Accidente si incidente navale in Romania si in lume

Started by cristi5, January 13, 2019, 05:07:35 PM

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Patru nave comerciale care navigau in apropierea strâmtorii Hormuz au pierdut aproape concomitent capacitatea de a guverna (cel puțin asta au scris pe AIS - vessel not under command).
Navele sunt: Queen Ematha, the Golden Brilliant, Jag Pooja and Abyss.
UKMTO a anunțat că a avut loc un incident de "potențială abordare (răpire - potential highjacking).
O a cincea navă, Asphalt Princess, se pare că a fost abordată și opt sau nouă persoane înarmate au urcat la bord. Știrile sunt de maxim două ore, probabil că în curând se vor afla mai multe.

LONDON, Aug 3 (Reuters) - British sources believe the Asphalt Princess has been hijacked and are "working on the assumption Iranian military or proxies boarded the vessel", the Times newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Earlier, Britain's maritime trade agency reported that a "potential hijack" was unfolding off the coast of the United Arab Emirates' Fujairah region, without giving details on the vessel or vessels involved.

The Times defence editor tweeted: "British sources believe Asphalt Princess has been hijacked. They are working on the assumption Iranian military or proxies have boarded vessel."
Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Între timp au apărut primele fotografii de pe Mercer Street. Drona a lovit chiar în comanda de navigație, in spatele catargului pe care sunt radarele. E cam greu de lovit zona aia, in față e catargul, in spate e coșul, trebuie precizie mare:

Sursa foto
Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Deci capitanul-comandant era in comanda de navigatie (puntea de comanda = "the bridge", nu?...) in momentul atacului.
Adica era la post...
Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


Căpitanul de vas – român şi un responsabil din echipa de securitate a vasului - britanic au rămas pe punte pentru a pilota vasul, şi aceştia au fost loviţi în al doilea atac sau a doua rundă de atacuri. Ei au fost victimele atacului. Drona a explodat în suprastructura vasului joi, 29 iulie, ea urmând primei runde/primului atac cu dronă care a fost unul fără succes, prima dronă lansată mai devreme neexplodând la impact şi căzând în apă.

Vasul poate fi "condus" doar de o singură persoană (comandantul în cazul de fața) de pe puntea de comandă?


Nu știu exact configurația punții respective, e posibil ca acolo in spate să fie ceva compartimente, dar oricum conectate cu comanda de navigație (sunt scările interioare, o toaletă, ceva spații de depozitare, cameră cu echipament radio, etc.
Dar dacă vă uitați cu atenție la prima poză, se vede cum suflul exploziei a "zburat" toate luminile exterioare, acestea atârnă in fire. Și geamul din babord e spart, cel de lângă ușa culisantă, deci, chiar dacă explozia a fost într-un compartiment adiacent, suflul ei a cam făcut ravagii. Și se văd și găuri de schije prin pereți (care sunt de obicei din tablă de 10-15 mm, e foarte posibil să fi ajuns și în față).
Dacă mă uit atent la a doua poză văd că puntea este îndoită în jos, deci explozia a avut loc în afară, nu după ce drona a penetrat puntea (in cazul ăsta se umfla tabla). Și găurile de schije par a confirma asta.

La întrebarea cu condusul navei...
BMP5 spune că:

• All crew not required on the bridge or in the engine room should muster at the safe muster point or citadel as instructed by the Master.

Asta ar însemna că pe comandă rămâne Comandantul, ofițerul de cart, un timonier. Și echipa de securitate. De obicei in procedurile lor, trei fac ture iar șeful lor se ocupă de training, comunicații, etc. așadar în permanență este doar unul pe comandă. La un atac vin toți acolo, dar aici vorbim de piraterie, bărci care se apropie. La drone n-ai ce să faci cu pușca, trebuie alt echipament care există doar pe navele militare.
Dar BMP5 e un set de recomandări, companiile au procedurile lor.
Acum, faptul că era doar comandantul acolo împreună cu britanicul poate fi din alt motiv. Ori restul erau la citadelă, ori pe afară (look-out), ori pur și simplu comandantul făcea cart 8-12 și asta explică lipsa ofițerului de cart. Multe companii folosesc certificatul de echipaj minim de siguranță ca listă de echipaj (pentru "reducerea costurilor"). Nu știu dacă este cazul, dar Zodiac este o companie "zgârcită" ca să mă exprim frumos.
Și ca să răspund la cealaltă întrebare, da, o singură persoană poate "conduce" nava. Se întâmplă foarte des chiar, ca ofițerul de cart să fie singur pe comandă (de multe ori chiar ocupat cu altele, pe calculator sau știu eu). De aceea avem pilot automat. Doar la navigația prin strâmtori sau zone aglomerate ori la vreme rea se mai folosește cârma pe manual cu timonier in spatele ei.

