructure division.

"We have reached an important milestone on the way to building a new leader capable of tackling the challenges of tomorrow's mobility," said Henri Poupart-Lafarge, the chief executive of Alstom, who will be the new company's CEO.

Plans for the partnership were first revealed in the autumn and will see the new firm gain access to the German corporation's patents. Ahead of Friday's signing, Siemens Chief Executive Joe Kaeser told a French newspaper that the new firm "will not be a sub-division of Siemens." "Siemens Alstom will be a French company, with its headquarters in France, listed on the French stock market and with a very competent French boss," he told Le Figaro.

The two rail groups have combined sales of €15.3 billion ($18 billion) and earnings before interest and tax of €1.2 billion. China's CRRC, on the other hand, has annual revenue of about €28 billion. Siemens will control 50 percent of Alstom immediately, but will be blocked from taking a bigger than 50.5 percent stake for the next four years. The merger is still subject to approval by competition authorities in several countries, while France's labor unions — which fear job cuts and closures — have threatened to block the deal. Alstom employs 32,800 people worldwide. Siemens Mobility has 28,800 staff members. An Alstom-Siemens coupling has been mooted for years and completes the transformation of the French group. Alstom sold off its energy business to American rival General Electric in 2015 for €9.5 billion.

The merger, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year, will create the world's top firm for rail signalization and the No. 2 for building train carriages. The deal comes amid rising competition from CRRC, which until recently focused mostly on its domestic market, but is now chasing deals across Europe. On Thursday, France's Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire confirmed that the national rail operator SNCF would place an order for 100 next-generation TGVs with Alstom within the next three months.



Gata, astazi am avut si partea a doua a celui de-al doilea reportaj. :) Am vizitat azi cele doua statii ramase, adica Tudor Vladimirescu si Romancierilor. Chiar daca in mare parte lucrarile sunt gata aici si nu mai sunt chestii spectaculoase de vazut de la o vizita la alta, am gasit cateva locuri interesante. Va las sa le descoperiti in reportaj.

Ca sa nu uit: sina este instalata acum intr-un procent de 35-40% si se va accelera. Din ce-am inteles, in 3-4 luni ar trebui sa fie la 100%. Multumim Metrorex pentru acces si pentru explicatii!


Statia Tudor Vladimirescu. Nu sunt prea multe de zis, pozele vorbesc de la sine, va las pe voi sa comentati daca gasiti ceva anume.





Aici avem un detaliu interesant. Cand se intra in statie, mecanicul trenului vede in stanga un tub de neon care este aprins rosu (parca rosu mi s-a spus) si asta inseamna ca sina a treia are tensiune. Interesant. In stanga sus este instalat. Il vedeti mai jos - este un tub in forma de M.


Intram un pic pe tunel. Observati ca sina este instalata si cam tot este instalat, de fapt. Lipseste sina a treia care vine la final... in rest... cam tot e gata in zona asta.


Pentru nostalgici si enervati pe denumirea "Tudor Vladimirescu".

Este instalat ceasul care arata ora si minutele pana cand intra in statie urmatorul tren.

Niste signalistica.

Un detaliu cu instalatia de iluminat (o mica parte din ea). Finalizata, din ce-mi dau seama, pe toata lungimea. Caseta e gata, corpurile de iluminat sunt instalate cam peste tot din ce-am fost atent.
