Accidente si incidente aviatice in Romania si in lume

Started by Ionut, January 20, 2014, 08:40:25 PM

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Bomb horror on passenger jet: Burning man is sucked out of plane at 14,000ft after explosion rips open the fuselage

QuoteAn unidentified man was sucked out of a passenger jet at 14,000 feet after a suspected bomb blasted a hole through the side of the fuselage just five minutes after the Airbus A321 took off from Mogadishu.

Eyewitnesses claim the badly burned body of an elderly man fell to the earth about 15 miles away from the airport at the time of the blast.
AIrline officials claim two people were injured by the blast which punched a hole in the aluminum fuselage about six foot by three foot in size.

The aircraft's pilot Vladimir Vodopivec, 64, from Serbia said: 'I think it was a bomb. Luckily, the flight controls were not damaged so I could return and land at the airport. Something like this has never happened in my flight career. We lost pressure in the cabin. Thank god it ended well.'

A source told CNN that initial tests have shown explosive residue indicating the aircraft may have been the victim of a suspected terrorist attack.

The explosion happened as the aircraft passed between 12,000 and 14,000, before it reached its cruising altitude.

Somali aviation official Ali Mohamoud said the aircraft, operated by Daallo Airlines was headed to Djibouti in the Horn of Africa, was forced to land minutes after taking off from the Mogadishu airport

Awale Kullane, Somalia's alternate ambassador to the U.N. who was on board the flight, said on Facebook that he 'heard a loud noise and couldn't see anything but smoke for a few seconds'.
When visibility returned they realised 'quite a chunk' of the plane was missing, he wrote.

Kullane, who was going to Djibouti to attend a conference for diplomats, also posted video showing some passengers putting on oxygen masks inside the plane.

Another passenger, Mohamed Ali, told The Associated Press they heard a bang before flames opened a gaping hole in the plane's side.

'I don't know if it was a bomb or an electric shock, but we heard a bang inside the plane,' he said, adding he could not confirm reports that passengers had fallen from the plane.

One of the people onboard the flight filmed the aftermath of the explosion where the remaining passengers at calmly until the aircraft returned to the airport. 

Mohamed Hassan, a police officer in nearby Balad town, said residents had found the dead body of an old man who might have fallen from a plane.

Balad is an agricultural town about 18 miles north of Mogadishu.

Somalia faces an insurgency perpetrated by the Somali Islamic extremist group al-Shabab, which is responsible for many deadly attacks across the nation. 

Aviation sources have suggested the aircraft was delayed leaving Mogadishu this afternoon meaning the suspected bomb, if it was on a timer, went off at a lower altitude, giving the passengers on board a greater chance of survival.

John Goglia, former member of the US National Transportation Safety Board member said only a bomb or a pressurisation blowout caused by fatigue could cause such a hole in the side of the aircraft.
However, the black soot around the hole would indicate a bomb.

He said the incident happened before the aircraft hit its cruising altitude which would reduce the possibility of a pressurisation event.

He added: 'We don't know a lot, but certainly it looks like a device.'

Sursa: DailyMail

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Peste 200 de oameni, printre care sunt şi mulţi români, sunt blocaţi de peste zece ore pe un aeroport din Elveţia. Avionul care trebuia să-i aducă de la Basel la Cluj-Napoca nu a mai decolat din motive tehnice.
Cursa Wizzair trebuia să decoleze la ora 8:45 spre Cluj-Napoca, unde urma să ajungă la ora 11:15. La ora 9:00, pasagerii au fost anunțați că aeronava are o problemă la o roată și că urmează să fie adusă de la Frankfurt o roată nouă, decolarea urmând să aibă loc la ora 15:00. Numai că, la ora 15:00 pasagerii au fost anunțați de o nouă întârziere, pentru că roata nu a mai venit de la Frankfurt, ci urma să fie adusă de la Zurich.
În cele din urmă, cursa a fost anulată, urmând să decoleze duminică și să ajungă la Cluj-Napoca până în prânz. Pasagerii vor fi cazați la un hotel.
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A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


^ Urmare acestui eveniment azi la CLJ a ajuns de la Budapesta  noul Airbus A321-231  Registration (471F63) HA-LXB pentru a prelua zborurile aeronavei din Basel.
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A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Drone flies within 30 feet of passenger jet landing at Heathrow

QuoteFile this under the category of "drone pilots trying to ruin it for everybody." According to a safety incident report published by the United Kingdom's Airprox air safety board, an Airbus A319 landing at Heathrow International Airport last September narrowly avoided a collision with a drone flying at an altitude of 500 feet as the jet was on its final approach. The pilots reported the small hovering helicopter-style drone passed about 25 yards to the left of the cockpit and just 20 feet above the aircraft.

The A319's wingspan is 112 feet, so that would mean the drone missed the airliner by as little as 30 feet. The pilot reported that there was no time once the drone was sighted to take evasive action. The pilot reported the drone to air traffic controllers, and the police were dispatched. However, the drone pilot was not found. The incident was classified as meeting risk category A—the highest level of incident covered by the reporting system short of an actual collision.

The drone was not detected by air traffic control radar, so the only details of the event and how close the aircraft came to striking the drone are the pilot's estimate of distance. In the UK, drones are limited to flight below 400 feet and are banned from flying in controlled airspace (like that around Heathrow) without permission from air traffic controllers. As the report noted, UK Civil Aviation Authority rules require a drone to stay within visual line of sight of the pilot—a maximum of 500 meters (1,640 feet) horizontally and 400 feet vertically from the operator.

This was hardly the only incident reported over London in the latest published details from UK Airprox. An Embraer E190 commuter jet had a less severe close call at an altitude of 2,600 feet over London just two days earlier, with a helicopter drone passing within 50 feet of its path. Less than a week later, a pilot of a Piper Cherokee reported a drone missing his aircraft by about 20 feet.

There were hundreds of these types of incidents reported in the US last year. Most recently, according to NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System database, the pilot of a Bombardier CRJ200 commuter plane landing in Pittsburgh reported coming within 200 feet of a drone. "While on approach to PIT the captain noticed a drone and called its position out," the first officer noted in his incident report. "I looked up and saw a drone with a camera attached to the bottom pass no more than 200 feet above and to the left of the aircraft. We were descending through 500 feet at about 250 (nautical miles per hour) on the visual approach. It is obvious that catastrophic damage would have occurred to the aircraft if we would have struck the drone." The first officer also complained that somebody should be enforcing the FAA's regulations restricting drones flying near airports.


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Un avion al companiei aeriene Wizzair care efectua o cursă pe ruta Budapesta-Târgu Mureş s-a întors, sâmbătă, în capitala ungară, după ce a fost depistată o defecţiune în cabina piloţilor, relatează agenţia de presă ungară MTI, citând oficiali ai companiei aeriene.
Pasageri au fost transportaţi la destinaţie de un alt avion, a specificat compania aeriană.
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A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Căpitanul unui avion de pasageri care aparține companiei Arabian Airlines a murit în timpul zborului, cu puțin timp înainte de aterizare, informează

Pilotul a suferit un atac de cord în momentul în care încerca să aducă avionul la sol. Copilotul a solicitat o aterizare de urgență și a reușit să aterizeze în siguranță. La bordul avionului se aflau aproximativ 220 de pasageri.

Doi pasageri care aveau pregătire medicală au încercat să-l resusciteze, însă pilotul decedase deja.

Reprezentanții companiei de stat din Arabia Saudită au precizat că ,,aeronava și pasagerii nu au fost în pericol niciun moment, copilotul reușind să aterizeze în siguranță".
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A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Motorul unui avion TAROM care făcea cursa Budapesta - București a luat foc. Pilotul a reuşit să se întoarcă pe aeroportul din Ungaria şi să aterizeze în siguranţă.

Incidentul s-a petrecut la circa cinci minute după decolare, în timp ce aeronava, un ATR, un avion cu doua elice, era în curs de ascensiune. În avion s-a simțit fum, iar pasagerii au observat că una dintre elice se oprise.

