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Autostrada A1 București-Nădlac

Started by Ionut, September 13, 2011, 12:10:24 PM

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am vorbit cu cineva de la UMB a spus ca utilajele  si basculantele sunt aduse ....iar de saptamana vitore vor fi adusi si toti oameni necesari ... :)


QuoteEu cred ca LD3 si LD4 se deschid concomitent in a doua parte a lui 2018. Daca LD3 se deschide inainte, ma voi bucura, dar am rezerve. Am de asemenea rezerve ca LD4 se deschide anul acesta.

@bogdix : si eu merg la fel, LD3+LD4 in prima jumatate a lui 2018
Sa gindesti este dificil. De aceea, majoritatea oamenilor doar judeca ! Carl Gustav Jung


^^ din poze pare mult mai avansat LD3 pe toata lungimea! Totusi sunt 10 luni pana la final de 2017!


Eu sunt in tabara optimistilor...
Poate nu august, dar noiembrie mi se pare un termen decent. In 8 luni se poate face enorm, mai ales ca toatre structurile sunt deja facute (ma rog, cu exceptia descarcarii Holdea ai a unuia dintre ecoducte - dar ecoductul ala nu pare sa aiba nevoie de mai mult de 3-4 luni...)
Iar sa se termine si sa nu se dea in folosinta ar fi mai grav decat intarzierea pe LD2, unde exista totusi niste "suspiciuni" de neconformitati...

Pe de alta parte va inteleg si pe voi, pesimistii...
Ca doar nu degeaba se zice ca "un pesimist este un optimist bine informat"...
Poate stiti mai multe decat noi...  :book:

Asta insa ma baga la ganduri:
Quote from: alecu26 on March 10, 2017, 09:58:26 PM
Bogdix. alunecarea/tasarea terasamentului din zona nodului Ilia nu ne zici nimic?
Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


Quote from: Europiu on March 10, 2017, 09:25:39 PM
Quote from: Quest on March 10, 2017, 08:36:58 PM
recte perioada indelungata de acoperire a acestei operatiuni [...] (pasajul peste cf Ilia, unde sudarea grinzilor a durat LUNI de zile...)

Si totuși, eu parcă țin minte că, vezi podurile peste Mureș de pe ST3, se poate și ceva mai repede.

Sigur ca se poate, orice se poate, dar ptr procesare paralela iti trebuie mai multe echipe de sudori, adica costuri cu man power mai mari. Chiar ar fi interesant de intrebat Tirrena Scavi cite echipe au folosit la podurile peste Mures de pe ST3. Ptr ca Comsa la numitul pasaj de la Ilia mie tot timpul mi-a lasat impresia c-a folosit doar o singura echipa.

Alecu & Bogdix, tasarea / alunecarea afecteaza nodul in sine ? Macar de-ar fi dupa nod catre limita cu LD4...
Common sense will get you far !


Quote from: TibiV on March 10, 2017, 08:25:05 PM
In GM (satellite photo) you can see very well Lot 3 and Lot 4 under cosntruction...

Lot 3 starts here: and it ends here:

Lot 4 starts here:  and it ends here:

Of course, the work is more advanced because the satellite picture is almost an year old...

Cool, thank you for this impressive views and info :)

I think that means that LOT 3 is from Cosevita - Ilia.

LOT 4 is from Ilia - Deva.

Am i right? :)

Which % of building are these both LOTs at the moment?

Is there a Chance that LOT 3 or 4 can be openend in August this year?

The German car driver club says, that LOT3 would be openend "Middle 2017" and LOT4 would be openend "End of 2017".


Excusez-moi, you have the answer here:

Quote from: Ionut on March 07, 2017, 07:26:51 AM
There is no chance this year for Ilia-Deva.
Only Cosevita (Holdea)-Ilia will open in the summer (hopefully).

That's it.

With pleasure!!


Quote from: AUT_XY on March 10, 2017, 11:39:02 PM
I think that means that LOT 3 is from Cosevita - Ilia.

LOT 4 is from Ilia - Deva.
Am i right? :)
You are right about Lot 4.
About Lot 3, you are right about Cosevita speeking in terms of the National Road (DN) 68A used by the drivers at this moment (probably you have been there driving home and back...)
Here, on this forum, we speak about the begining of Lot 3 Lugoj-Deva as beeing at Holdea, where they are building a temporary interchange...
You can see the drawing of that temporary interchange here:
and a "mockup" of it based on real photos here:

Our collegue yetiman is watching closely the monthly developmnets...
Here you will find out that the last official figures where 70% for LD3 and 48% for LD4 (don't bother with only 52% of Lot 2, just opened... it is a wild story, and basically the figures are correct... But they include the missing tunnels.)

Regarding the opening dates for LD3 and LD4, we are having a strong argue...

LD3 (Lugoj-Deva Lot 3
- The optimistics are hoping for an opening this year - not earlier than august, but not later than 31 dec. 2017
- The pesimistics think that it will happen "somewhere in time" in 2018.

LD4 (Lugoj-Deva Lot 4
- I could'nt find any optimistic person on this forum about LD4.
So it is 2018.

Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


Thank you very much for this very informativ news!
Vers interesting and goos to know now.
You helped me very much!

If its so, i will also speak concerning the LOT3 in the future
about Holdea - Ilia :-) ;-)

This temporary interchange at Holdea is being build now, because they know
that the construction and opening of the tunnels would take some years or why?

Whats the main problem with the part with the tunnels and so in LOT2?
How long would that take do you think?


Very, very optimistic: 3 years
Very optimistc: 5 years
Realistic: only God knows !... (7-10 years would'nt be a surprise...  >:( )
Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


in urma cu cateva zile am fcut o plimbare pe margina dumbrava  am vizitat si partea de autostrada dintre margina si zona tunelelor unde am facut ceva poze

citeva imgini cu podul de peste bega si o pasarela a unui drum judetean


o alta zona a santierului cu alta pasarela in constructie



I'll try to answer the questions above. But please take into consideration that the other people that post here, consider me a "pessimist". :)

1. The "temporary" Holdea Interchange is developed because it will allow the opening of the whole lot 3 (from Holdea to Dobra Interchange and then from Dobra Interchange to Ilia Interchange at it's end). Otherwise lot 3 would "have" had a long section (Holdea - Dobra Interchange) without access at one end and no possibility for the road traffic to enter/exit that section.

1.1. The main problem of Lot 2 is contractual. Despite the fact that the Environmental Permit obliged the CNAIR to build the very much spoken about - two tunnels, the current legislation regarding contract variation is not allowing the CNAIR to make a variation in an amount above 20% of the initially agreed contractual value. The official answer for the last 3 years seems to be: "we are still analyzing", but in a short period of time it will become critical, because it probably requires another tendering procedure (estimated at minimum 6 months) and a building period (estimated at minimum 3 years). And with those in mind, with the uncertainity of that decision, the CNAIR could find themselves outside of the 2014-2020 europrean funding period. That could mean another postponing for the opening to road traffic, as funding for the project will become uncertain.

2. Optimistic approach says that tendering will start this year and works in the next year (2018), with the inauguration at the end of 2020. Pessimistic aproach says that tendering will start the next year and works in 2019, with the inauguration in more than 3 years.

I truly hope for things to evolve normally this time and at the end of 2020 to drive "through" those tunnels.


zona dinspre tunele