Revin un pic la modalitatea prin care a fost făcut atacul. Dronele pot lovi ținte fixe dacă au coordonatele GPS. Dar vaporul este în mișcare, deci aici e nevoie de o altă modalitate, fie termic (mă îndoiesc, pentru că ar fi lovit în alt loc, coș, uși de la sală mașini, ventilații) sau operator uman și cameră. Din ce am mai citit prin literatura de specialitate, e cam departe de țărm, așa că drona respectivă are nevoie de "releu" pe o barcă sau ceva asemănător, pe o rază maximă de 200 km.

Of, pe vremuri ne atacau cu AK sau RPG, măcar la alea ne puteam apăra cumva, la drone... Nu că am fi fost prea fericiți pe vremea AG-urilor:

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Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Nenorocitii... Sa lucrezi pe o nava comerciala si sa mori ca in razboi.


Asa este...
Insa cei de pe mare au mereu intr-un colt al mintii ca s-ar putea sa nu mai ajunga in port.

Dar lumea a intrat intr-un fel de razboi total nedeclarat... Un razboi salbatic, fara reguli si fara umanitate.

Unii lucrau la calculator, in mijlocul unui oras civilizat, si le-a intrat avionul in birou fara sa bata la usa.

Altii mergeau in vacanta cu avionul, si au fost doborati ca pe vremea "Bataliei Angliei". Desi era "pace"...

Nu este OK. Dar probabil astfel de lucruri se vor intampla tot mai des...  >:(

Lumea de astazi nu mai are nimic din cavalerismul altor epoci, cand scufundai nava inamica, dar trimiteai barci de salvare pentru echipajul acesteia...
Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


Nu este neapărat lumea de azi. Colegi de-ai mei mai vechi povesteau atacuri din anii '80 când zburau rachetele prin golf (războiul Iran-Irak), multe din ele au trecut prin navele noastre.
In postul de mai sus, ultima poză e originală, nu cred că mai apare undeva pe net (nu este de pe Mercer Street, să nu faceți confuzie). Este un vapor de la mine din companie, atacat de somalezi pe lângă Tanzania, cu mitraliere și aruncătoare de grenade. Unele schije au trecut prin pereții exteriori, apoi prin podea și s-au oprit în tavanul cabinei șefului mecanic. Din fericire, fără să nimerească pe cineva. Dar a fost un "near miss" ca la carte.

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The US Central Command announced, following an investigation, that Iran was behind the attack on the motor tanker Mercer Street which left two crew members dead on July 30.
The investigation found that Mercer Street was targeted by two unsuccessful explosive unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attacks on the evening of July 29, both of which were reported by the crew via distress calls.
The investigative team found small remnants of at least one of the UAVs, which the crew had rescued from the sea, corroborating the reports and proving them to be credible
The significant damage done to Mercer Street a day later on July 30, was the result of a third UAV attack.
The UAV was loaded with military-grade explosives, which created a 6-foot hole in the topside of the pilot house and badly damaged the interior.
Two crew members, a Romanian citizen and a British National were killed in the explosion.
Explosive chemical tests indicated the presence of a Nitrate-based explosive, causing investigators to conclude that the UAV had been intentionally constructed to damage the ship and harm those on board.
Several parts of the third UAV, including a section of the wing and some internal components, were recovered during the investigation and, upon inspection, were found to be nearly identical to previously collected examples from Iranian one-way UAVs.
In addition, the location of the attack was in close enough proximity to the Iranian coast to be consistent with the documented range of said UAVs.

Following the on scene analysis of the evidence, materials were transferred to the US Fifth Fleet headquarters, which is responsible for naval forces in the Persian Gulf, for further testing and verification. In order to verify the US' findings, UK explosive experts were provided access to the Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain, and evidence was shared virtually with Israeli explosive experts.
Both the British and Israeli experts concurred with the US.

