Cambodia (Kingdom of Cambodia)

Started by Henning, December 09, 2012, 03:15:40 PM

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Nu stiu daca va intereseaza si alte colturi de lume  :) cu ingaduinta voastra pot derula intreaga poveste.

On road from Phnom Penh to Kep


Da da, orice fel de colt de lume e foarte bun. :) Eu sigur voi urmari, n-am iesit pana acum din Europa, urmeaza. :D


O zi normala de iarna, de Decembrie ,aeroportul din Frankfurt pare destul de inchis la culoare sa nu vorbesc de labirintul de acolo si de incompetenta tot mai acuta a celor care lucreaza acolo(cu siguranta Leiharbeiter).Aeronava(Boeing 777)este gata de plecare destinatia Bangkok.

Dupa aprox.11 ore de zbor aterizam pe Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bankok.Aeroportul este nou construit super modern iar arhitectura impunatoare le face in ciuda celor din Frankfurt.
Multumiri celor de la Thai Airways pentru serviciul impecabil!

Suntem doar in zona de tranzit si asteptam urmatorul zbor spre Siem Reap cu Bangkok Air

Dupa un zbor de aprox. 40 min si un super board service(nemaintalnit niciodata pe o asemnea distanta)aterizam pe micutul dar cochetul aeroprt Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport.

Aici totul pare sa fie bine organizat iar formalitatile pt.viza de intrare depaste orice record.
Daca ar fi sa acord o nota celor de la Thai,Bangkok-air as acorda nota maxima cu felicitari


Superb acel jumbo jet... oh bestial arata! :D


Superbe pozele
Continuarea pls :D .....F5 F5 F5
Mai bine sa ratacesti in padure decat fara padure!

A3-UMB-5 alunecari>20m - 1000ron Ciprebbe


Dupa formalitatile de rigoare suntem preluati de Mr.Lao (best driver in town) care ne conduce spre cartierul general.

Primele imagini din Siem Reap


Airport Road 6, drumul ce leaga aeroportul de oras (ca. 7Km) este unul nou, presarat pe ambele parti cu noi hoteluri  iar ca vedere arata destul de bine.

Iata-ne ajunsi pe strada cu resedinta noastra Bayon Garden-Guesthouse (Wat Damnak Village, Siem Reap).Desi strada arata mai prafuita are totusi acel minunat fler al locurilor si nu suntem departe de Old market.

Cartierul general



Cred ca am omis ceva, un scurt prolog despre Cambogia(cred ca am scris corect in romana).

Cambogia este asezata in SE Asiei si are ca vecini:Thailanda.Laos si Vietnam,in sud are iesire la mare mai precis in Gulf of Thailand,este impartita in mai multe provincii iar principalele orase sunt Phnom Penh - capitala,Siem Reap - orasul templelor,Battambang,Sihanoukville,Kep.

Istoria Cambogiei nu incepe cu cea a Khmerilor rosii ci undeva departe in timp.Tara a fost macinata de multe razboaie timp de aproape 30 de ani,fosta colonie franceza pana in 1953.
Cel mai singeros regim insa a fost cel al lui Pol Pot,(Khmer Rouge),1975-79 care a distrus tara pe toate liniile pana adanc in temelii.In decembrie 78 trupele vietnameze au inceput marsul de eliberare iar in ianuarie 79 au eliberat capitala Phnom Penh, khmerii rosii s-au retras in nord-vest unde au inceput un razboi de guerilla care a mai durat insa cativa ani.
In 1976 regele Sihanouk a fost silit sa abdice.Trataul de pace sub egida ONU este semnat in 1991.Norodom Sihamoni este regele actual al Cambogiei functia sa fiind insa una doar simbolica.

Istoria Cambogiei a fost una foarte zbuciumata si iti vine greu sa crezi ca dupa ce populatia a fost decimata,au totusi puterea sa se ridice din nou, incet dar sigur si asta datorita templelor ridicate in urma cu sute de ani de catre Khmer Empire.

P.S.Daca aveti intrebari va raspund cu placere.


Siem Reap este poarta de intrare spre Angkor Archaeological Park la 3 km nord de oras.Ca sa poti vizita Temples of Angkor ai nevoie de un pass care arata ca o legitimatie avind chiar o poza facuta pe loc la casele de bilete.Preturile sunt urmatoarele: pt. o zi 20$ trei zile 40$ sau o saptamana 60$.Mai jos templele care sunt grupate in cateva tururi bine definite.

