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Aeroporturi din lume

Started by iuli, October 19, 2013, 12:30:58 AM

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Chicago's O'Hare airport adds runway to cut delays, grow traffic

QuoteChicago's O'Hare International Airport opened a new runway on Thursday, which the city hopes can cut delays by nearly half, and allow for nearly 90,000 additional annual flights as demand grows.

The 10,800-foot (3,292-meter) runway, built over the site of a former cemetery, is part of the airport's $8 billion modernization project. When the expansion is complete, O'Hare expects to have six east-west parallel runways and two "crosswind" runways.

O'Hare handles the second largest number of passengers in the nation after Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, according to the Airports Council International. It has been notorious for delays due to congestion and Chicago's often wild weather.

For the 12 months ending July, 68.3 percent of O'Hare's departures were on time, compared to 72.1 for all major airports, according to U.S. Department of Transportation statistics.

The modernization project has already added one other runway, expanded another and added a new traffic control tower.

DePaul University transportation professor Joseph Schwieterman noted that the first new runway primarily served to improve operations when the weather got bad, but this new one is about expansion.

"There are exciting opportunities for new services, particularly by low-cost carriers," said Schwieterman. "You can envision a new carrier muscling its way into O'Hare, with a boost in price competition."

The new 10C-28C runway is 200 feet (61 meters) wide and Chicago's first "Group VI" capable runway, meaning it can accommodate the largest aircraft, including the Boeing 747-8 and the A380. Traffic at O'Hare will now primarily flow to and from the east and west, which the city claims will increase maximum arrival and departure rates in all weathers, according to the city.

Not everyone is happy with the addition - neighborhood groups have complained that the new runway will increase noise pollution and air in Chicago's Northwest Side neighborhoods.



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Mumbai gets India's tallest Air Traffic Control tower

QuoteIndia's tallest Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower - standing at 84 metres or nearly as high as a 30-storey building - was inaugurated outside the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport here Friday.


Spread over a 2,800 square metre area, it is equipped with the latest technology, including electronic flight strips which will lessen the workload of the controllers, increase safety and overall capacity at the airport.


ATC tower highlights

  • Tallest ATC tower in India. 83.8 m tall equal to 30 storey building
  • 5 mile clear visibility for controllers
  • Reinforced sandwich glass can withstand powerful winds
  • Will enhance airport performance, capacity, efficiency and safety


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The 'world's worst' airports for 2013 are...

QuoteThe Philippines' main Manila airport terminal has been named the world's worst for the second year in a row in a survey by an online travel website.

Officials on Friday brushed off the survey results, insisting conditions were being improved.

"The Guide to Sleeping in Airports" website said Manila's crowded Terminal 1 was ranked the world's worst by travellers based on comfort, convenience, cleanliness and customer service.

Reviews posted on the site mentioned "dilapidated facilities", dishonest airport workers -- particularly taxi drivers -- long waiting times and rude officials.

"These are old issues," Terminal 1 manager Dante Basanta told AFP, adding that the problems were already being addressed by the government.

He conceded that the Manila airport, with a capacity of about 6.5 million passengers annually, was overstretched, handling 8.1 million travellers last year.

Terminal 1, the oldest of its four passenger terminals, was built 32 years ago.

The government has launched a 2.5-billion-peso ($58 million) renovation programme for the terminal.

It is also attempting to decongest it by moving at least three million passengers a year to a newer terminal.

World's Worst Airports for 2013

1.    Manila NAIA (Terminal 1)
2.    Bergamo
3.    Calcutta
4.    Islamabad
5.    Paris Beauvais
6.    Chennai
7.    Frankfurt Hahn
8.    Mumbai
9.    Rome Flumicino
10.    Los Angeles

World's Best Airports for 2013

1.    Singapore Changi
2.    Seoul Incheon
3.    Amsterdam
4.    Hong Kong
5.    Helsinki Vantaa
6.    Munich
7.    Zurich
8.    Kuala Lumpur
9.    Vancouver
10.    Frankfurt am Main


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Ce este cel mai impresionant este constructia unei infrastructuri adiacente demne de o mare metropola: autostrada speciala pentru aeroport(care face legatura cu orasul propriu zis), poduri uriase, trenuri rapide, toate doar pentru ca un aeroport sa functioneze la parametrii normali. Nu-i indeajuns doar doua piste si doau terminal-uri!


Calculasem la un moment dat pe metroousor numarul de pasageri/ora pe care se poate baza un sistem de transport intre Bucuresti si OTP (pornind de la milioanele de pasageri care trec anual prin aeroport); din cate tin minte a rezultat un numar relativ mic, usor de acoperit doar cu autobuze relativ frecvente - ceea ce avem deja. Dar privind in viitor cu siguranta ca e nevoie de conectarea aeroportului la A3 si la reteaua feroviara nationala.