Based on the evidence, US experts have decisively concluded that the UAV was produced in Iran.
The Iranian ambassadors to the UK and Romania have both been summoned by officials in London and Bucharest in response to the attacks, and both countries have promised to coordinate a joint response alongside Israel and the US.
Several parts of the third UAV, including a section of the wing and some internal components, were recovered during the investigation and, upon inspection, were found to be nearly identical to previously collected examples from Iranian one-way UAVs.
In addition, the location of the attack was in close enough proximity to the Iranian coast to be consistent with the documented range of said UAVs.

Following the on scene analysis of the evidence, materials were transferred to the US Fifth Fleet headquarters, which is responsible for naval forces in the Persian Gulf, for further testing and verification. In order to verify the US' findings, UK explosive experts were provided access to the Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain, and evidence was shared virtually with Israeli explosive experts.
Both the British and Israeli experts concurred with the US.


Iar Digi24 publică o știre în care apare și un link către raportul US Central Command despre atac. Bineînțeles, redactorul Digi traduce cu piciorul de lemn, comandantul e căpitan, timoneria e cabina pilotului șamd. Dar raportul are poze și de acolo se vede că drona a lovit în alt compartiment, nu chiar în comandă. Se văd urmele unei uși care e posibil să fi fost ținută deschisă (altfel nu îmi explic de ce e pe jos). Sticker-ul IMO de pe ea spune că e ușă ce se închide automat la incendiu, astea de obicei stau deschise și sunt ținute de un electromagnet.

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Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


@Tibi am reusit sa aduc o cilectie relativ impresionanta de LIFE Magazines (US, International si Atlantic) , toate de dupa 1945 si pot sa iti zic ca genul asta de incidente, razboaie, razboaie civile, lovituri de stat, atentate, accidente nasoale etc.... sunt ceva destul de comun....Nu e editie de LIFE (aparea lunar) fara un fotoreportaj legat de o situatie de genul asta...

dan tm

O navă înregistrată în Panama a eșuat într-un port din nordul Japoniei, provocând o scurgere de petrol, scrie Reuters. Garda de Coastă japoneză a anunțat că niciunul dintre cei 21 de membri ai echipajului nu a fost rănit, iar scurgerea de combustibil este sub control, fără să fi ajuns la țărm.

Nava de 39.910 tone, Crimson Polaris, care transporta talaș, a eșuat miercuri în portul Hachinohe. Echipajul a reușit să elibereze vasul, dar, din cauza condițiilor meteo nefavorabile, nu a putut ieși în larg și a ancorat la circa 4 km de port.

În carena vasului a apărut o gaură prin care s-a scirs petrol, formând o pată lungă de 5 km și lată de 1 km, a mai arătat Garda de Coastă, adăugând că autoritățile au intervenit pentru înlăturarea poluării.


Da, da, "a apărut o gaură în carena vasului"...  :lol:.

Iarăși, ziariști de google translate abonați la feed, fără cea mai mică verificare. Gaura aia arată așa, chiar au și ei poză în articol:

Au modificat titlul, scrie că e ruptă în două nava, dar textul a rămas nemodificat.
Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Black Sea faces ecological catastrophe due to Bulgaria's inaction

The cargo ship Vera Su, which flies the Panamanian flag and has a Turkish crew, crashed and ran aground on the high rocky Bulgarian coast a few kilometres from the Kaliakra Nature Reserve on 20 September. If Bulgarian authorities fail to transfer the cargo to land, the more than 3,000 tons of urea on board could threaten to turn this part of the Black Sea – one of Europe's most important natural habitats – into a dead zone.

Urea is used as fertiliser in agriculture, but once it comes into contact with seawater, it causes a rapid flowering of phytoplankton, which emit toxins for marine life. Experts have warned that this would destroy the rich marine habitats of dolphins, Black Sea sharks, other marine species, and the birds in this part of the protected Pontic steppes.

For six days after the accident, the Bulgarian authorities did not take any action to save the ship, although the weather was right for a rescue operation.

Eight days after the crash, authorities sent rescue vessels with unsuitable equipment for unloading urea, which began to spill into the sea. The operation was terminated by order of the environment minister.

