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Drumurile Europei

Started by iuli, August 27, 2013, 07:23:53 PM

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Drum national la nivel express in Belgia(N71).Limita 120.Nu exista parapet median permanent,ci doar de regula unde sunt podurile.Mi se par extrem de periculosi parapetii New Jersey si cei metalici.Deci nu doar la noi avem specialisti in siguranta rutiera




Norway's collapsed timber bridge had 'vulnerabilities', says Arup expert

A wooden bridge that collapsed in southern Norway earlier this week appeared to have inherent "vulnerabilities" in its design, according to Arup's global timber specialist.

One car plunged into the river while a lorry became stranded when Tretten Bridge in Gudbrandsdalen Valley broke apart on Monday morning while two vehicles were crossing it.

While neither driver was hurt in the incident the 150m structure was only built in 2012, leading to questions over why the timber and steel truss bridge failed so dramatically.

Arup's Andrew Lawrence, who is also a visiting professor in timber engineering at Cambridge University, said while everything at this stage was speculation, the bridge's timber parts looked to have been exposed to the rain meaning they were at risk of decay, and its main load path relied on timber tension connections.

"If for whatever reason those connections fail, due to design errors or decay they will fail suddenly in a brittle way," he said.

Despite this, Lawrence said the collapse was surprising especially given the bridge had been treated with "very effective and very toxic" creosote-based preservatives.

"It's got those vulnerabilities, but there are likely to have been some design or workmanship errors added to those to lead to the collapse," he said.

Lawrence added that the Tretten Bridge collapse sent a "useful message" that timber needs to be designed properly.

He said: "Timber is really important as part of making structures more sustainable. But it is a material which is vulnerable to decay and rot and vulnerable to brittle failures. Therefore a collapse like this, where nobody was injured, is actually very useful to help improve safety across the industry."

Tretten Bridge, which was designed by Norconsult with architect PLAN Arkitekter, was inspected along with all other wooden truss bridges following the collapse of a different Norweigan bridge in 2016.

According to a report by Norweigan broadcaster NRK, some maintenance issues were discovered on Tretten Bridge, but nothing that led to it being declared unsafe for traffic.

With a full investigation by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Innlandet County Council already underway, other engineers and experts have shared their thoughts on what could have gone wrong.

Richard Fish, an independent bridge management consultant, said one area of "potential concern" with Tretten could be the transition and connections between the bridge's timber and steel sections.

He also said that photos of the collapse suggest a failure of the truss top chord over a support where it is working its hardest.

"It is good to see that Norway's Road Director has asked for a complete and independent review of the collapse. The key here is 'independent' [...] and to ensure that the findings are made widely available to the international bridge community."

Meanwhile Daniel Ridley-Ellis, head of the Centre for Wood Science and Technology at Edinburgh Napier University said while decay and lack of performance are definite possibilities with timber, the circumstances of the collapse suggest they are not the main cause in this case.

He said the element of the bridge he suspects most is one of the connections in the steel truss, above a support column. "This happens to be steel, but this also doesn't mean that the wood wasn't also somehow involved.  If I was investigating, one thing I would begin with is the possibility that the river's action on that round column caused fatigue failure."

A spokesperson for Norconsult, who was involved in the bridge's design, said that the firm had also launched its own investigation. Norconsult head of communication Njå Bjørkmann said: "First and foremost, our thoughts go to those affected. We can confirm that Norconsult was involved in the design of the Tretten bridge. Shortly after the accident became known, the company created an emergency organization that will look into the incident."

While Norway has a long tradition of building timber bridges across rivers or streams the country embarked on a new era of larger road bridges in the 1990s.

The record-breaking 196m Flisa Bridge opened in 2003, becoming the world's longest timber bridge designed for full traffic loads.

In 2016, Perkolo Bridge another timber crossing in Gudbrandsdalen collapsed under the weight of a timber truck.

According to a 2017 report on the durability of timber bridges, the failure of Perkolo Bridge was blamed on a design engineer "misreading" the transfer of forces in the joint, a mistake that was not picked up by either the internal, nor external design controls.

Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Un soi de giratoriu al centurii Suceava,varianta nemțească.
Desi nu e zid propriuzis,panta e destul de abrupta,risc pentru decolare  :lol:


Vizionare placuta (se poate viziona si cu subtitrare in limba romana)!



Prezentarea drumului Via Carpatia din Lituania prin PL, SK, H, RO, BG spre Grecia.
Primele imagini sunt de pe Sibiu Pitesti lot 1, in constructie.  :)


Din Croația

Omish Bypass


De prin Slovacia

Preshov Vest


De prin Bosnia

Sarajevo - Bradina


Spania, Benalmadena către Aeroport Malaga


Drumul express S6 Austria.Cred ca asa s-ar preta si sectoarele montane la noi.Limita 130km/h









Drumul IP2 in Portugalia, intre Evora si Beja. Un soi de drum expres, in general 1+1, dar si cu ceva sectiuni 2+1 sau 2+2, centuri la localitati si majoritatea intersectiilor denivelate, s-ar preta foarte bine in Romania pntru coridoare unde nu exista suficient trafic pt o autostrada sau drum expres 2+2 (exemple care imi vin in minte ar fi Focsani-Braila, Buzau-Braila, Resita-Voiteg, etc.). Filmul complet, Evora este un oras superb, patrimoniu Unesco, merita vizitat:



QuotePodul #Çanakkale1915, #RekorlarınProjesi Proiectul Podului și Autostrada Çanakkale 1915 a fost premiat pentru cel mai de succes proiect al anului la categoria ,,metodologie de construcție", datorită metodelor inovatoare și soluțiilor de inginerie implementate în timpul record de 4 ani de finalizare.ÇANAKKALE 1915 BRIDGE CÂȘTIGĂ ÎNCĂ UN PREMIU INTERNAȚIONAL

1915 Proiectul Podului și Autostrăzii Çanakkale a fost selectat drept cel mai de succes proiect al anului în domeniul metodologiei de construcție de către Federația Internațională a Drumurilor (IRF) datorită soluțiilor sale de inginerie și metodelor inovatoare aplicate într-un timp record de finalizare de patru ani. s-a desfășurat la Washington în perioada 31 octombrie – 3 noiembrie 2022. A fost considerat demn de primul premiu la categoria Metodologie de construcție la ceremonia de premiere organizată în cadrul Conferinței Roads to Tomorrow.

Premiul acordat Podului Çanakkale din 1915 a fost înmânat lui T.C. Ministrul Transporturilor și Infrastructurii, consilierul Fethi Turgut, managerul regional al parteneriatului public-privat KGM, Sezgin Küçükbekir, directorul general adjunct al Autostrăzilor Ahmet Sağlam și, în numele contractantului, CoC A.Ş. Reşit Yıldız, membru al Comitetului executiv, l-a cumpărat împreună.

T.R. Licitată de către Ministerul Transporturilor și Infrastructurii Direcția Generală a Autostrăzilor (KGM) pe modelul construcție - exploatare - transfer; 1915 Podul Çanakkale, ale cărui lucrări de construcție sunt realizate de societatea mixtă înființată de Limak İnşaat și Yapı Merkezi din Turcia, DL E&C și SK ecoplant din Coreea de Sud, este ,,cel mai înalt pod suspendat cu un turn din lume", cu un vârf de 334 de metri. și ,,cel mai lung pod suspendat din lume", cu o deschidere medie de 2023 de metri. Are titlul de ,,pod suspendat cu deschidere medie lungă".


Podul Crimeii, lucrari de reabilitare. Transportarea de un segment nou:


Nici la altii nu e planificare ca la carte. :)


Slovacii joaca in alta liga, atat la constructia de autostrazi cat si la prezentarea proiectelor  :D

R2 parte din Via Carpatia, lotul lipsa din centura Kosice

D1 lotul cu cel mai lung tunel de la ei 7,5 km

si un alt lot din D1 cu un tunel mai mic