În aeronavă se aflau în jur de 25-30 de pasageri. Echipajul i-a liniștit, le-a dat instrucțiuni și le-a spus că se pregătesc de o aterizare de urgență. Au întors aeronava pe aeroport și aterizarea a decurs cu bine.
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A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Ce coincidenta absolut inspaimantatoare. Sabotaj unguresc?  :)

PS: afirmatia ca a luat foc motorul de data aceasta a fost exagerata. A fost defectiune la motor cu shut-down si intoarcere in perfecta siguranta la aeroport.


Vezi că hotnews are în titlu "aterizare forţată"
Se tot perpetuează confuzia asta cu aterizarea de urgență... :(
Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


Termenul corect este aterizare de urgenta. Aterizare fortata inseamna pe camp, apa, etc...


QuoteCompania TAROM confirma faptul ca zborul TAROM RO 236 care a decolat de la Budapesta la ora 13.12 UTC cu destinatia Bucuresti,  s-a intors la aeroportul Budapesta dupa 5 minute de zbor datorita  unei semnalizari necorespunzatoare  la motorul nr 2.

Echipajul a dat dovada de calm si responsabilitate asigurand asistenta pasagerilor la bord,  conform procedurilor standard in aceasta situatie iar pilotii au aterizat aeronava in conditii de deplina siguranta, pe aeroportul din Budapesta.

Dupa aterizare pasagerii au fost asistati, la sol, in permanenta,  de catre reprezentantii companiei si de catre agentul de handling.

In acest moment Compania a efectuat toate demersurile necesare in vederea reprotejarii pasagerilor astfel incat acestia sa isi poata continua calatoria fara alte intarzieri, suplimentare.

Pasagerii vor reveni in tara cu o cursa TAROM care este asteptata sa aterizeze la Otopeni  la orele 22.30.

Compania isi exprima regretul pentru aceasta situatie si va colabora strans cu reprezentantii autoritatii  competente de investigatie din Ungaria pentru a pentru a stabili circumstantele care au dus la producerea acestui incident.

Sursa: TAROM

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A320 EgyptAir (SU-GCB) deturnat la Larnaca, zborul MS181
Comercial   29 March
Un Airbus A320 EgyptAir care zbura intre Alexandria-Cairo a fost deturnat in aceasta dimineata si a aterizat la Larnaca. Compania a confirmat deturnarea.

La bord se afla 81 de pasageri si, potrivit unor surse, echipajul este format din 7 persoane. La bord ar fi cel putin o persoana inarmata, care ar avea asupra sa si o bomba. In prezent, autoritatile negociaza cu cel care a deturnat aeronava. Urmariti pentru update-uri.
EgyptAir confirma: toti pasagerii au fost eliberati, mai putin echipajul si 4 pasageri straini. In continuare, negociatorii incearca eliberarea lor.
Sursa aeronews.
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A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Quote from: iuli on March 29, 2016, 01:52:42 PM
Avion deturnat în Cipru! UPDATE Un egiptean are o vestă cu explozibili. El a eliberat pasagerii egipteni, dar a oprit străinii şi membrii echipajului

Toata lumea a fost eliberata.

Egiptul chiar asa proaste sisteme de securitate are? Acum cateva luni cineva a pus o bomba la bordul unui avion; acum altcineva (pare-se un indragostit parasit de iubita) a reusit sa se suie la bord cu ceva ce seamana a explozibil, sa ajunga la echipaj, si sa convinga echipajul sa-l transporte unde dorea el... Ar fi trebuit sa existe multiple filtre care sa-l opreasca, de la usa blindata dintre cabina pilotilor si cabina pasagerilor pana la filtrul de securitate din aeroport...
Cand esti amenintat cu ban permanent pentru ca ai criticat pozitia publica a unui politician, nu se mai poate numi conversatie sau forum, ci campanie electorala. Imi pare rau, dar din pacate, sunt nevoit va urez la revedere!