Angkor Map

Ruin Location Date of Construction King/Patron Style

Ak Yum AAP - Near the West Baray  8th-11th century AD --- ---
Angkor Thom AAP 12th-13th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Angkor Wat AAP - 6km north of Siem Reap Town.  Early-Mid 12th century AD Suryavarman II Angkor Wat
Bakong AAP - Roluos Group Early 9th century AD Indravarman Preah Ko
Baksei Chamkrong AAP/PC - Near the South Gate of Angkor Thom  Mid 10th century AD Harshavarman  Bakheng
Banteay Kdei AAP/GC  Late 12th - Early 13th century AD Jayavarman VII Angkor Wat/ Bayon
Banteay Prei  AAP/GC Late 12th - Early 13th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Banteay Samre AAP - 4km east of East Mebon Mid 12th century AD Suryavarman II  Angkor Wat
Banteay Srey 37km north of Siem Reap Town Late 10th century AD Rajendravarman Banteay Srey
Baphuon  AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Mid 11th century AD Udayadityavarman II Baphuon 
Bat Chum AAP/PC Mid 10th century AD Rajendravarman Pre Rup
Bayon AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Beng Melea   Early 11th century AD Suryavarman II  Angkor Wat
Chapel of the Hospital AAP/PC Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Chau Say Tevoda AAP/PC Early 12th century AD Suryavarman II  Angkor Wat
East Mebon AAP/GC Late 10th century AD Rajendravarman II  Pre Rup
Kbal Spean 49km north of Siem Reap Town 11th - 13th century AD     
Kleangs (North and South)  AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Late 10th - Early 11th century AD Jayavarman V  Khleang
Krol Ko AAP/GC Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Krol Romeas AAP/GC       
Kutisvara AAP/GC 9th / 10th century AD Jayavarman II Preah Ko
Lolei  AAP - Roluos Group Late 9th century AD Yasovarman I Pre Rup/Bakheng
Neak Pean  AAP/GC Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Phimeanakas AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Late 10th - Early 11th century AD Jayavarman V Khleang
Phnom Bakheng AAP/PC - Near the South Gate of Angkor Thom Late 9th - Early 10th century AD Yasovarman I  Bakheng
Phnom Krom 15km south of Siem Reap Town, near the Chong Khneas Port Late 9th - Early 10th century AD Yasovarman I  Bakheng
Phnom Kulen  50km north of Siem Reap Town 9th century AD Jayavarman II Kulen
Prasat Bei  AAP/PC - Near the South Gate of Angkor Thom 10th century AD Yasovarman I  Bakheng
Prasat Kravan AAP/PC Early 10th century AD  Harshavarman I Pre Rup
Prasat Prei  AAP/GC Late 12th - Early 13th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Prasat Suor Prat AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Early 13th? century AD Indravarman II  Post-Bayon
Prasat Top (East)  Angkor Thom Late 13th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Prasat Top (West)  Angkor Thom 9th-17th century AD   Post-Bayon
Pre Rup  AAP/GC Late 10th century AD Rajendravarman II  Pre Rup
Preah Khan  AAP/GC Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Preah Ko AAP - Roluos Group Late 9th century AD Indravarman I  Preah Ko
Preah Palilay AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Late 12th - Early 13th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Preah Pithu Group AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Early 12th century AD Suryavarman II   
Roluos Group AAP - Roluos Group Late 9th century AD     
Spean Thma AAP/PC       
Srah Srang AAP/PC Mid 10th and Late 12th century AD  Jayavarman VII Bayon
Ta Keo AAP/PC Late 10th - Early 11th century AD Jayavarman V  Khleang
Ta Nei  AAP Mid 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Ta Prohm  AAP/PC Mid 12th - Early 13th century AD  Jayavarman VII Bayon
Ta Prohm Kel  AAP/PC - Opposite Angkor Wat Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Ta Som AAP/GC Late 12th century AD century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Tep Pranam AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom 9th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Terrace of the Elephants AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Terrace of the Leper King AAP/PC - Central Angkor Thom Late 12th century AD Jayavarman VII Bayon
Thma Bay Kaek AAP/PC Late 11th / early 12th century AD Suryavarman II  Angkor Wat
Thommanon AAP/PC Late 11th - Early 12th century AD  Suryavarman II  Angkor Wat
Wat Athvea 8km south of Siem Reap Town. Late 11th century AD Suryavarman II  Angkor Wat
West Mebon AAP - On an island in the center of the West Baray Late 11th century AD Udayadityavarman VII Baphuon


Quote from: Henning on December 09, 2012, 03:15:40 PM
Nu stiu daca va intereseaza si alte colturi de lume  :) cu ingaduinta voastra pot derula intreaga poveste.

On road from Phnom Penh to Kep

Felicitari pentru ca ai ales o destinatie putin mai..."diferita" , daca imi permiti sa ma exprim asa. Sunt ochi si urechi la urmatoarele postari. Admir persoanele care fac sau macar incearca sa faca ceva  mai... "diferit" . Si spun asta ca nu am auzit/vazut prea multe persoane sa aleaga o destinatie precum Cambodia....sper sa nu par un ciudat.


Cel mai bine sa lasam imaginile sa vorbeasca.Sa pornim la drum

The Temples of Angkor




Esti undeva in adancul junglei,mirosul din aer, chiar si pasarile o spun asta,esti intr-o alta lume undeva departe in timp.