Santierul Naval Damen Galati

Started by isotech_ro, May 11, 2012, 07:38:48 AM

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ISLAMABAD: Steel Cutting Ceremony of the first Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV-II) being constructed for the Pakistan Navy was held at M/s DAMEN Shipyard Galati, Romania. Ambassador of Pakistan to Romania Dr. Zafar Iqbal graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Owning to the satisfactory performance of 1st Batch of OPVs (PNS YARMOOK & PNS TABUK) in Pakistan Navy; contract for 2nd Batch of OPVs was held with M/s DAMEN.


Damen Galați construiește corvetele nr. 3 și 4 pentru Pakistan:


Steel Cutting Ceremony of first Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV-II) being constructed for Pakistan Navy was held at M/s DAMEN Shipyard Galati, #Romania. Ambassador of Pakistan to Romania Dr Zafar Iqbal graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Owning to the satisfactory performance of 1st Batch of OPVs (PNS YARMOOK & PNS TABUK) in Pakistan Navy; contract for 2nd Batch of OPVs was held with M/s DAMEN. These vessels are multi-purpose and highly adaptive platforms; equipped with state-of-the-art electronic warfare, anti-ship, anti-air weapons/ sensors along with modern self-protection and terminal defence systems.

While addressing at the ceremony, the Chief Guest underscored the importance of OPVs in the maritime domain. He emphasized that these platforms will act as force multipliers in enhancing PN capability of safeguarding maritime frontiers and would offer flexibility in conduct of Pakistan Navy's initiative of independent Regional Maritime Security Patrols in the Indian Ocean Region. The chief guest applauded that Pakistan Navy has been successfully playing its role in providing secure sea environment not only to ourselves but also to the world community. The Chief Guest also appreciated the professionalism of M/s DAMEN Shipyards and cooperation in delivering cutting edge technologies to Pakistan Navy in the form of Offshore Patrol Vessel.

The steel cutting ceremony was attended by Chief Naval Overseer (Romania), senior management of M/s DAMEN Shipyards, Gorinchem & Galati and officials of Pakistan Navy.


Nave de luptă construite la Galați pentru Forțele Navale Pakistaneze

În Șantierul Naval Damen Galați a avut loc miercuri, 12 octombrie, o dublă ceremonie ce a marcat momente-cheie în realizarea a două nave de luptă destinate Marinei Militare Pakistaneze. E vorba de punerea chilei, respectiv, tăierea primei bucăți de oțel, la cele două nave. Acestea au la bază cea mai nouă platformă de tip Offshore Patrol Vessel - OPV 2600, proiectată și realizată de navaliștii din cadrul Grupului Damen.

Comenzile pentru aceste nave vin după ce, în 2020, Șantierul Naval Damen Galați a încheiat cu succes livrarea altor două nave militare destinate flotei pakistaneze. E vorba de corvetele PNS Yarmook și PNS Tabuk, nave cu un grad ridicat de adaptabilitate, capabile să desfășoare misiuni dintre cele mai dificile.

Lucrările la prima navă de tip OPV 2600 au demarat în cursul lunii iulie, iar miercuri a fost marcată ceremonia de "punere a chilei", un obicei moștenit de la vechii corăbieri. Acesta este momentul în care, în tradiția navaliștilor, nava "prinde viață". Ceremonia constă în plasarea unei monede sau unei plăcuțe comemorative sub
chila navei, gest considerat aducător de noroc și prosperitate pentru nava care va înfrunta mările.


În Șantierul Naval Damen Galați, proiectul privind construirea navei de suport logistic - Combat Support Ship (CSS) – "Den Helder", destinată Forțelor Navale Regale Olandeze, a parcurs o nouă etapă importantă odată cu finalizarea carenei și efectuarea primelor teste de flotabilitate, prin umplerea cu apă a Docului Uscat, acolo unde au fost asamblate modulele navei.

Nava "Den Helder" este una dintre cele mai mari nave militare construite vreodată în România, fiind devansată doar de nava de tip Joint Support Ship (JSS) "Karel Doorman", construită tot la Galați, tot pentru Forțele Navale Regale Olandeze.

Potrivit calendarului de lucrări, CSS "Den Helder" ar urma să fie finalizată în anul 2024, iar în 2025 va deveni operaţională.

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Nave de lupta construite la SN Damen Galați pentru Pakistan


Quote from: tom_sawyer on November 17, 2019, 06:43:36 PMCanadienii au mai comandat inca 4 ferry-boat-uri ca cele 2 construite recent la Galati, vedeti mai sus. Probabil vor fi construite tot la Galati.

BC Ferries orders four more hybrid ferries from Damen Shipyards

17 Jan 2024
Netherlands' Damen Shipyards wins contract for the supply of four, fully electric, passenger car ferries to British Columbia

In a competitive tender process that attracted many international bidders, Damen Shipyards has won the contract to build and supply four, fully electric, passenger car ferries for BC Ferries. These will be used for short-range services in the coastal waters of the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC). This order will take the total number of ferries that Damen has supplied to BC Ferries in recent years to ten. However, these latest additions will be the first to operate using 100% electrical power.

The vessels will be based on Damen's double-ended Island-class RoRo 8117 E3 model. Each will be capable of carrying up to 47 vehicles and 390 passengers. Battery packs with a capacity of 2,000 kilowatts will supply the electricity for the power trains. Rapid recharging using renewable electricity will take place while the ferries disembark and embark their passengers and vehicles at each end. Each vessel will also have auxiliary diesel engines installed for back-up and general redundancy.

The four vessels are scheduled to begin operations by 2027 with two vessels each on the routes connecting Nanaimo Harbour and Gabriola Island, and Campbell River and Quadra Island.


24 Nov 2023
Portuguese Navy signs contract with Damen Shipyards for innovative Multi-Purpose Vessel

'World's first' vessel will combine oceanic research with drone deployment capabilities

The Portuguese Navy has contracted Damen Shipyards Group for the design, construction and outfitting of a state-of-the-art Multi-Purpose Vessel. The contract was signed by Director of Ships Rear Admiral Jorge Pires and Damen Shipyards Group CCO Jan Wim Dekker. The project follows a European tender process and is funded by the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) that is part of NextGenerationEU (the economic recovery package to support EU member states affected by the COVID-19 pandemic).

Damen has developed this 107-metre long Multi-Purpose Vessel based on the specific requirements of the Portuguese Navy. The resulting design is truly a multi-purpose platform, with primary mission roles including oceanic research, search and rescue, and emergency relief in addition to maritime safety and naval support operations. To this end, the vessel will be capable of deploying unmanned drones and helicopters.


25 Oct 2023
Damen Naval signs contract with Alewijnse for new Dutch and Belgian Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigates

Damen Naval has contracted Dutch company Alewijnse for the complete systems integration on board the Anti-Submarine Warfare frigates (ASWF). The two companies have signed a contract for the design, engineering, installation, and integration of all electrical systems, including power distribution and lighting installations of the four new frigates being built for the Netherlands and Belgium.

The hulls will be built in Romania and then come to Vlissingen for further completion. Damen Naval is expected to deliver the first ship in 2028.