World's latest mega-airport finally opens to passengers

QuoteDubai's aviation industry achieved its biggest milestone to date on Sunday, when the emirate's new airport welcomed the arrival of its first commercial flight.
Located in Jebel Ali and part of Dubai World Central, an "aviation city" that the government launched as a free economic zone, Al Maktoum International Airport is expected to become the world's largest airport upon completion.
Like the emirate's main airport, Dubai International Airport (located 50 kilometers to the north), Al Maktoum International Airport is owned by the government of Dubai and operated by Dubai Airports Company.
Although full commercial passenger services were originally scheduled for 2017, the mega project was delayed for years due to the regional financial crisis, and faces a new tentative completion date of 2027.
Various reports estimate the total cost of the project at 120 billion dirhams ($32.67 billion).
The airport has been open for cargo flights since 2010.
Opening ceremony
Hungarian low-cost airline Wizz Air was the first airline to be welcomed at the new passenger terminal, and was greeted with a customary festive water salute.
Al Maktoum International Airport's two other launch carriers are Kuwait-based low-cost carrier Jazeera Airways and Bahrain's full-service Gulf Air, which also made it's inaugural flight to the new airport on Sunday.
The UAE's state-owned carrier Emirates is expected to operate entirely out of the new hub by the time of completion.



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Quote from: DanCld on October 20, 2013, 08:37:14 PM
Mai mult decat atat, conteaza prestigiu unui aeroport international(prestigiu de tara chiar!) daca Capitala e legata de un metrou cu OTP, sau de taximetristi flecmatici si care mai si fura la tarif...
Plus ca uitam de zonele populate din nordul Capitalei, zone care in ultimii 10 ani si-au triplat populatia...


Nu ca vreau sa dau un exemplu negativ dar aici in Irlanda (republica) niciunul dintre cele 3 aeroporturi internationale (DUB, SNN, ORK) nu e legat la vreo retea feroviara locala sau nationala. E blestemul economiilor emergente - nevoi multe, bani putini, ceva coruptie si am tras linie.


Quote from: DanCld on November 08, 2013, 09:13:34 PM
Nu ca vreau sa dau un exemplu negativ dar aici in Irlanda (republica) niciunul dintre cele 3 aeroporturi internationale (DUB, SNN, ORK) nu e legat la vreo retea feroviara locala sau nationala. E blestemul economiilor emergente - nevoi multe, bani putini, ceva coruptie si am tras linie.

Nici HEL, de exemplu. Si Finlanda numai economie emergenta nu e.

Din aeroporturi de marimea OTP, nici TLS (Toulouse), nici GLA (Glasgow), nici VCE (Venetia), nici EDI (Edinburgh), nici TFS, nici ALC (Alicante), nici NCE (Nisa).

De altfel, sunt extrem de putine aeroporturi care au infrastructura feroviara dezvoltata la <10 mpax (LYS, BHX si CGN imi vin in minte) - si, acestea au fost deservite de calea ferata ca future-proofing pe termen ultra-lung la constructia unei noi magistrale feroviare (la CGN in cadrul liniei noi de ICE, la LYS in cadrul liniei noi de TGV, la BHX pentru ca linia trecea fix prin fata aeroportului si chiar langa aeroport s-a construit un imens centru de expozitii care atrage extra-trafic).

Un aeroport cu 10 mpax/an genereaza in jur de 3000 pasageri/zi pentru fiecare directie. Inseamna 200-220 de pax/ora pe directie  cel mult - adica aproximativ un automotor pe ora sau 4 autobuze urbane/autocare pe ora. Peste este pur si simplu risipa.

Deci, la un aeroport de 10 mpax/an, intrebarile sunt:

Ce este mai confortabil pentru pasager?
1. 1 tren pe ora sau
2. 4-5 autobuze pe ora


Ce costa mai putin administratia aeroportului, statul si pana la capat pe pasager?
1. infrastructura feroviara, garile, trenurile sau
2. cateva autobuze?

Raspunsul e simplu: 2. respectiv 2. Asa incat orice investitie intr-o infrastructura feroviara pentru un aeroport cu 7-10 mpax este aruncat de bani pe fereastra, si megalomanie absurda. Exceptie cand oricum trebuie sa trasezi o linie noua prin zona, si vrei sa "future proof" aeroportul pentru decenii.

Cand OTP va avea 15-20 mpax (si aici vorbim de cel devreme 2025 - chiar si cu o dezvoltare economica exploziva a Romaniei), atunci o gara e la locul ei (si, apropo, e in master-planul pentru OTP-2; si OTP pana acum s-a tinut cu sfintenie de masterplanul anterior).

Pana atunci, autobuze cu cap si taxiuri decente. Si ce naiba, poti asigura taxiuri decente foarte, foarte usor. La fel cum poti asigura autobuze/autocare de calitate (fie prin RATB, fie printr-un alt partener, fie prin mai multi parteneri). Orice altceva va incomoda si pasagerii si va fi si tocat bani degeaba.

Cat despre prestigiu, m-am saturat de elefanti albi. Avem destui in Romania - Casa Poporului; a doua pista la OTP (de care n-a fost niciodata nevoie, cu atat mai putin in conditiile in care a fost construita cand OTP avea 200.000 pax trafic si 10 zboruri pe zi); Canalul Dunare-Marea Neagra si alte asemenea tampenii, le-a facut un nebun acum cateva decenii. Asta in conditiile in care n-avem (si n-aveam) autostrazi, cai ferate, apa in casa si drumuri de asfalt pana la orice casa. 

Acum ne apucam de facut cai ferate de care n-are nimeni nevoie si metrouri care nu aduc nici un avantaj cand avem nevoie de metrouri in alte parti? Sau de cai ferate functionale in alte zone ale tarii? Sau de autostrazi? Sau de apa curenta? Doar pentru "prestigiu national"? Prestigiu national nu inseamna metrou la aeroport - inseamna badea Ion care are WC in casa, in fiecare casa, si asfalt pe ulita, pe fiecare ulita.

Avem nevoie de MULTA infrastructura in Romania. Care trebuie sa fie dimensionata exact atat cat este necesar. Nu mai mult, nu mai putin.
Cand esti amenintat cu ban permanent pentru ca ai criticat pozitia publica a unui politician, nu se mai poate numi conversatie sau forum, ci campanie electorala. Imi pare rau, dar din pacate, sunt nevoit va urez la revedere!


totusi, cat de greu ar fi sa lege aeroportul de calea ferata care se afla acum la 1 km de aeroport?

nu tb un metrou nou (desi poate zona de nord ar atrage multi calatori cu un parc&ride la otopeni), momentan ar fi de ajuns sa construiasca doar o gara .

linia merge destul de drept si probabil ca ar face 30 de minute pana la gara de nord .

asa cum este acum nu prea are nici un sens: autobuz pana la gara - tren de acolo. de obicei oamenii mai au si bagaje.

sau ar putea ca unul din autobuze sa plece dintr-o autogara (de ex ar putea amenaja la gara de nord o statie doar pt autobuzul pt otopeni). nimanui nu-i prea arde sa stea afara si sa astepte autobuzul de otopeni.
Cocoase inutile care ne vor afecta zeci de ani:
1. Focsani 2. Boita 3. Balcauti
"multe multumiri" proiectantilor
2. Pariu cu hefaistos: 200 lei: UMB nu deschide nimic (min 9 km, chiar si HP)  pe A7 înainte de 15 iunie 2024


Many flights delayed at UK airports

QuoteFlights are being delayed across the UK and in the Irish Republic because of an air traffic control centre fault.

Affected airports include Heathrow, Stansted, Cardiff, Dublin, and Glasgow.

The National Air Traffic Control Service (Nats) said its Swanwick centre, in Hampshire, was having "difficulty switching from night time to daytime operation".

Operations director Juliet Kennedy said: "We don't at the moment know how long it is going to take to resolve."

Ms Kennedy said the problem is capacity, as the control centre is still running a reduced night time service.

She said: "We just can't manage as many flights as normal," adding that it is up to individual airlines to prioritise who goes where.


sursa: BBC

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Stie cineva care mai este stadiul Aeroportului Berlin Brandenburg si cam cand o sa-l inaugureze?
"Prostia este eternă și invincibilă"


Dublin Airport

Ireland's biggest airport operator has applauded the government's decision to scrap its air travel tax from April next year. The Irish Government has moved to remove the €3 air travel tax, which had been blamed for negatively impacting both outbound and inbound travel in the republic. The DAA, which operates Dublin and Cork airports, said it was a welcome move for the air travel industry in the country.

Manchester Airport

Chinese investors will pump millions of pounds into the £800 million development of Manchester's Airport City, which is hoped will strengthen business links between Britain and the world's second largest economy. Beijing Construction Engineering Group (BCEG) has agreed a joint venture with Manchester Airports Group (MAG), UK construction group Carillion, and the Greater Manchester Pension Fund on the development which is expected to create around 16,000 new jobs and attract international businesses.

Bristol Airport

Work has started on a £6.5 million walkway at Bristol Airport to enhance the passenger experience and ease departure lounge congestion at peak times. Once completed, the central walkway will feature four new pre-boarding zones serving up to six departure gates. The 3,880sqm structure will connect directly to the departure lounge.

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

Paris-CDG has opened an additional 1,200sqm of retail space dedicated to beauty care and French lifestyle. The new additions come in the form of two new BuY PARIS DUTY FREE multi-brand stores offering perfumes, cosmetics, wines & spirits, tobacco products and fine foods. The gateway now boasts 72 BuY PARIS DUTY FREE retail outlets.

Berlin Brandenburg

International Airport Berlin's new €2.5 billion airport is a step closer to becoming reality after Siemens signed a contract for the reconstruction of the smoke ventilation control system that delayed its opening. According to Berlin Brandenburg International Airport, the work is necessary as some of the parts in the existing smoke ventilation control system – built by various third-party contractors – had "proved unworkable" in tests.

Göteborg-Landvetter Airport

Travellers can now purchase 'printon- demand' reading material through an eco-friendly service at Göteborg Landvetter Airport in Sweden. Swedavia, which runs the Swedish airport, says it is the first to offer the initiative, which will be located at its newsstand kiosk Meganews Magazines. Passengers can choose from more than a hundred publications from periodical to print titles and pay the same price as in a regular shop using their credit card.

Helsinki Airport

Finavia Corporation, the company responsible for Finland's airports and air navigation services, is starting a major development programme at Helsinki Airport. Finavia will advance with two separate investment programmes totalling some €300 million between now and 2020. The aim is to ensure that Helsinki Airport will be able to maintain its strong competitive position in transit traffic between Europe and Asia.

St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport

The €700 million development of new terminal facilities at St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport will set a 'benchmark' for construction in the industry. Phase one of the terminal revamp at Pulkovo, which serves Russia's second biggest city and is the nation's self-proclaimed 'gateway in the east', is set to welcome its first passengers on 4 December. A number of new facilities have been built as part of the first phase, including the main building of the new central passenger terminal and North Pier.

Kharkiv Airport

The arrival of a brand new homebased carrier, the commencement of scheduled flights from Central and Eastern European low-cost carrier Wizz Air, and the imminent opening of a new cargo terminal, mean 2013 will be remembered for the right reasons. And, there is further network growth on the cards, including new direct links to Asia and Europe – markets that are currently heavily served via one-stop flights.

Liege Airport

This year's FIATA World Congress & Air Cargo Logistics Conference took place in Singapore in mid-October. The 2nd 'Payload Asia Awards' took place at the event and Liege Airport beat off competition from Singapore's Changi Airport and Atlanta's International Airport among others. Liege won for its full commitment to cargo, operational cargo performance, customer service and a competitive costs and services model.

Istanbul Airport

Oslo-based architecture firm Nordic Office of Architecture has won the right to design Istanbul's new airport. The Norwegian architect joined forces with British firm Grimshaw to beat eight other contenders to design what is expected to be the world's largest airport. The new airport will be designed to accommodate 90mppa and 150mppa within 10 years, and have three runways. The airport is scheduled for completion by 2017


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Spania. Aeroport ultramodern de un miliard de euro vândut cu 100 de milioane de euro

QuoteUn aeroport ultramodern, în care proprietarii au investit un miliard de euro, este scos astăzi la licitație pentru 100 de milioane de euro.

În anii în care economia Spaniei creștea cu procente ce depășeau 10% pe an, autoritățile din Castilia la Mancha au construit un aeroport ultramodern aflat la doar 225 de km de Madrid, unde aterizează și decolează zilnic sute de avioane.

Nimeni nu s-a gândit atunci ce atractivitate ar putea avea un aeroport aflat la doar 15 minute de zbor de capitala Spaniei.

Aeroportul din Ciudad Real are una dintre cele mai lungi piste din Europa fiind capabil să primească fără probleme și celebrele Airbus A380.

De la inaugurarea din 2009 puține avioane au aterizat pe acest aeroport. Au fost vremuri cu trei curse saptămânale și acelea având bilete subvenționate de autoritățile locale, a transmis Ciprian Bălțoiu, corespondentul Digi24 la Madrid.

Din păcate situația de la Ciudad Real nu este unică pentru Spania. În Llerida, nordul Cataloniei există un aeroport, construit cu 100 de milioane de euro, pe care aterizează săptămânal doar 2 avioane.

Iar la Castellon, un alt aeroport de sute de milioane de euro a fost inaugurat cu mare fast însă imediat după aceea s-a constatat faptul că pista a fost proiectată greșit astfel încat este imposibilă aterizarea vreunui avion.


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In cazul in care vreti sa aterizati pe aeroportul lui Mos Craciun de la Polul Nord aveti nevoie de o harta. Indicatiile aeroportului sunt disponibile  :lol:


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