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Started by b1, December 05, 2021, 04:31:33 PM

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Goupitan Hydropower Station:

QuoteThe Goupitan Hydropower Station is a key project of the National Tenth Five-Year Plan and a landmark project in Guizhou Province's implementation of the strategy of "power transmission from west to east". It is the largest hydropower station built in Guizhou Province and China Huadian Corporation.
Goupitan Hydropower Station is located in Yuqing County, Guizhou Province. It is the fifth stage of the Wujiang River Basin cascade development. It is 137 kilometers from Wujiangdu Hydropower Station and 455 kilometers from Fuling at the bottom. It controls a drainage area of 43,250 square kilometers and occupies the entire watershed. 49% of the dam site's annual average flow of 717 cubic meters per second, and the dam site's annual average runoff of 22.6 billion cubic meters.
The main task of the power station is to generate electricity, taking into account shipping, flood control and other comprehensive utilization. The total storage capacity of the reservoir is 6.454 billion cubic meters, the adjusted storage capacity is 2.902 billion cubic meters, and the normal storage level is 630 meters. The installed capacity of the underground power station is 5×600 MW, the guaranteed output is 746.4 MW, and the designed annual average power generation capacity is 9.682 billion kWh.
On June 22, 2021, the navigation project of Goupitan Hydropower Station completed the test of the entire line of centralized control and tendered ships and was officially put into trial operation.
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