Canale navigabile si strâmtori

Started by kitsune, January 15, 2022, 12:14:47 PM

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Canalul Suez. Timelapse traversare dinspre sud:

Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Între Europa și Africa, strâmtoarea Gibraltar:

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Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Astăzi, 26.03.2022, Strâmtoarea Bosfor este închisă din cauza unei (unor) mine marine. Autoritățile turce verifică dacă mai sunt, cu nave și avioane.

Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence


Suez Canal says transit fees for ships will increase in May

Egypt said Tuesday it will increase transit fees for vessels, including oil-laden tankers, passing through Suez Canal, one of the world's most crucial waterways.

The Suez Canal Authority said on its website it will add 15% to the normal transit fees for oil-laden and petroleum products-laden tankers, up from current 5%. It said the increases will take effect starting May 1, and could later be revised or called off, according to changes in global shipping. The new increase are amendments to surcharge hikes imposed in March on vessels passing through the waterway, the canal said.

The canal said surcharge fees for chemical tankers, and other liquid bulk tankers will be hiked to 20% up from 10%, while laden and ballast dry bulk vessels will have their surcharges increase to 10%. Vessels carrying vehicles, general cargo, and heavy lift vessels, as well as multi-purpose vessels, will see a 14% increase up from 7%, according to the canal. Ballast crude oil and oil products tankers transiting the Canal are still required to pay a surcharge of 5% of normal transit fees, it said.

Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.


Minele alea au fost cumva pierdute de rusi...?


Cred ca sunt alea la care se facea referire zilele trecute ca au ajuns si pe la noi. Le-au "pierdut" rusii pe cele care aparau litoralul Ukrainian


Ceva este "fishy" în toată chestia asta. Minele alea nu par a fi fost luate de furtună din ceva dispozitiv de apărare
Natural stupidity is much more dangerous than artificial intelligence