
Ultima frontieră => Omenirea în spațiu => Topic started by: Ionut on September 19, 2011, 01:32:57 PM

Title: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on September 19, 2011, 01:32:57 PM
QuoteThe next chapter in space transportation is being written right now in the State of New Mexico. Forward-thinking pioneers are developing both vertical and horizontal launch vehicles using the power of free-market enterprise.

As the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport, Spaceport America is designed with the needs of the commercial space business in mind. Unique geographic benefits, striking iconic design, and the tradition of New Mexico space leadership are coming together to create a new way to travel into space.

sursa: Spaceport America (


QuotePrima fază a construcţiei primului aeroport spaţial comercial din lume, situat în New Mexico (SUA), este gata în proporţie de 90%, scrie Daily Mail. Aeroportul spaţial, care va servi drept punct de plecare şi sosire pentru aeronavele comerciale ale companiei Virgin Galactic, are o suprafaţă de 728 de hectare şi este cel mai ambiţios proiect al miliardarului Richard Branson, notează sursa.

sursa: Gandul (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on September 19, 2011, 01:38:53 PM
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on October 03, 2011, 04:34:53 PM
TSC FAITH Hangar Opening Ceremony
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on October 18, 2011, 01:42:18 PM
QuotePrimul spaţioport din lume şi-a deschis porţile

Miliardarul britanic Richard Branson, patronul companiei Virgin Galactic, a inaugurat, luni, în statul american New Mexico, Spaceport America, primul aeroport spaţial din lume, de unde vor decola, începând din 2012-2013, primele navete cu turişti spaţiali.

sursa: Mediafax (

Bonus :)
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: bogdymol on October 19, 2011, 08:17:15 PM
Deocamdata e foarte scump un bilet, dar sa speram ca peste cativa ani sa devina mai accesibil pentru toata lumea :)
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on November 01, 2011, 02:47:20 PM
Ne apropiem...
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on November 06, 2011, 03:46:03 PM
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on August 21, 2012, 06:48:36 AM
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on May 10, 2013, 11:12:41 AM
Just kickass.
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: sebba on May 10, 2013, 02:05:18 PM
mama ce fum i-a dat la pornire, asta e clar diesel non-euro!
cat o fi timbrul de mediu? :D
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on May 10, 2013, 09:28:45 PM
Sa stii ca si eu m-am minunat, acel fum arata de parca arde ulei... Oricum, tot badass. :D
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on June 16, 2013, 07:26:25 AM
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on September 11, 2013, 08:33:37 AM
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: iuli on October 19, 2013, 12:52:28 AM
Virgin Galactic hopes its spacecrafts might someday be used for superfast flights across Earth

QuoteVirgin Galactic may be closing in on launching its first-ever commercial space flight, but the company is also thinking about how its technology can help improve travel on Earth, as well. Speaking at the Wired 2013 event in London, Virgin Galactic's commercial director Stephen Attenborough hinted that his company's spaceplans might be the basis for long haul aviation across the planet someday. "If we can get this first step right, take people into space and keep them safe in commercially viable aircraft," Attenborough said, Virgin might be able to "push long haul aviation." The bottom line could be flights between London and Australia in as little as 2.5 hours — and Attenborough said that such a flight would be better for the environment, since emissions would be released outside of the Earth's atmosphere rather than within it.

There's no timeline for when this might happen, unfortunately, but Attenborough did give a preview of what a typicalVirgin Galactic space flight would be like. It starts with six passengers strapped into Spaceship Two — which itself is attached to a larger "carrier aircraft." After ascending to about 50,000 feet (the same cruising altitude of the Concorde), the spaceship is released. Following a countdown, its rockets fire, and Spaceship Two hits the speed of sound within six seconds. It's an event that sounds like the most dramatic part of the flight, but it'll end abruptly as the ship cuts its engines and hits zero-gravity.

