Tehnici, tehnologii si utilaje pentru infrastructura feroviara

Started by TibiV, June 07, 2022, 06:57:29 PM

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Poate ar fi bine sa avem un astfel de topic.

Eu m-am "ingalbenit" de invidie cand am vazut urmatorul video:

Full Renovation of Old Railway From Scratch
Mama proștilor este mereu gravidă... :)


Pandrol Fastclip Baseplate Installation: Madrid to Galicia

A fastening assembly which provides a captive Pandrol Fastclip rail fastening system mainly for ballastless track applications.

The baseplate offers a very large range of both vertical and lateral adjustment in a configuration where these adjustments can be made very quickly and easily and with a minimum of additional components required.

The Pandrol Fastclip Baseplate is designed for use on either pre-cast concrete elements, direct pour concrete construction or steel structures.

The system is designed for efficient installation and maintenance to offer railway operators maximised rail infrastructure 'up-time'.

Technical Features:
- Can be supplied as pre-assembled units with the clips in the parked position;
- Provides lateral adjustments in the range of +/-12 mm per assembly (or +/-24 mm on track gauge);
- Provides vertical adjustment up to +70 mm, by means of fitting shims underneath the assembly;
- Developed to provide a stiffness characteristic that results in low rolling noise;
- Available in low toe load or zero longitudinal restraint (ZLR) configurations. These are for use on bridge and viaduct structures.

- Designed for high levels of mechanisation and automation through track installation and maintenance, delivering faster maintenance and high levels of adjustment;
- Lateral adjustments can be made quickly and easily. No components need to be exchanged and there is no need to disassemble the fastening system;
- There is no limit on the size of increment in which lateral adjustments can be made within the +/12 mm range. Absolute lateral position of the rails can be set at both the track build stage and also during track maintenance activities;
- Vertical adjustments can normally be made without the need to disassemble the fastening system fully. Loosening the anchors is sufficient to allow all but very large adjustments to be made simply;
- No parts need to be exchanged or added to make vertical adjustments, other than the correct shims and the need for longer bolts at large intervals within the 70mm vertical adjustment range.


Gândirea de grup presupune că valorile grupului nu sunt doar indicate, ci și corecte și bune.
Un pic de istorie 1, un pic de istorie 2, un pic de istorie 3, un pic de istorie 4, un pic de istorie 5, un pic de istorie 6, un pic de istorie 7, un pic de istorie 8, un pic de istorie 9, un pic de istorie 10 (Nou)


Da, Pandrol fastclip acesta a fost folosit pe Valea Prahovei. Nu vreti sa stiti care a fost raportul comisiei care a venit sa vada de ce tot apareau defectiuni.



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Pe scurt au gasit (destul de multe) travese ne-conforme, iar la montaj din lene sau nestiinta echipele CFR avariau nu doar clema pe care o inlocuiau ci si minim 2 (inainte si dupa cea la care lucrau). Era un PT pentru montaj care a fost comunicat de producator si de care doreii nostri nu tineau cont.

District EA

Tehnici, tehnologii si utilaje pentru infrastructura feroviara... pe timp de viscol în Bărăgan.


Am prins si eu unul din viscolele alea care vin la 10 ani. Aici ne-u dat jos catenara si fibra jos.