Exercitii si manevre militare

Started by TibiV, June 03, 2021, 01:34:41 PM

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U.S. Army air defenders attach their Avenger weapon system to a Chinook helicopter during sling load training at their forward deployed site near the Black Sea coast of Romania on Jan. 25.

Bravo Battery, 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment completed sling load training at their forward-deployed site in support of NATO's enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group in Romania.

The unit practiced sling-loading both the Avenger and the Sentinel radar with a Chinook helicopter crew from Bravo Company, 2-501, 1AD CAB. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Robert Fellingham)


În cadrul unei secvențe de instruire, parte a unui exercițiu de antrenament în teren (FTX) pe timp de iarnă, o subunitate aparținând Batalionului 21 Vânători de Munte ,,General Leonard Mociulschi" din Predeal a surprins adversarul într-o ambuscadă executată în Cheile Râșnoavei, un punct obligatoriu de trecere.
Asaltul s-a desfășurat de pe crestele adiacente cheilor cu scopul de a nimici adversarul și de a captura documentele relevante operației ulterioare.
Printre obiectivele exercițiului de instruire s-a numărat și evacuarea unui rănit, în condiții dificile, de pe versanții stâncoși ai zonei de desfășurare a ambuscadei.
Text: Gabriel Constantin
Foto: Anamaria Scarlat


Oarecum off-topic dar e destul de grav.
Rusii au doborat o drona Reaper deasupra Marii Negre. Dronele astea zboara intre Romania si Crimea. Unii spun ca drona a fost doborata in apropiere de marea teritoriala a Romaniei, dar nu e nimic confirmat oficial.


Ce viteji rusnacii, se pun cu o drona neinarmata. Daca ar fi dupa mine, le-as face o surpriza.


Soldiers assigned to the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Armored Division, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, the 9th Mechanized Brigade and the 572nd Puma Squadron held an Air Assault Demonstration rehearsal on March 27, 2023, in Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, Romania. Our commitment to defending NATO territory is ironclad and the United States will continue to bolster our posture to better defend our NATO allies. (U.S. Army photo by Malcolm Cohens-Ashley, 2nd Brigade Combat Team.)



Cum saluta batranul Bizon  :D

Nu stiu de ce dar foarte dragi imi sunt si Jderii si Bizonii :-[


2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery Regiment "Proud Americans" participated in a joint fire support exercise with French Romanian, Dutch and Luxembourger Partners at Capu Midia Training Range, April 26, 2023, near Corbu, Romania.
Photo by Capt. Steve Nava
1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (AA) Public Affairs


Aeronave de luptă aparţinând Forţelor Aeriene NATO dislocate în România vor executa, în data de 25.05.2023, în intervalul orar 13.00-17.00, zboruri de antrenament la înălţimi mici în sud-estul ţării.


SLOBOZIA, Romania – Four countries' anthems filled the air of the parade field as hundreds of Army Soldiers and NATO allies from Romania, Albania, and Bulgaria stood in formation for the opening ceremony. Saber Guardian 23 had begun.
"Today will mark the beginning of a series of tactical exercises," Brig. Gen. Iulian Daniliuc, Romania's 2nd Infantry Division Deputy Commander, said during the ceremony. "More than ever, as you know what happens close to our borders. More than ever, the difficult, unconditional causes that warrant us to strengthen the resilience of our own group, NATO's alliance, and defense capacity."
Saber Guardian 23 is one of three linked exercises taking place as part of Defender 23.
Defender 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEUR-AF) led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States (CONUS)-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS), and interoperability with Allies and partners. Defender 23 will demonstrate USAREUR-AF's ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase the lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF's operational reach. DEFENDER 23 encompasses three linked, yet separate exercises: Swift Response, Immediate Response, and Saber Guardian.
Lt. Col. Marcus Young, 226th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) Deputy Commander, weighed in to expand on the exercise.
"Saber Guardian is the overarching exercise," Young said. "It's the third and final connected training event that ensures that all units are capable and ready.
Saber Guardian 23, led by V Corps, deploys European-based forces via the Danube Delta to the Black Sea Region. Tactical actions are led by a Romanian multi-national Division and include a forward passage of lines, wet gap crossings, and Joint Forcible Entry operations.
"For the Alabama National Guard, it's a continuation of our state partnership program," Young said. "It also a time, as everyone knows what's going on about 80 kilometers from here, a time for us to show our strength and our capabilities with our allied partners. We're still strong, we're still capable, and we're highly motivated."
Young said the 226th had back to back warfighter events before having the opportunity to come to Romania for Defender 23.
"Warfighter events are simulated," Young said. "They're all simulated, but here we're going to have live units on the ground, and we are exercising our staff with real unit movement. This is a culminating event for us."
The 226th will be integrating the Romanian 1st Mechanized Brigade into the MEB during the exercise. Young said this will be Romania's first MEB.
"To do this on the 30th anniversary of our state partnership with Romania, it's extra special for us."

Story by Sgt. Jordan Arnold
131st Mobile Public Affairs Detachment


Moment istoric. Temutele avioane de bombardament strategic Rockwell B-1 Lancer au aterizat la Baza Mihail Kogălniceanu.

Foto: plt.maj. Samir N. ȘEICAMET | Forțele Aeriene Române


mi se pare interesant ca BP sunt prezenti la noi, dar nu si in sectorul civil


era o vorba prin targ anul trecut ca vin ei si Shell, dar nimic concret  :(


Shell din 2021 au birouri in Bucuresti. Cel mai probabil vor prelua Lukoil pentru ca vad ca fac schimb de assets. Rusii le dau lor operatiunile pe europa si ei le dau rusilor pe cele din Rusia. Ramane de vazut cand vor preluar in Romania, ce calendar au, ca de luat le iau sigur.