"Just when you are getting used to the noise, vibration, g-forces, the sheer — I was going to say terror — the sheer thrill of it all, then they cut the rocket motors out," said Attenborough. "So you suddenly weigh nothing at all. There's no point being in zero gravity if you are just going to be strapped to a chair." Passengers will only get a few minutes of floating in zero gravity, but it'll likely be one of the most memorable experiences of the flight. "Everything that dictates the way we live will be gone," said Attenborough. Whether or not that's worth the $250,000 price to reserve a seat on Spaceship Two will be up to you to decide.

sursa (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: bogdymol on November 21, 2013, 11:13:48 PM

Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on November 22, 2013, 06:10:41 AM
^ Gasiti multe poze aici:
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on January 20, 2014, 03:48:40 PM
Ce au facut baietii in 2013:

Si o prospatura:
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: iuli on June 22, 2014, 10:06:51 PM
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: dr4qul4 on October 31, 2014, 10:42:40 PM

NASOL!!!!  ne intoarce 10 ani in trecut o asemenea ratare!!! (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on November 01, 2014, 07:34:06 AM
Oh crap. :(
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: l3x on November 01, 2014, 01:22:03 PM
O saptamana neagra pentru industria spatiala privata.

Acum cateva zile a explodat o racheta Antares, acum s-a dus pe copca si Virgin Galactic.

Nasol, am ramas cu SpaceX, sper sa n-o dea si astia in plop ...
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Tavi on November 03, 2014, 11:03:25 PM
Parca am vazut un articol in care se spunea ca au fost vazute doua parasute. Pana la urma ... n-au reusit?  :(
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: igorashu on November 04, 2014, 02:01:38 PM
Copilotul a murit, pilotul s-a catapultat, dar e în stare gravă.

Oricum e urâtă treaba - se pare că au folosit un combustibil nou (poliamidă + NOX) care în testele de la sol a bubuit. Pe lângă asta, aripile care ar fi trebuit să încetinească nava au fost activate prea devreme (de către copilot) și asta a forțat dezintegrarea. Bârfele spun și că s-au sărit niște etape de siguranță.
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: l3x on November 05, 2014, 11:30:43 AM
Din primele cercetari nu rezulta ca a fost o problema de combustibil si/sau motor.

Unul dintre cei doi a activat sistemul respectiv (aripile) mai devreme decat trebuie. Atentie, activarea sistemului nu e acelasi lucru cu modificarea pozitiei aripilor. Se pare ca aripile s-au mutat in pozitia gresita fara sa fi primit comanda. La cateva secunde dupa, nava s-a dezintegrat in zbor.

Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: iuli on February 23, 2016, 12:52:52 PM
Second SpaceShipTwo spaceplane unveiled

Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on December 15, 2018, 08:27:21 AM
Au revenit in spatiu cu SpaceShipTwo. :)

Video pe Facebook (

Detalii pentru pasionati pe (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on December 30, 2018, 09:25:51 AM
^ Si un video ceva mai amplu cu acest milestone.
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on February 22, 2019, 08:38:09 AM
Take a look at the flight path our SpaceShipTwo will take during our fifth supersonic powered test flight. Our flight window remains open and the weather is looking good for tomorrow. More info on our flight test program can be found here


VirginGalactic (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: cristi5 on February 22, 2019, 09:30:24 PM
A fost recent la "dezastre in aer" pe NGC un episod despre dezmembrarea in zbor a vehiculului Virgin Galactic.
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on February 23, 2019, 06:58:24 AM
Au reusit, au zburat din nou in spatiu (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: SB76UFO on May 25, 2020, 10:25:39 PM
OFF she goes! Virgin Orbit's Boeing 747 (N744VG) is airborne for the first orbital launch demo of the LauncherOne rocket.

"After taking off from Mojave, Cosmic Girl will fly due southwest to our drop point just south of the Channel Islands. Once we reach the drop point, we'll enter into a loop that we call the "racetrack" as we wait for final go/no-gos.

Last summer, we completed a beautiful drop test over Edwards AFB, which allowed us to collect really valuable aerodynamics data but also verified the release mechanism of our pylon."


Sursa (
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Anca_Emanuel on May 27, 2020, 12:18:45 PM
Nu au reușit să atingă orbita:
Title: Re: Spaceport America | Virgin Galactic | Virgin Orbit
Post by: Ionut on May 27, 2020, 12:34:17 PM
Care orbita? Li s-a fasait motorul după vreo 4-5 secunde.