The impasse with the stranded ship Vera Su and the subsequent pollution of the sea led to the dismissal of the head of the Bulgarian Maritime Administration, Zhivko Petrov.

"I have identified a serious inadequacy on the part of the agency," Transport Minister Hristo Alexiev said.

The day before, Zhivko Petrov announced that he did not know urea would leak when the ship was unloaded and claimed that "this load was not so poisonous".

The government has set up a crisis headquarters to work in a coordinated manner to retrieve the shipwreck. After missing the chance in the first few days, the weather conditions in the area are now poor as big waves are pushing the ship onto the rocks.

Authorities remain ready to evacuate the nine-member crew. The Navy hopes to secure the shop with large anchors to prevent it from being destroyed in the bad weather. A new attempt will then be made to unload and retrieve it.

(Krassen Nikolov |


Rotting Red Sea oil tanker could leave 8m people without water
FSO Safer has been abandoned since 2017 and loss of its 1.1m barrels would destroy Yemen's fishing stocks

The impact of an oil spill in the Red Sea from a tanker that is rotting in the water could be far wider than anticipated, with 8 million people losing access to running water and Yemen's Red Sea fishing stock destroyed within three weeks.

Negotiations are under way to offload the estimated 1.1m barrels of crude oil that remains onboard the FSO Safer, which has been deteriorating by the month since it was abandoned in 2017. The vessel contains four times the amount of oil released by the Exxon Valdez in the Gulf of Alaska in 1989, and a spill is considered increasingly probable.

The oil will spread well beyond Yemen and cause environmental havoc affecting Saudi Arabia, Eritrea and Djibouti, according to the latest modelling, which is unlike previous studies because it examines the impact more than a week after the spill.

Three-way talks between the Houthi rebels, the UN-recognised government of Yemen and the UN have foundered, despite repeated warnings, including at the UN security council, of the impact if the tanker explodes, breaks up or starts leaking. UN officials have been unable to secure guarantees to maintain the vessel, including its rotting hull, which is now overseen by a crew of just seven.

The modelling is published in the journal Nature Sustainability on Monday and showed the spill was likely to lead to the closure of the Red Sea ports of Hodeidah and Salif within two weeks, threatening delivery of 200,000 tonnes of fuel for Yemen, the equivalent to 38% of the national fuel requirement. Fuel prices are likely to rise by as much as 80%, and the absence of fuel for water pumps will result in 8 million Yemenis being deprived of running water. As many as 2 million will lose access to water if desalination plants in the region become polluted.

Although half of the oil is anticipated to evaporate on the sea within 24 hours, the rest will within six to 10 days reach Yemen's western coastline, and ports further south in three weeks.

The numbers in need of food assistance vary from 5.7 million to 8.4 million people, depending on whether the spill reaches ports in the south, such as Aden. The estimates depend on the season when the the spill occurs and the extent of the oil loss.

The spill will threaten 66.5%-85.2% of Yemen's Red Sea fisheries within one week, and 93.5%-100% of those fisheries within three weeks, depending on the season.

The effects of air pollution from a spill, including increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory hospitalisations, range across 11.3m person-days for a slow-release winter spill to 19.5m person-days for a fast-release summer spill.

Red Sea coral reefs, which have been studied for their unique resilience to seawater warming, would also be threatened.
The report in Nature Sustainability warns: "The spill could hinder global trade through the vital Bab el-Mandeb strait, 29 km wide at its narrowest point, through which 10% of the global shipping trade passes. Exclusion zones created for clean-up could reroute traffic, and shipments will be delayed as ships potentially exposed to oil will require cleaning"

It adds: "The possibility of a spill is increasingly likely. The visibly dilapidated Safer is single-hulled, meaning a breach will cause the onboard oil to spill directly into the sea. Water entered the engine room in May 2020 through a seawater-pipe leak, and the vessel's fire extinguishing system is non-operational. A spill could occur due to a leak or combustion.

"A leak could arise through continued deterioration of the vessel's hull or by breach of the hull due to inclement weather; combustion could occur through build-up of volatile gases aboard the vessel or direct attack on the vessel."

The UN has been seeking Houthi permission to inspect the ship, but the Houthis want undertakings that the vessl will also be repaired, an exercise that requires money the UN does not have available.

Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Although half of the oil is anticipated to evaporate on the sea within 24 hours...

Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence