Infrastructura velo în România

Started by ciprebbe, April 29, 2013, 12:34:51 PM

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@JohannDB, este un studiu. Au colectat date si facut o statistica. Daca se pot trage concluzii pt imbunatatirea infra, cu atat mai bine. Tot ei spun ca e dificila colectarea de astfel de date, fiindca nu raporteaza nimeni cand cade singur cu bicicleta.

Spre deliciul cititorului, au facut un studiu separat despre ce tip de separare (bordura) sa fie intre pista velo si trotuar, atunci cand sunt una langa alta. Trei optiuni: treapta, plan, sau inclinat. Concluzia: fara treapta.

The results show that cyclists moving on the sidewalk is a relatively rare event for all kerb types and no conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians were observed. Thus, in the ambition of separating bicyclists from pedestrians as well as designing a 'forgiving' kerb to accept that people make mistakes, both the sloped and levelled kerb types come out as best practice.