Infrastructura velo si pietonala in Europa si in lume

Started by b1, November 07, 2021, 01:44:38 PM

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Lucrări de construcție a promenadei râului Morača și a Parcului Njegoš, 11.12.2021:
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Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


How to (Quickly) Build a Cycling City - Paris

QuoteIf you've read anything about urban planning online recently, you've probably heard about the changes happening Paris. Mayor Anne Hidalgos has become famous for her pro-cycling and pro-people policies, and for taking away space from automobiles.  With a goal of becoming "100% Cyclable" by 2026, Paris is changing quickly.

For this video I took an NJB "Business Trip" to Paris to see these changes for myself.


Olanda: turbogiratie cu supratraversare dedicata pentru biciclisti:

+ Australia, Canada, Egipt, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Maroc, Noua Zeelandă, Singapore, Emiratele Arabe Unite & Statele Unite ale Americii
drumurile mele


Zwolle was named the highest ranking city for cycling in the world in this index of 767 cities around the world:

The city ranks very high in network, with a 93/100 ranking (average is 26/100). Access is very good, pretty much anything and anywhere is conveniently accessible by bicycle.

Zwolle has a population of nearly 130,000 and it is relatively compact, though not particularly dense, most of the city consists of single family houses. The municipal government recently received some flak for making the city center less attractive to cycling, with more and more streets having a cycling ban. The city center is accessible by car though there are no major thoroughfares within the historic core. Automobile traffic in the city center is limited.

Zwolle is not a very anti-car city though, it's easy to get around, the ring road is a four-to-six lane road with traffic lights and a motorway skirts the city center. Traffic congestion is quite limited (it is one of the lowest-ranking cities in the TomTom Congestion Index).

The city has a lot of bicycle routes that are detached from major traffic flows, so you can get around without having to stop at many traffic lights. Especially in the lower density residential areas the bicycle network is mostly separated from road traffic. It's generally faster to use a bicycle than to take the bus. The bus network has not grown a whole lot over the past few decades.

An example of recently built bicycle infrastructure on the Hessenpoort industrial area:

New vs. old design standards:

Typical bicycle tunnel in Zwolle:

Bicycle path (reconstructed a few years ago):

A 'bicycle street':

Loop ramp for a bicycle bridge across N35:

The bicycle parking garage at the railway station in Zwolle:


Și o filmare cu aceiași parcare:

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Try it out: Could you pass a Dutch cycling exam? :):
QuoteIn the Netherlands, all children in their last year of primary school must take two tests to earn a bike diploma. First, they sit for a multiple-choice exam on the rules of the road. Then, they head to the streets for a real-world biking test on a course that winds through traffic. The bike diploma is one of the reasons about half of all people in the Netherlands ride a bicycle at least once per day.
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Harta pistelor de biciclete din Olanda. - cca. 35000 km. de piste. Liniile roșii reprezintă pistele separate de drumurile destinate circulației autovehiculelor.
Cum sunt gândite pistele de biciclete din Olanda:
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Striatus: 3D-printed arched concrete footbridge for Venice Architecture Biennale

Block Research Group and Zaha Hadid Architects Computation and Design Group created the bridge: an unreinforced masonry footbridge composed of 3D-printed blocks assembled without mortar.

Exhibited at the Giardini della Marinaressa during the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale, the 16m x 12m footbridge combines traditional techniques with advanced computational design, engineering and robotic manufacturing technologies.

The name "Striatus" reflects its structural logic and fabrication process. Concrete is printed in layers orthogonal to the main structural forces to create a "striated" compression-only funicular structure that requires no reinforcement.

Striatus achieves strength through geometry. In arched and vaulted structures, the material can be placed precisely so that forces can travel to the supports through pure compression. This presents opportunities to significantly reduce the amount of material needed to span space as well as the possibility to build with lower-strength, less-polluting alternatives.

Striatus' bifurcating deck geometry responds to its site conditions. The funicular shape of its structural arches has been defined by limit analysis techniques and equilibrium methods, such as thrust network analysis, originally developed for the structural assessment of historic masonry vaults; its crescent profile encompasses the thrust lines that trace compressive forces through the structure for all loading cases.

Steel tension ties absorb the horizontal thrust of the arches. Neoprene pads placed in between the dry-assembled blocks avoid stress concentrations and control the friction properties of the interfaces, echoing the use of lead sheets or soft mortar in historical masonry construction.

The boundaries of the structure form deep arches that transfer horizontal loads; for example, visitors leaning against the balustrades, to the supports in pure compression. Advanced discrete element modelling was used to refine and optimise the blocks' stereotomy, and to check the stability of the entire assembly under extreme loading cases or differential settlements of the supports.

The bridge's 53 3D concrete printed voussoirs were produced using non-parallel print layers that are orthogonal to the dominant flow of forces. This avoids delamination between the print layers as they are held together in compression. The additive manufacturing process ensures the structural depth of the components can be achieved without producing blocks with a solid section, hence reducing the amount of material needed compared to subtractive fabrication methods or casting.

Many new buildings globally are being constructed with reinforced concrete, even though this type of construction generates large amounts of CO2 emissions. Steel and cement are especially problematic in this regard. ETH researchers have now presented a way to reduce both, in a real project.

Compared to typical reinforced concrete flat floor slabs, the new flooring system uses only 30% of the volume of concrete and just 10% of the amount of steel. Because the construction does not need mortar, the blocks can be dismantled, and the bridge reassembled again at a different location. If the construction is no longer needed, the materials can simply be separated and recycled.


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Copenhagen is Great ... but it's not Amsterdam:

Why Dutch Bikes are Better (and why you should want one):
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


130m concrete bridge connects Vltava River's largest island to land

Petr Tej, Marek Blank and Jan Mourek designed the 130m long ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete footbridge in Lužec nad Vltavou.

The construction runs across the river flow between the villages of Lužec nad Vltavou and Bukol and is on the long distance north-south cycle route EuroVelo 7 leading from Sweden to Sicily.

The architectural design is based on the lightness and subtlety that are made possible by the technologically extremely advanced material ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC).

The footbridge was conceived as a suspended structure with one pylon and two fields with spans of 30 m and 100 m. The main field crosses the river with a width of 70 m. The bridge deck is led in a high-rise arch with a radius of 777 m and is composed of directly walking prefabricated segments from UHPFRC. The hinges consist of 17 pairs of locked steel ropes.

The bridge deck was mounted on the fixed ring above the banks, the part above the river was mounted as a free cantilever, and the bridge deck is connected with two free cables.

All elements of the structure are unified and dematerialised by tones of medium gray colour. The footbridge is connected with the landscape by a newly planted oak alley along the road on the Bukol side; the oak trees will grow to the height of the pylon.





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Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


1. Diferențele dintre o intersecție cu pasaje pentru biciclete și una fără biciclete:
2. Cum este inaugurat un pasaj pentru biciclete în Olanda :):
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Ride Utrecht Central to Utrecht Overvecht:

- locurile de parcare înguste determină îngustarea benzilor pentru biciclete (ideal ar fi ca ele să aibă 2,5 m.);
- chiar dacă semafoarele sunt cu butoane, există o grămadă de oameni care nu le respectă :o.
Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.